Have fun while you learn about electrical safety! Preschool - Kindergarten ESFi Introduction A Note to Grownups: Thank you very much for your interest in electrical safety. Electricity is a powerful and useful energy source, but must be treated with respect. This book is intended to be used with a parent or teacher present to explain basic electrical safety concepts to children. By taking the time to review this material, you can help promote electrical safety awareness, not only for your children, but also yourself. This book is intended for use only as general information, not a training or instruction manual. More information on electrical safety is available by contacting ESFI. Electrical Safety Foundation International Remember, before you plug into electricity, plug into electrical safety! Always put your batteries in the right way, + to +, and - to -. Get an adult's help with anything that uses electricity. Keep liquids like drinks away from electrical items like TVs, VCRs, and computers. They could spill and cause dangerous shocks and fires. Stay away from outlets. They're not toys. Only adults should use outlets. NEVER stick anything but bread in a toaster. Get an adult to help you with anything that uses electricity, like a toaster. Is Mr. Plug happy or mad about overloaded outlets? Answer: Mr. Plug is mad! Trying to use too much power through cords or outlets can cause a fire. Is Mr. Plug happy or worried about cords tucked under carpets? Connect the dots to find out. Answer: Mr. Plug is worried! Electrical cords can overheat and cause a fire if they are covered up. When there's lighting, stay away from trees and get inside. Help these children get to safety. NEVER climb in trees growing around power lines. NEVER fly kites around power lines. If your kite flies into power lines, let go! Stay away from all fallen power lines and nearby puddles. Though you may not see sparks, it could be dangerous. ABOUT ESFI Founded in 1994 through a joint effort between Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL), the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), the Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI) is North America's only non-profit organization dedicated exclusively to promoting electrical safety in the home, school and workplace. ESFI is a 501(c)(3) organization funded by electrical manufacturers and distributors, independent testing laboratories, utilities, safety and consumer groups, and trade and labor associations. ESFI sponsors National Electrical Safety Month each May, and engages in public education campaigns and proactive media relations to help reduce property damage, personal injury and, death due to electrical accidents. The Foundation does not engage in code or standard writing or lobbying and does not solicit individuals. The National Safety Council proudly endorses this safety initiative. © 2004 Electrical Safety Foundation International Published as a public service by the Electrical Safety Foundation International in cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and the Canada Safety Council. The Mr. Plug Fun Book is made possible in part through a grant by Pass & Seymour/Legrand and Leviton Manufacturing Company. Special thanks to Moreau-Grand Electric Cooperative in South Dakota, and Leviton Manufacturing Company, for their help with the initial development of the Mr. Plug Fun Book. No endorsement of any particular product, company or service is implied by their mention in this publication. Electrical Safety Foundation International |
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