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Consumer Information Center |
Electronic Publications These electronic publications provide access to a wide variety of consumer related information. Cars - Computers - Education - Employment - Family - Federal Programs - Food Health - Housing - Money - Small Business - Travel - And more... |
Cars |
Air Bags & On-Off
Switches - Discusses when using air bags is unsafe and specific steps to
take to reduce the risk. Describes on-off switches and who should consider installing them. Includes the required form
to request an on-off switch. |
Automotive & Home Inspection and Safety
Guide - Comprehensive safety checklists for your car and home. Includes
helpful tips and where to call for more safety and other consumer information. |
Buying a Used Car -
Discusses your limited rights when buying from a dealer or private
owner. |
Child Transportation Safety
Tips - This illustrated guide provides nine tips on how to protect your baby,
what type of safety seat to use, how to secure a safety seat, and air bag safety. |
Collecting Used Oil for
Recycling/Reuse - Contains tips on changing your own motor oil and
explains why recycling oil helps the environment and saves energy. |
Consumer Tire Guide -
Learn how to check for proper air pressure and signs of uneven wear; how and why to rotate
your tires; special care in cold weather, and more. |
Cost of Owning & Operating Autos, Vans &
Light Trucks - Tables show depreciation, maintenance, gas, insurance,
taxes, and more - based on 1991 prices. |
Gas-Saving Products: Fact or
Fuelishness? - Avoid fraudulent "gas-saving" advertising claims and get
better gas mileage. |
Keys to Vehicle
Leasing - Learn the difference between leasing and buying a car. Explains
required information on a lease agreement, as well as your rights and responsibilities. |
Primer On Gasoline
Prices - How prices are determined, what causes them to fluctuate, and
why they differ according to region. |
Underhood Tips to Help You Keep Your
Cool - Your vehicle's air conditioning system probably contains Freon, which
is no longer produced. Here are tips on how to maintain your a/c system and what to consider to convert your system
to a non-Freon alternative. |
Go to Top of page |
Computers |
Dot Cons - Find out about the top ten online scams, how you can protect yourself, and tips for surfing the Internet
without getting swindled. |
Internet Fraud: How to Avoid Internet Investment
Scams - Questions to ask about online investment opportunities, tips on the
warning signs of fraud, and what to do if you run into problems. |
Making the Connection: How to Go
Online - Explains how to get online and choose the best Internet service
provider. |
You've Got Spam: How to
"Can" Unwanted E-mail - Find out how marketers get your e-mail address,
how to reduce the amount of spam you receive, what to do with the spam in your inbox, and how to avoid
scams. |
Go to Top of page |
Education |
All About Direct Loans -
Discusses four types of direct student education loans, how much you can borrow, how to
apply, how you'll be paid, repayment, and more. |
Learning Partners -
Activities to help your child learn reading, math, science, history, writing, and
more. |
Education: Alternative Ways to Earn Your Credentials - Get high school or
college credit through the GED program, the National External Diploma program, correspondence and distance study,
and standardized tests. |
Preparing Your Child for College:
Resource Book for Parents - work sheets and checklists to help plan for
college academically and financially. |
Go to Top of page |
Employment |
Business and Managerial
Occupations - Managing a business is a demanding job, but it can have
many rewards. Learn more about the many exciting and challenging opportunities in business and management with
this guide. |
Careers: Conserving the Nature
of America - |
Changing Your
Job - Find out if your current job is right for you, what to do when you look
for a new job, and what happens to your benefits when you change jobs. |
College Graduates: Degrees, Earnings
and Outlook - Graduating from college can be a time of great uncertainty.
Learn about what will be waiting for you with this informative booklet. |
Computer and Mathematics-Related
Occupations - When you hear Java, do you think computers before coffee?
If you see the world through a computer monitor or mathematical equations, this booklet can help you find the right
career in the computer and math fields. |
Help Wanted--Finding a
Job - Describes both private companies and government agencies that offer
help in finding a job. Lists precautions to take when contacting an employment service
firm. |
OSHA: Employee Workplace
Rights - What to do if you question the safety of, or hazards in your
workplace. Lists addresses and phone numbers for more information. |
Sales Occupations
- If you're interested in going into sales, this guide will help. It offers information on different
types of sales positions and gives details on each specific position. |
Jobs - Discusses changes and trends in the economy, labor force,
occupational growth, education and training requirements, and more. |
Schemes - Covers classic schemes, must-ask questions, and where to
complain. |
Go to Top of page |
Family |
Aging--Parents and Adult
Children Together - Here are the facts and resources on 10 important
eldercare issues, including protecting seniors against fraud, health and money management services, long-term care
insurance, and more. |
Breast Milk or Formula: Making the Right
Choice - Every parent wants to give their newborn baby the best. But which
is best for your baby: breast milk or formula? Use this booklet to learn the facts about breast-feeding and its
benefits. |
C Esta enfermo uno desus hijos?
(This is the Spanish language version of Got a Sick Kid?) - Siga estos
consejos cuando esté dando medicamentos a sus hijos, y haga uso del itinerario recomendado de vacunas para
protegerlos contra 12 enfermedades infantiles graves. |
Caring for an Aging Loved
One - |
Childproofing Your
Home - Use this guide to learn about 12 safety devices for your home and
how they can protect your child. |
Danger in the
Home - Use this handy checklist to detect potential hazards to children and
how to make your home a safer place. |
Grandparents' Guide to Family Nurturing
and Safety - Practical grandparenting tips from Dr. T. Berry Brazelton.
Includes a pullout safety checklist for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. |
Growing Up Drug Free -
Outlines what parents should know and can do to prevent or stop drug abuse, including alcohol
and tobacco, at each age level. |
Help Your Child Improve in Test-
Taking - Simple techniques to help children at all grade levels avoid "test
anxiety" and prepare for various types of tests. |
Help Yourself to a Healthy Home:
Protect Your Children's Health - Find out about potentially harmful products
and how to make your home a healthier place. |
Helping Your Child Become a
Reader - Help children gain the skills they need to become good readers.
Here are ways to turn everyday activities into learning experiences for infants to 6-year old
children. |
Helping Your Child Learn
Geography - Teach 5-10 year old children geography in ways that are
challenging and fun. |
Helping Your Child Succeed in
School - 15 fun activities to do with your children (ages 5-11) to help expand
their imagination, obey, organize, help others, and much more. |
Home Playground Safety
Checklist - Use this handy checklist to make sure your home playground is
safe for your kids. |
How to Give Medicine to
Children - You’ve tried everything from being an airplane to a choo-choo
train--and nothing works. Here’s some help. Learn about avoiding drug interactions, measuring correct doses and
more. |
How to Make Adoption an Affordable
Option - Explains the adoption process, myths, state laws, terminology,
time frames, expenses, and more. Includes a resource guide and checklist. |
Kids Aren't Just Small
Adults - Important information about giving nonprescription medicine to your
child. |
Kids' Vaccinations Get a Little
Easier - Some vaccinations are now combined to make immunization faster,
easier, and for kids, a little more bearable Learn what they are and how they work to keep your child healthy Includes a
vaccination schedule. |
Learning Activities for the Growth
Season - A 7-week schedule listing daily, fun learning activities for
elementary age children. Poster. |
Learning Disabilities -
Explains the differences between learning problems and disabilities. Chart shows language and
reasoning skills to watch for at different ages and more. |
Mr. Plug's Fun Book, Kindergarten through
Third Grade - Fun-filled coloring book with activities and games to help
teach children about electrical safety. |
Mr. Plug's Fun Book, Pre-
Kindergarten - Coloring activity book geared towards preschoolers to teach
them about electrical safety. |
Museums and Learning: A Guide for
Family Visits - How to make museum visits enjoyable learning experiences
for your 4-12 year olds. Includes activities for children and families to do before, during, and after the
visit. |
Planning For Your Special Needs
Child - Learn about setting up a legal guardian and planning for your child’s
financial, medical, and educational needs. |
Protecting Your Child -
It’s a parent’s worst nightmare--a child lost or missing. Use this guide to teach your children
about avoiding potential harm in person and in cyberspace. |
Your Child's First Day At
School - Tips on how to prepare your child for preschool or kindergarten,
with a checklist to help determine if your child is ready to start. |
Your Family Disaster Supply
Kit - Lists kinds of food, first aid supplies, tools, and other items you should
stock for an emergency. |
Go to Top of page |
Federal Programs |
Security - Explains the facts about social security
benefits. |
Choosing a Doctor: A Guide for
People With Medicare - Useful information to find the right doctor, with
worksheets, questions to ask, and more. |
Choosing Treatments: A
Guide for People With Medicare - Provides advice and worksheets to help
you work with your doctor to develop the best treatment plan for any health problem. |
Future of Social
Security - Find out more about today’s Social Security system so you can
help shape the system of tomorrow. |
How You Can Buy Used Federal
Personal Property - Describes used equipment and industrial items sold by
the government, how they are sold, and where to call for more information. |
It's Your Drinking Water: Get
to Know it and Protect it! - You have a right to know what's in your drinking
water and a role to play in your water's protection. Learn how you can become informed and
involved. |
Medicare & You 2005 -
Here are detailed facts about your Medicare benefits and the health plan options available to
you. Includes a telephone directory of contacts and a worksheet for comparing Medicare health
plans. |
Medicare and Other Health Benefits:
Your Guide to Who Pays First - Determine whether Medicare or your other
insurance pays first when you receive health care. |
Medicare Questions and
Answers - Need to learn more about your Medicare benefits? This guide
provides information in an easy-to- understand question and answer format, including definitions of important
terms. |
Worksheet for Comparing Medicare Health Plans - Check off these easy-to-
follow points to find the best health plan for your needs. |
Selective Service System:
Information for Registrants - Explains responsibilities, rights and obligations,
induction, claims, and the appeals process. |
Social Security: Basic
Facts - Describes the different kinds of Social Security benefits, who
receives them, and how they're financed. |
Social Security: What Every
Woman Should Know - Discusses how a woman's benefits may be affected
by disability, divorce, widowhood, retirement, or other special circumstances. |
Time to Register: Selective
Service & You - Covers who must register, when, where, and
how. |
U.S. Government 2001-2003 TTY
Directory - How to use the Federal Relay Service, with a listing of federal
agencies and Congressional offices with text telephone (TTY) devices. |
Go to Top of page |
Food |
Action Guide for Healthy
Eating - Easy ways to include more low fat, high-fiber foods in your
diet. |
Are Bioengineered Foods
Safe? - Get the facts on what bioengineering is, how it affects humans, and
what the FDA is doing to regulate the industry. |
Bulking Up Fiber's Healthful
Reputation - Create your own high fiber diet and help reduce your risk of
certain cancers, digestive disorders, and other ailments. |
Consumer's Guide to Fats
- Learn about the different kinds and what effect they have on your cholesterol
level. |
Critical Steps Toward Safer
Seafood - Discusses how the FDA helps keep seafood safe and gives tips
on safe food handling practices and selecting wholesome seafood. |
Finding Your Way to a
Heathier You - Use the new 2005 dietary guidelines to help make smart
food choices, get physically active, and learn more about good nutrition. |
Fruits & Vegetables: Eating Your Way
to 5 A Day - Eating fruits and vegetables can reduce the risk of heart
disease and cancer. Gives ideas to help you meet the 5 A Day goal. |
Irradiation: A Safe Measure for Safer
Food - Learn how irradiation helps control foodborne illnesses without
making food radioactive. |
Listeriosis and Food Safety
Tips - Eating foods with the listeria bacteria can seriously affect pregnant
women, newborns, and older adults. Learn about this illness, its symptoms, and how you can prevent
it. |
Pesticides and Food: What You and
Your Family Need to Know - Certain levels of exposure to pesticides can
cause health problems, especially in infants and children. Here is the information you need to keep you and your family
safe. |
Pinch of Controversy Shakes Up Dietary
Salt - Discusses the effects of hidden salt in your diet and gives tips on
reducing salt intake to prevent the risk of high blood pressure. |
Safer Eggs: Laying the
Groundwork - Discusses the benefits of eggs as well as new farm-to-table
safety measures. |
Sugar Substitutes: Americans Opt for
Sweetness and Lite - A sweet tooth can sabotage your effort to cut calories.
Use this guide to find out how low-calorie sugar substitutes can fit into your diet. |
To Your Health! Food Safety for
Seniors - Covers the basic rules of safe food preparation, including a list of
foods not recommended for those over 65. |
Where Do Your Favorite Foods
Fit? - How to follow the Food Guide Pyramid and fit the foods you like to
eat--such as pizza, fast foods, and mixed dishes--into a healthy diet. |
Go to Top of page |
Health |
Alzheimer's Disease -
is a group of diseases that lead to the loss of mental and physical functions. Learn how
Alzheimer's is diagnosed, possible causes, and current treatments. |
An Aspirin a Day...Just Another
Cliche? - Read about the benefits of aspirin in preventing cardiovascular
disease and if taking it is right for you. |
Anxiety Disorders -
Lists treatments available and resources to contact for more information on panic phobias,
stress, obsessive-compulsive, and other disorders. |
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder - Discusses symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatments of this
disorder which affects many children and young people. |
Basik Lasik - Find out about Lasik eye surgery, who is a good candidate, possible risks and complications, and
more. |
Being A Blood
Donor - Explains who can donate, the screening processes for both donors
and the blood supply, and the benefits of donating blood. |
Bipolar Disorder (Manic-Depressive
Illness) - Learn signs and symptoms, available treatments, and how to get
help. |
Breast Cancer: Better
Treatments Save More Lives - Find out about improved diagnostic
techniques, the stages of breast cancer, and new treatments and drugs that are
available. |
Buying Medicine? Help Protect
Yourself Against Tampering - |
Colds & Flu - This useful guide discusses cold and flu symptoms, how to treat them, and what you can do to avoid
getting sick. |
Controlling Asthma -
Discusses what triggers an asthma attack, possible causes, and medications to prevent
attacks and help relieve symptoms. |
Coping with Arthritis in Its Many
Forms - Describes symptoms and treatments for the 7 most common types
of arthritis, and how to avoid being a target for fraudulent "cures." |
Diabetes Demands a Triad of
Treatments - This pamphlet explores the different treatments for diabetes
and how they can improve diabetics' lives. |
Dieter's Brews Make Tea Time a Dangerous
Affair - Many dieter's teas contain stimulant laxatives, which can cause
serious side effects. Learn how to check labels and recognize dangerous symptoms. |
Directory of Mental Health
Resources - |
Do You Know the Health Risks
of Being Overweight? - Being overweight increases your chances of
developing serious health problems, like heart disease, diabetes, or cancer. This guide can help you lose weight safely
and develop a healthier lifestyle. |
Exercise and Your
Heart - Learn how to start a new exercise program, how to pace yourself,
and effective ways to avoid injuries. |
FDA Sets Higher Standards
For Mammography - This guide gives you the facts on mammography
facility standards and how to find a certified facility. |
Full-Body CT
Scans - Basic facts and points to consider when deciding to have a whole
body CT screening exam, either for diagnostic or preventive measures. |
Getting Information From
FDA - Learn more about the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), what it
does, and what information it can give you. |
Getting Rid of Yeast
Infections - There are a variety of drugs available to fight yeast infections.
Learn more about this condition. |
Getting Treatment for Panic
Disorder - Do you have episodes of intense, disabling fear? Learn when you
need help and what treatment options are available. |
Guide to Contraceptive
Choices - Compares 13 methods of birth control according to effectiveness,
health risks, availability, convenience, and how well they protect you from sexually transmitted
diseases. |
Guide to Health
Insurance - Get answers to the most frequently asked questions and
compare services and costs using the checklist in this guide. |
Healthy Heart Handbook for
Women - Information on the seven major risk factors for heart disease and
six self-help strategies to beat it. Includes a food guide, recipes, and a resouce list. |
Homeopathy: Real Medicine or Empty
Promises? - Learn about this method of treating disease, including its
history, current practices, and how it's regulated. |
How Folate Can Help Prevent Birth
Defects - When and how to get enough folic acid in your
diet. |
How to Spot Health Fraud
- That “miracle cure” could empty your pockets and harm your health. Here's useful tips on
how to read labels and spot warning signs. |
It's Quittin' Time -
Describes the benefits and side effects of five stop-smoking aids: the anti-smoking pill, nasal
spray, inhaler, nicotine patch and gum. Gives suggestions on creating a plan to stop smoking and
more. |
Keep Active -
How older people can use exercise and sports to help lower the risk of common diseases,
relieve arthritis pain, and recover faster from illness. Includes an activity log to track progress and lists tips to prevent
injury. |
Laser Eye Surgery: Is It Worth
Looking Into? - Can the new surgical techniques get rid of your glasses and
contacts forever? Find out if you're a good candidate and what risks are involved. |
Making It Easier to Read
Prescriptions - Gives an example of a typical prescription and a list of what
common symbols and terms mean so you can ensure you get what you expect. |
Medications and Older
People - Learn how to prevent dangerous drug combinations, make taking
medications easier, and reduce their cost. |
Mental Health
Factsheets - |
New Drug Label Spells It Out
Simply - Do you find it hard to read what’s on the labels of over-the-counter
medicines? That's about to change. Read the sample new label and see the difference. |
New Hope For People With Sickle Cell
Anemia - Sickle cell anemia is a painful disease. But there may be a new
hope for treating this disease--a new drug called Hydroxyurea. Find out more about this new drug and how its
used. |
New Vaccine Targets Lyme
Disease - Food and Drug Administration licensed the first vaccine to help
prevent Lyme disease, a bacterial infection transmitted by tick bites. |
New Ways to Prevent and Treat
AIDS - Describes new home-use testing kits, drug treatments, and other
advances in fighting AIDS. |
Osteoporosis: Are You At
Risk? - |
Ovarian Cancer -
Discusses the risk factors for ovarian cancer, how it is diagnosed, treatment options, and
more. |
Over 65 & Feeling
Depressed - Provides a checklist to identify symptoms of depression and
explains causes and treatment for clinical depression. |
Overcoming Infertility -
Discusses what a couple can do to help conceive a child. Includes information on medications,
surgery, and other medical procedures. |
Panic Disorder - What to do when anxiety or sudden fear seems too much to handle. Lists symptoms, treatments, and
where to get help. |
Personal Emergency Response
Systems - Explains how different systems summon help. Includes a helpful
checklist and must-ask questions. |
Progress in Blood Supply
Safety - Discusses how the blood industry is regulated, and the test now
performed on all donated blood. |
Prostate Cancer -
...is the second most common cancer in men. Learn how it is detected, what treatments are
available, and where to get more information. |
Prostate Cancer: No One
Answer for Testing or Treatment - How prostate cancer is detected, what
the stages are, and what you need to know to choose the best treatment option. |
Questions to Ask Your Doctor Before You
Have Surgery - Use this booklet to become a better informed and prepared
patient. |
Questions to Ask Your
Pharmacist - Your pharmacist knows a lot about your medications and can
alert you to any dangerous drug interactions. Learn what to ask and more. |
Setting Goals for Weight
Loss - Maintaining a healthy weight has many benefits, but it’s difficult to
lose weight if your goals are unrealistic. Check out the Body Mass Index (BMI). |
Seven Steps to Safer
Sunning - When it's warm outside, everyone's thoughts turn to lemonade,
the beach, and summer tans. But tanning can damage your skin. Learn how to protect your skin and still enjoy the sun
with this guide. |
Should You Go on a Diet? -
Discusses the risks of fad diets and diet pills for teenagers, and gives healthy tips for anyone
trying to lose weight. |
So You Have High Blood
Cholesterol - Here are the facts about high cholesterol and what you can do
to lower yours. |
Sun, UV, and You -
Explains what the UV (ultraviolet radiation) index is and how you can use it to avoid skin
cancer, premature aging of the skin, and more. |
Surgeon General's Report on
Mental Health: Executive Summary - |
Taking Charge of
Menopause - Learn about menopause, its symptoms, and health risks
associated with it. |
Taming Tummy
Turmoil - Describes over-the-counter medications (and their possible side
effects) for motion sickness, heartburn, indigestion, and overindulgence. |
The New OTC Medicine
Label - All over-the-counter medicines now carry usage and warning labels.
Learn what's important--for your health's sake. |
Time to Spring Into Action
Against Seasonal Allergies - Explains how to treat chronic allergies,
including medications, nasal sprays, and allergy shots. Covers common FAQs regarding over-the-counter
medications. |
To Be Or Not To Be--On Hormone Replacement
Therapy - Compares the benefits, side effects, and long-term health effects
of hormone replacement therapy. |
Understanding Acute Low Back
Problems - Learn what causes them, the most effective treatments, how to
minimize future problems, and more. |
Understanding Prostate Changes: A
Health Guide for All Men - Learn about prostate enlargement and prostate
cancer, including screening and treatment. |
Unproven Medical Treatments Lure
Elderly - Americans spend nearly $20 billion each year on unproven medical
treatments. Learn why these can be dangerous and how to avoid fraud. |
Vision Correction
Procedures - Discusses the latest surgical and non-surgical procedures to
correct nearsightedness and how to properly evaluate the claims of each procedure. |
Vision Correction: Taking a Look at
What's New - Use this guide to learn about the latest developments in laser
and non–laser eye surgery, contact lenses, and eyeglasses. |
Ways to Win At Weight
Loss - Tips on how to create a successful weight loss plan, including over-
the-counter medications, prescription drugs, and diet and exercise programs. |
Weight Loss: Finding a Weight Loss
Program that Works for You - Tips on comparing different weight loss
programs and using the Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator to determine your BMI and set your weight
goal. |
Go to Top of page |
Housing |
Automatic and Programmable
Thermostats - How to choose which of the five basic types is best for your
home and will help you save the most money and energy. |
Backyard Bird Problems -
How to control common problems such as destruction of garden plants, nesting in gutters and
chimneys, and damage to your home's exterior. |
Buying Your Home: Settlement Costs
and Helpful Information - Describes the home buying, financing, and
settlement (closing) process. Also gives tips on shopping for a loan. |
Consumer Guide for a Fire Safe
Home - A comprehensive guide to fire safe building products, renovating
supplies and furnishings. |
Consumer Handbook On
Adjustable Rate Mortgages - Basic features, advantages, risks, and
terminology associated with adjustable rate mortgages. Explains how ARM's work, how to reduce your risk, and more.
Includes a table for comparing mortgages. |
Consumer's Guide to Mortgage Lock-
Ins - Basic information to help you obtain the terms of credit you really
want. Lists questions to ask when shopping for a mortgage. |
Consumer's Guide to Mortgage
Refinancings - Will refinancing be beneficial to you? Learn the costs and
how to tell if the time is right. |
Energy Efficient Mortgage Home
Owner Guide - If you're buying, refinancing, or remodeling, save money with
a mortgage that covers energy-saving repairs. |
Windows - Describes how to reduce your home's heating, cooling, and
lighting costs using properly selected and installed windows. |
Fixing Up Your Home and How to
Finance It - Information about hiring a contractor, doing the work yourself,
and the HUD Title 1 home improvement loan program. |
High-Cost "Predatory" Home Loans:
How to Avoid the Traps - You can protect yourself by knowing the warning
signs of predatory loan practices, questions to ask before signing a contract, and where to turn for
help. |
Home Buyer's and Seller's Guide to
Radon - Learn about testing options and what to do before buying or selling
a home. |
Home Buyer's
Vocabulary - Defines common words and terms used in the real estate
world. Especially useful for the first time buyer. |
Home Electrical Safety
Check - Lists symptoms of potential electrical hazards, discusses do's and
don'ts, and poses questions to help you keep your home safe. |
Improvement - Helpful advice on when home improvements pay off, how to
select different home improvement specialist, and comparing financing options. |
Home Inspection & You
- 11 questions with answers about how and why to get a professional home inspection before
you buy or sell. |
Homeowner's Glossary of Building
Terms - Taking on a home improvement project can open a whole new world
of terms you may not know. Here's a quick reference to help you keep up with the language of the
trade. |
How to Recognize Hazardous Defects in
Trees - Learn how to inspect your trees, what defects to look for, and how to
correct problems. |
Improving the Efficiency of Your Duct
System - Fix potential problems that can affect your family's health and
comfort and cost you money. |
Indoor Air Hazards Every
Homeowner Should Know About - Get rid of molds, carbon monoxide,
radon, asbestos, lead, tobacco smoke, and other pollutants. |
Inside Story: A Guide to Indoor Air
Quality - Household products, building materials, pets, heating systems,
and more can affect your health Learn how and what to do about them. |
Keeping Your Home
Safe - Use the crime-stoppers' checklist and other practical tips to protect
your home from fire and theft. |
Making Your Home Safe from
Fire and Carbon Monoxide - Prevent fires, protect yourself with smoke
detectors and fire extinguishers, keep carbon monoxide out of your home, and develop an emergency home escape
plan for your family. |
Managing the Japanese Beetle:
A Homeowner's Handbook - Discusses how to detect and control Japanese
beetles, and choose plants that resist Japanese beetle feeding. |
Pesticides in Drinking-Water
Wells - Learn how to test water from your private or community well and
what to do if it's unsafe. |
Power$mart: Easy Tips to Save Money and the
Planet - Get tips on making your home more comfortable while reducing
your monthly energy bill. |
Protect Your Family From Lead In Your
Home - Exposure to lead is dangerous, especially to young children. Learn
how to check your home for signs of lead. |
Rehab a Home With HUD's
203(k) - Learn how you can get a long-term mortgage that includes the
costs of reconstructing, modernizing and eliminating health and safety hazards in your home. Find out what properties
are eligible, what improvements are covered, and how to apply. |
Renting An
Apartment - Advice about renting an apartment: where to look for, how
much you should spend, location checklist, and much more. |
Repairing Your Flooded
Home - Step-by-step advice on cleaning up and repairing your home and its
contents after a flood and how to protect your home in the future. |
Saving With Energy
Star - How to choose products with the Energy Star label to help save
energy, help the environment, and reduce the costs of utility bills. |
Selling A Home -
Gives practical tips on how to prepare your house for sale, how to choose an agent, setting a
fair price, where to get legal help, and tax implications. |
Should You Have Your Air Ducts in Your
Home Cleaned? - Tips on deciding if your ducts need cleaning, choosing a
cleaning service, evaluating health claims, and keeping ducts clean. |
Weather Patterns Are
Changing, and So Are Your Chances of Being Flooded - In recent years, 2
out of every 3 U.S. natural disasters were flood related. Learn how to obtain the flood insurance you should
have. |
Weathering the High Cost of
Heating Your Home - Evaluate your heating system's energy efficiency, buy
energy-efficient appliances, and get the best prices on heating oil. |
When Your Home Is On the Line:
What You Should Know About Home Equity Lines of Credit - Here are
questions, terms, tips, a checklist, and more to find the plan that meets your needs and protects your
interest. |
Your Home Fire Safety
Checklist - How to reduce the risks of fire, where the "hot" spots are, and
what to do if fire occurs. |
Go to Top of page |
Money |
At-Home Shopping
Rights - How to deal with late deliveries, unordered merchandise, billing
errors and much more when making purchases by mail or phone order. |
Bankruptcy -
Explains what bankruptcy is, lists the different types, and what the differences mean to you in
the short and long term. |
Being an Executor -
Explains what an executor is and does in order to settle an estate. Lists resources for more
help if you are named an executor. |
Being Sued -
Describes what happens when you're sued; when to consider hiring a lawyer; and options for
avoiding litigation. |
Build Wealth Not
Debt - Join the American Saver program--learn five key savings strategies
and receive a free quarterly savings newsletter. |
Buying Time: The Facts About Pre-Paid
Phone Cards - How to buy long distance telephone services in
advance. |
Choosing & Using Credit
Cards - Credit cards vary widely in their charges and how fees are
calculated. Learn how to compare costs for the best deal. |
Cold Calling - How can you stop sellers from calling, what are the signs of a scam or fraud, and who can you contact for
help? |
Consumer's Guide to Investing &
Collecting U.S. Currency - How to determine the value of a note and buy,
sell, handle, store, and ship currency. Special note on the risks of currency investing. |
Credit and Divorce -
Compares the benefits and disadvantages of individual, joint and "user" accounts. Steps to take
if you divorce or separate. |
Cuándo no es su cheque un
cheque? Intercambio electrónico de cheques - Los comerciantes
pueden ahora utilizar la información de sus cheques para retirar el dinero directamente de su cuenta bancaria. Aprenda
sobre las sus derechas cuando viene a la conversión electrónica del cheque y qué a hacer si usted tiene un
problema. |
Deposits &
Investments - …explains the differences between them, when your money is
and is not insured by the U.S. Government, and information about fees, guarantees, and
risks. |
Doing Your Taxes -
Explains what tax forms to use, how to fill them out, where to send your return, and how to get
free help. Lists the most common errors to watch for. |
Enjoying Retirement -
What you need to plan for and know about retirement, such as exercise, recreation, diet,
finances, and more. |
Fair Credit
Reporting - Learn what's in your credit report, how you can get a copy, and
more. |
Fair Debt Collection -
How and where to complain if you are harassed, threatened, or abused by debt
collectors. |
Federal Credit
Unions - How they work, what services are offered, and how to become a
member. |
Finding a Lost
Pension - Here’s how to find out if you have an unclaimed pension, where to
search, documents you’ll need, and what to do when you find your pension fund. |
Fiscal Fitness: Choosing a Credit
Counselor - Credit counselors offer a variety of services that can help you
put your financial life back in order. Use this guide to choose the credit counselor that is right for
you. |
From Here To
Security - Provides specific advice and actions to take for each of five
different steps to financial security - from setting goals and choosing investment products to checking your
progress. |
Getting Credit When You're Over
62 - Everybody needs credit, but it may be difficult to get as you get older,
especially if you have no personal credit history. Here are the facts on applying for credit, checking your credit history,
establishing a credit record, and what to do if you’re denied credit. |
Getting What You Pay For: Weights &
Measures Tips for Consumers - Get the best buys on items like gasoline,
groceries, and firewood sold by weights and measures. Tells who to contact with problems or
questions. |
Guía del consumidor sobre
Check 21 y cheques sustitutos - Una nueva ley, cheque 21, permite que los
bancos le envíen el "substitite comprueba" en lugar de sus cheques cancelados originales. Descubra las sus
derechas. |
How To Check Out Your Stockbroker
or Brokerage Firm/When Your Broker Calls, Take Notes! - Get your
stockbroker's history and background by requesting a Central Registration Depository report. Then follow the easy-to-
use worksheet to record conversations with your broker and keep track of recommendations you
receive. |
How to Dispute Credit Report
Errors - Gives tips on correcting errors, registering a dispute, and adding
information to your file. |
I Bonds Investor's Guide -
Follow this easy-to-read Q&A format to find out if I Bonds are a good way for you to save and
invest money. |
ID Theft: When Bad Things Happen to Your
Good Name - How to protect your personal information, what to do if you are
a victim, resources to contact, and more. |
Identity Crisis...What to Do If Your
Identity is Stolen - It sounds like something out of a spy movie--but it can
happen. Thieves can get your bank, credit, debit, charge, and Social Security card numbers. Find out how to protect
yourself. |
Identity Theft: Reduce
Your Risk - Explains identity theft, ways to protect yourself, and steps to
take if you become a victim. |
Invest Wisely - Basic tips to help you select a brokerage firm and representative, and make and monitor an investment Identifies
questions to ask and warning signs to look for to avoid problems. |
Investment Swindles: How They Work
and How to Avoid Them - Protect yourself against illegal, yet legitimate-
sounding, telemarketing and direct mail offers. |
IRS Audit - Explains what an audit is, and factors that may trigger one. Here's advice that includes how to appeal
the results. |
Keeping Family/Household
Records - Every family household has some important records. Learn what
to keep and how to safeguard your important documents. |
Lump Sum
Distribution - Before you take out the money built up in a pension plan,
consider the tax and investment benefits and risks of your options. |
Make the Smart
Exchange - Convert your paper Treasury Securities to "paper-less" book-
entry accounts and keep your holdings both safe and convenient. |
Making a Will - Explains why a will is important, how to prepare one, what to include, and how to keep it
current. |
Making Sense of Savings -
How to compare the various types of banking accounts available. Describes the different
services and fees, and gives questions to ask about interest rates and service charges. |
Managing Your Debts: How to
Regain Financial Health - Learn where to begin--what you can do for
yourself, how credit counseling can help, facts about bankruptcy, and more. |
Microcap Stock: A Guide for
Investors - Here are the details on these low-priced stocks issued by small
companies and how to protect yourself from fraud. |
Need a Loan? Think Twice About
Using Your Home as Collateral - Useful tips to help you protect your home
and equity when applying for a loan. |
Planning Financial
Security - Here’s a step-by-step guide to improving your financial future. It
features a worksheet to help track your spending, tips on creating a spending plan, and an investor’s
checklist. |
Predictable, Secure Pension for
Life - Describes traditional benefit pension plans, how they operate, and the
rights and options of workers covered by them. |
Pretexting: Your Personal
Information Revealed - Pretexting is when others get your personal
information under false pretenses. Find out how it happens, the laws against it, and how to protect
yourself. |
Protejase de los cargos por cheques
rebotados y sobregiros - Descubra cuánto saldo descubierto y honorarios
despedidos del cheque pueden costarle y aprender cómo evitar estos honorarios. |
Shop...The Card You Pick Can Save You
Money - Use the helpful chart of major credit card issuers to select the best
card for you by comparing annual percentage rates, fees, and other features. |
Shopping With Your ATM
Card - Describes the new and expanded ways you can use an ATM card.
Also provides safety precautions and a listing of ATM networks and affiliated shopping services by
state. |
Special Report: Are You Sure You're Fully
Insured? - Bank failures aren’t common--but if your banking institution
should fail, are your deposits protected? Here are the facts on FDIC insurance, tips for keeping your money safe, and
answers to common questions. |
Staying Independent: Planning for
Financial Independence in Later Life - Helps you evaluate your present
financial status and determine if changes are necessary. |
Tips You Can Bank
On - Strategies to help you get better banking services, protect your
investments, manage loans and credit card debt wisely, prevent fraud, and more. |
U.S. Savings Bonds -
Learn about the different types of bonds, federal and state tax benefits, and how to purchase
savings bonds online. |
Understanding Opportunities & Risks in
Futures Trading - Explains the commodities market, the risks involved, and
regulations governing it. |
Viatical Settlements -
Discusses various options for selling your life insurance policy if you have a terminal illness,
including lump sum payments, loans, and accelerated benefits. |
What Savvy Consumers Need to
Know About Debit Cards - Explains how debit cards work and what to do if
your debit card is lost or stolen. Includes 10 tips on how to protect your card and a special form to keep track of card
numbers. |
Your Credit Scores -
Your credit score is a number based on the information in your credit file that rates how much
of a risk you are. Learn why your credit score matters, what good and bad scores are, the elements of your FICO credit
score, and how you can raise your score. |
Your Insured Deposit - Explains what is protected and what isn't if your bank should fail, how much of your money is insured,
what types of accounts are covered, and more. |
Your Investments -
Consumer facts about investments that are not deposits and are not insured by the
Go to Top of page |
Small Business |
Americans with Disabilities Act: Guide
for Small Businesses - Discusses basic requirements businesses must
follow to ensure that facilities are accessible. Also includes toll-free sources for
assistance. |
Avoiding Office Supply
Scams - Learn the most common office scams and tips to avoid receiving
overpriced or unordered merchandise. |
Basic Facts About Registering a
Trademark - Defines trademarks and their functions Includes an application
form with instructions. |
Facts About...Starting a
Small Business - Explains how to create a business plan, research your
market, price your products and services, and raise money for your business. |
General Information Concerning
Patents - Learn about patent laws, application procedures, costs, and more
in this revision Includes application form with instructions. |
Invention Promotion Firms
- Questions to ask before you hire a company to help sell your product or service. Lists
common scams and warning signs of fraud. |
Q's & A's for Small Business
Employers - Use this guide to develop an effective safety and health
program, identify safety hazards, reduce injuries, and more. |
Reporting & Disclosure Guide
for Employee Benefit Plans - Lists various forms for pension and welfare
plans and tells when they must be filed with appropriate federal agencies. |
Running a Small
Business - Discusses sales and marketing, record keeping, finding
advisors, partners, personnel, patents, trademarks, copyrights, financial concerns and much
more. |
SBA Borrower's
Guide - Explains SBA's loan programs, including maximum loan amounts
available, interest rates, eligibility, etc. Includes a reference chart covering 10 loan programs and a loan repayment
guide. |
SBA Programs &
Services - Find out how the Small Business Administration can help you
start or expand a business. Describes SBA’s financial assistance programs, business development programs, and
more. |
Selling a Business -
How to fing a buyer, work with a broker, assess what your business is worth, handle your
customer list, and finance the sale. |
Starting a
Business - Questions to ask about yourself and your business plans before
you get started. Discusses financing, and explains the four types of business
ownership. |
Using Consumer Reports: What
Landlords Need to Know - Learn how to use consumer credit reports to
evaluate rental applications of prospective tenants and what you are legally required to
do. |
Using Credit Reports: What
Employers Need to Know - Explains the legal steps you must take when
using credit reports to hire or evaluate employees. |
Go to Top of page |
Travel |
Access Travel:
Airports - How to make travel easier for persons with disabilities. Lists
facilities and services at 553 airport terminals worldwide. |
Discover America: Listing of State Tourism
Offices of the U.S. - Use this list to order free vacation information including
maps, calendars of events, travel guides, and more. |
Facts About Federal Wildlife
Laws - Learn which animals and animal products can be imported to the
U.S. and how to avoid customs delays. |
Fly Smart - Gives more than 30 steps you can take to help make your flight a safe
one. |
Passports &
Customs - Explains how to apply for a passport and provides useful
customs advice for returning U.S. residents. |
Personal Security for the American
Business Traveler Overseas - It is important to be alert and aware of the
customs, laws and possible dangers. Use these helpful tips to protect yourself abroad. |
Stars in Your Eyes: A Guide to the Northern
Skies - |
Travel Tips for Older
Americans - This booklet provides advice to help you plan a safe and
healthy trip and to make your trip the exciting, memorable event it should be. |
Using Credit & Charge Cards
Overseas - Explains how your credit is protected and how to get cash;
currency conversion and fees, tips on shopping, renting a car, making lodging and travel reservations, and airline
travel. |
Go to Top of page |
And More… |
All That Glitters: The Jive on
Jewelry - Explains terms commonly used in buying gold, silver, diamonds,
and more. Includes a jewelry shopper's checklist. |
Antitrust Enforcement and the
Consumer - Explains how laws governing business competition are enforced
and how consumers benefit. |
Closet Cues: Care Labels and Your
Clothes - Beginning July 1, 1997, manufacturers may use certain care
symbols in place of words on labels. Learn the new care symbols and what to do if your clothes end up
damaged. |
Consumer's Guide to Postal Services and
Products - Discusses the product and service options the Postal Service
offers to help you choose the right service to meet your needs and save you time and money. Information on priority and
express mail, mail order fraud, pornographic and undesirable mail. |
Dealing with a
Disability - Discusses options for housing, health care, financial benefits,
work, and legal rights. |
Duck Stamp Story - Help preserve wetlands and wildlife refuges by becoming a collector of these unique
stamps. |
Earthquakes - Describes where and why earthquakes occur, how they happen, how they are measured, and
techniques used to predict them. |
Emergency Preparedness
Checklist - How to develop a family emergency plan, what to keep in a car
emergency kit, and other tips. |
Finding Legal Help -
Tips for reducing the costs of legal help plus practical information for older people on public and
private resources. |
Going Wireless: A Consumer Guide To
Choosing Cellular Service - How to select the right service and calling plan,
understand the terms of your contract, avoid fraud, and more. |
How to Buy and Install Telephone
Products - Information on regular, cordless, and cellular telephones and
answering machines. |
How to Choose, Use and Care for Audio and
Video Tape… - by choosing the right tapes for your
equipment. |
How to Protect
Yourself - Six booklets describe how to protect your home, car, and
neighborhood, how to spot a con artist, and how to conduct a security survey. |
In the Event of a Flood - What you can do to prepare for a flood, get through it safely, and clean up
afterwards. |
Making the Best Call -
Companies are now able to provide both local and long distance telephone service. Save money
by comparing offers. |
Mud & Guts - We all know about George Washington and Valley Forge, but what was life like for average soldiers in
the American Revolution? Find out about their food, weapons, clothing, diseases, and more with these down-to-earth
stories and humorous cartoons by Bill Mauldin. |
Naturalization Requirements & General
Information - ..on becoming a citizen of the U.S.. Who is eligible, what
forms and papers are needed. |
Protecting Your Privacy -
How to check your credit file and medical record, handle telephone sales, and have your name
removed from mailing lists. |
Smart Consumer's Guide to
Telephone Service - Handy tips on shopping for telephone service and
discusses what help is available for low-income consumers. |
Stay Healthy & Whole: Consumer
Guide to Product Safety Recalls - Lists products regulated by eight federal
agencies with addresses and phone numbers. |
Swindlers Are Calling
- Eight things you should know about telemarketing fraud, nine tip-offs that a caller could be a
crook, and ten ways to avoid becoming a victim. |
Taking Legal Action -
Discusses when legal action may be appropriate, how to file in small claims court, and when to
consider hiring a lawyer. |
U.S. and the Metric
System - Explains how to use metric in everyday life. Includes metric
conversion charts and more. |
Why Save Endangered
Species? - Explains the benefits of protecting endangered plants and
animals and suggests ways to get involved. |
Go to Top of page |
Site Map - Graphic Version - Privacy Policy - Security Statement - Home Some documents on this server are provided by the Consumer Information Center of the U.S. General Services Administration. |
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