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Information For Registrants
1. Selective Service System Responsibilities
3. Examination and Induction Processing
4. Postponement of an Armed Forces Examination
3. How to File a Claim for Postponement and/or Reclassification
6. Physical and Mental Disqualifying Conditions
7. Personal Appearances Before the Local Board
SECTION B: Requirements for Postponement and Reclassification
3. Religious Holiday Postponements
State or National Examination Scheduled
Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC)Applicant
Acceptance for Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) Program
4. Conscientious Objectors Available for Noncombatant Military Service Only (Class 1-A-O)
5. Conscientious Objectors to All Military Service (Class 1-O)
6. Conscientious Objectors to All Military Service (Separated from Military Service) (Class 1-O-S)
7. Registrant Deferred Because of Study Preparing for the Ministry (Class 2-D)
8. Registrant Deferred Because of Hardship to Dependents (Class 3-A)
10. Registrant Who Has Completed Military Service (Class 4-A)
11. Registrant Who Has Performed Military Service for a Foreign Nation (Class 4-A-A)
12. Official Deferred by Law (Class 4-B)
13. Alien or Dual National (Class 4-C)
15. Minister of Religion (Class 4-D)
17. Registrant Not Acceptable for Military Service (Class 4-F)
This booklet furnishes information about Selective Service responsibilities, and registrant rights and obligations. It also explains the induction, claims, and appeals process.
1. Selective Service System Responsibilities
During Periods of Registration Only
The Selective Service System conducts a continuous registration program from National and Region Headquarters. Shortly after he registers, each registrant is mailed a Registration Acknowledgment as verification of his registration and the information shown in his registration record. Registrant records are updated periodically to keep them current.
During Periods of Induction
Should the President and the Congress determine that inductions are required to provide additional military manpower, Selective Service would be required to activate its induction program and supply the number of people requested by the Secretary of Defense. Local, Appeal and Civilian Review Boards would then be activated. State and Area Offices would open to assist registrants and to process claims for reclassification or postponement of induction.
During Periods of Registration Only
Persons required by law to register with the Selective Service System must register within 30 days of their 18th birthday. This can be done electronically on the Internet, by telephone or by obtaining a Registration Card at any U.S. Post Office, U.S. Embassy, or U.S. Consulate. A registrant should retain the Registration Acknowledgment he receives from Selective Service as evidence of his registration. It may be needed as proof of registration if he files applications for federal, and certain other state and local employment, student loans, or job training benefits.
A registrant is required to keep his registration record current. Changes in his current mailing address, and any other information furnished at the time of registration, must be reported to Selective Service within ten days after they occur. Changes may be reported on the Correction/Change Form (SSS Form 3B) provided with the Registration Acknowledgment or on a pre-addressed Change of Information Form (SSS Form 2) which may be obtained from any U.S. Post Office, U.S. Embassy, or U.S. Consulate. A registrant is also obligated to respond to inquiries made by Selective Service and to supply the requested information.
During Periods of Induction, registrants are required to:
- Report changes of current address and update other registration information within ten days after the change occurs;
- Respond to inquiries made by the Selective Service System;
- Report for examination, induction or alternative service as directed;
- Furnish requested information and documentation to support any claim filed for postponement or reclassification into a deferred or exempt classification; and,
- Report changes in status that occur during periods of postponement, deferment, or exemption.
If inductions are authorized by the President and the Congress, and the Secretary of Defense requests men for the Armed Forces, Selective Service will:
Conduct a lottery to determine the sequence for selecting registrants for examination and induction, beginning with men whose 20th birthday falls within the current calendar year;
Assign each registrant the Random Sequence Number (RSN) drawn by lottery for his date of birth; and,
Select and order registrants for examination and induction, beginning with RSN 001.
Registrants who are selected for an Armed Forces Examination will be issued orders which will:
Notify them that they have been classified in Class 1-A (Available for Military Service);
Notify them of the Area Office and Local Board to which they are assigned;
Notify them of the date, time and place they are to report for the examination and provide travel information;
Inform them about the examination and induction process;
Advise them of their rights and obligations; and,
Inform them when, how, and where to present claims for postponement or reclassification, as outlined in Part II of this booklet.
If a registrant has an obvious disqualifying physical condition or has a physical or mental disability causing him to be unable to report to the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) as ordered, he should contact his Area Office.
NOTE: Except as noted in Part II, Section A, paragraph 3, claims will not be accepted from registrants who have not been found qualified following an Armed Forces Examination. Claims for postponement of induction will not be accepted from registrants who have not been ordered to report for induction.
4. Postponement of an Armed Forces Examination
Claims for postponement of an Armed Forces Examination may be made for the following reasons:
Emergency Postponements
A registrant's reporting date may be postponed if a member of his immediate family dies or is involved in an extreme emergency; or he incurs a temporary disabling illness or injury; or he is involved in an emergency beyond his control.
Religious Holiday Postponements
A registrant's reporting date may be postponed if he is scheduled to report on a religious holiday that he normally observes.
Other Postponements
A registrant's reporting date may be postponed if he qualifies and is scheduled for a state or national examination in a profession or occupation which requires licensing or certification before he can practice that profession or occupation.
PART II: Claims and Appeals Processing
This part is divided into four sections. Section A explains the claims process and lists the available postponements of induction and classifications. Section B contains detailed information about the eligibility and documentation requirements for each. Section C furnishes information concerning registrant appeal rights. Section D summarizes the procedures a person required to be registered is to follow during periods of registration only and during periods of induction.
During a period of induction into the Armed Forces, Selective Service will have active Area Offices, Local Boards and Appeal Boards to assist registrants and to receive and process claims. The Area Offices will be staffed with Selective Service employees who will perform the administrative duties of registrant processing. The Local Boards and Appeal Boards will be composed of nonmilitary U.S. citizens appointed by the President to determine a registrant's eligibility for reclassification, based on his claim. Any registrant found qualified for military service following an Armed Forces Examination may file a claim for reclassification within ten days from the date his Notice of Acceptability is mailed.
When a registrant's Random Sequence Number is reached, he will be assigned to a Local Board and Area Office serving the area of his residence currently on file with Selective Service at that time. The selected registrant will be mailed an Order to Report for Armed Forces Examination. If he is found acceptable for military service, a Notice of Acceptability, along with a Registrant Claim Form, will be mailed to him which will include instructions on when, how, and where to file a claim for reclassification. A registrant found unacceptable for military service will be administratively reclassified into Class 4-F.
Certain claims (1-A-O, 1-O, 2-D, 3-A, and 4-D) must be decided initially by the Local Board. All others will be administratively granted or denied by Selective Service Area Office personnel.
SECTION A: General Claims Information
Claims for postponement or reclassification may be filed for the reasons shown in Items 1 and 2 of this Section. The eligibility and documentation requirements for each of these postponements and classifications are described in detail under Section B.
The postponements shown below may be granted to delay the induction reporting date of registrants who meet the eligibility requirements prescribed in Section B.
Student Postponements
Postponement of a registrant's Order to Report for Induction may be granted to a registrant who has been issued an Order to Report for Induction and who is in one of the following categories at the time his order is issued:
- Under the age of 20 and satisfactorily pursuing a full-time course of instruction at a high school or other secondary school.
- Attains age 20 after beginning his last academic year of high school or other secondary school and is satisfactorily pursuing a full-time course of instruction at the school.
- Is satisfactorily pursuing a full-time course of instruction at a college, university, or similar institution of learning.
The following time limits apply to student postponements:
- If a registrant is pursuing a course of instruction at a high school or other secondary school, the postponement shall terminate immediately when any one of the following occurs:
-- The last day on which the registrant is satisfactorily pursuing a full-time course of instruction; or,
-- The day the registrant graduates; or,
-- The day on which the registrant attains age 20, unless he attains age 20 in his last academic year, in which case the postponement shall not extend past the last day of the academic year.
- If the registrant is not in the last academic year associated with the course of instruction he is pursuing at a college, university or similar institution of learning, the postponement shall terminate on:
-- The last day on which the registrant is satisfactorily pursuing a full-time course of instruction; or,
-- The last day of the school's academic term or semester in which the registrant was enrolled at the time his induction order was issued; whichever occurs first.
- If the registrant is in his last academic year associated with the course of instruction he is pursuing at a college, university, or similar institution of learning, the postponement shall terminate on:
-- The last day on which the registrant is satisfactorily pursuing a full-time course of instruction; or,
-- The last day of the academic year of the course of instruction the registrant is pursuing, whichever occurs first.
Emergency Postponements
A registrant's reporting date may be postponed if a member of his immediate family dies or is involved in an extreme emergency; or he incurs a temporary disabling illness or injury; or he is involved in an emergency beyond his control.
Religious Holiday Postponements
A registrant's reporting date may be postponed if he is scheduled to report on a religious holiday that he normally observes.
Other Postponements
A registrant's reporting date may be postponed if:
- He qualifies and is scheduled for a state or national examination in a profession or occupation which requires licensing or certification before he can practice that profession or occupation; or,
- He has been accepted for the next beginning class at one of the U.S. Military academies; or,
- He is an ROTC applicant and has been designated to participate in the next succeeding ROTC field training program prior to enrollment in the ROTC; or,
- He has been accepted as an ROTC scholarship student in the next beginning ROTC program at a college or university.
The decision of the Area Office on all postponements except a Student Postponement is final and may not be appealed. The denial of a Student Postponement by an Area Office may be appealed to the Local Board.
The following classifications are available to registrants who meet the eligibility requirements prescribed in Section B of this Part. Registrants who have been found qualified for military service have been classified into Class 1-A. The reclassification of a registrant out of 1-A into a class other than Class 1-A-O stops further induction processing. At the expiration of a registrant's reclassification, he will be given the opportunity to reapply for the classification if he feels he is still eligible. If it is determined that he no longer meets the criteria to remain in that class he will be placed into Class 1-A and ordered to report for induction if he is still liable for military service.
There are three classes of conscientious objectors: Class 1-A-O, Class 1-O, and Class 1-O-S. Class 1-O applies to a registrant who is conscientiously opposed to participation in war in any form. A registrant who is granted the 1-O classification will not serve in the military but will be required to perform civilian alternative service work in lieu of induction. Class 1-O-S applies to a registrant who is separated/discharged from military service as a conscientious objector opposed to participation in war in any form. A registrant in Class 1-O-S will be assigned to civilian alternative service to fulfill the remainder of his obligation under the Military Selective Service Act. Class 1-A-O applies to a registrant who is conscientiously opposed only to participation in combatant training and service in the Armed Forces. A registrant granted Class 1-A-O will be required to enter military service, but will not be required to participate in combatant training or service. These classes are discussed individually in Section B of this booklet.
Classifications shall be considered in the reverse order of the listing below with Administrative Classes considered first. Classes 1-A, 1-W, 1-H and 4-F are granted automatically, when eligible, without filing a claim. After induction into the Armed Forces, registrants are automatically classified Class 1-C.
Class 1-A: Available for unrestricted military service
Class 1-A-O: Conscientious objector available for noncombatant military service only
Class 1-O: Conscientious objector to all military service
Class 1-O-S: Conscientious objector to all military service (separated/discharged from military service)
Class 2-D: Registrants deferred because of study preparing for the ministry
Class 3-A: Registrants deferred because of hardship to dependents
Class 3-A-S: Registrants deferred because of hardship to dependents (separated/discharged from military service)
Class 4-D: Minister of religion
Class 1-D-D: Deferment for certain members of a reserve component or student taking military training
Class 4-B: Official deferred by law
Class 4-C: Alien or dual national
Class 4-G: Registrants exempted from service because of the death of his parent or sibling while serving in the Armed Forces or whose parent or sibling is in a captured or missing in action status
Class 4-A: Registrants who have completed military service
Class 4-A-A: Registrants who have performed military service for a foreign nation
Class 4-W: Registrants who have completed alternative service in lieu of induction
Class 1-D-E: Exemption of certain members of a reserve component or student taking military training
Class 1-C: Members of the Armed Forces of the United States, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or the Public Health Service
Class 1-W: Conscientious objector ordered to perform alternative service in lieu of induction
Class 4-T: Treaty alien
Class 4-F: Registrants not acceptable for military service
Class 1-H: Registrants not subject to processing for induction
WARNING: If a registrant knowingly submits incorrect or false information on a claim, he may be found in violation of law and, if convicted, he may be imprisoned for not more than 5 years, fined not more than $250,000, or both.
3. How to File a Claim for Postponement and/or Reclassification
Before a registrant files a claim, he should read this booklet carefully to determine whether he is eligible to have his reporting date postponed or he meets the requirements for a deferment or exemption from service (a reclassification). Then, if he does not already have a Selective Service Registrant Claim Form (SSS Form 9), he should pick up one from a Selective Service Area Office, U.S. Post Office, U.S. Embassy, or a U.S. Consulate. This booklet and the claim form will describe what he should do to file and support his claim. If a registrant has questions regarding the claim form or about information in this booklet, he should contact his Selective Service Area Office.
A registrant may submit his claim for reclassification within ten days after he has been sent a Notice of Acceptability advising him that he has been found fully qualified for military service at the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS). The claim must be in writing, dated and must include a request for all types of classifications for which he believes he is eligible.
An exception to this policy is made for registrants claiming reclassification as a Conscientious Objector only. Registrants in this category will be given the option to waive their physical evaluation and have their claim heard before the Local Board. Registrants wishing to avail themselves of this option should contact their Area Office for a complete explanation of the waiver process.
Should an emergency occur on the scheduled day of induction, such as the death or serious injury of an immediate family member, a claim may be filed on the day the registrant is scheduled to report for induction.
To file a claim, a registrant should complete the SSS Form 9 and check all the boxes on the form that apply to each type of classification he is requesting.
The registrant should then begin to collect the documents needed to support his claim. Section B of this booklet identifies the documents or information required to support each classification or specific type of postponement. The registrant should not mail or bring any of the supporting documents to Selective Service with the SSS Form 9. He should furnish the documents when Selective Service asks for them, usually upon receipt of a Claim Documentation Form from his Area Office.
When a registrant files a timely claim for reclassification, his induction date is delayed until his claim is decided. Selective Service will acknowledge receipt of his claim, and the claim will be decided by the Local Board, subject to appeal. Claims that do not require a Local Board decision will be administratively granted or denied by Area Office personnel. If the reason for the claim ceases to exist prior to a decision being made on the claim, the registrant must immediately notify the Area Office.
Claims for postponement of induction will not be accepted from registrants not under an Order to Report for Induction. Available postponements are listed in Part II, Section A, paragraph 1.
Warning: A registrant who fails to report for induction as ordered, and who has not filed a claim for reclassification or postponement of induction, will be processed as a possible violator. Violation of the Military Selective Service Act, if a person is convicted, is punishable by imprisonment for up to five years, a fine of not more than $250,000, or both.
Upon receipt of a Registrant Claim Form (SSS Form 9), the Selective Service Area Office will provide the registrant with a Claim Documentation Form, applicable to each type of postponement or reclassification he has requested, for his use in documenting his claim(s). The registrant should complete the Claim Documentation forms, attach the requested documents or written statements to support his claim, and return the form with the attachments to the Area Office on or before the return date shown of the form.
If his claim requires Local Board consideration and the registrant wants to appear before the board when it considers his claim, he should mark the personal appearance box on the Claim Documentation Form. A registrant requesting reclassification into Classes 1-A-O and 1-O must appear personally before the board. The completed form should be mailed or taken to the Selective Service Area Office shown on the Claim Documentation Form.
Selective Service will notify a registrant who must appear before the Local Board, or who has asked to appear before the Local Board, of the date, time, and place he is scheduled to appear. (See Item 7 of this Section, Personal Appearances Before the Local Board). Selective Service will also ask the registrant for more information when it is needed, and provide instructions for any other actions the registrant should take.
Certain claims for reclassification (administrative classifications) will be decided by Area Office personnel. These Classes are: 1-C, 1-D-D, 1-D-E, 1-O-S, 3-A-S, 4-A, 4-A-A, 4-B, 4-C, 4-G, and 4-T. Any claim for student postponement or a reclassification denied by Area Office personnel may be reviewed and decided by the Local Board when the registrant requests such a review.
Claims for Classes, 1-A-O, 1-O, 2-D, 3-A, or 4-D (judgmental classifications) must be decided by the Local Board, subject to appeal.
After claims are decided, registrants will be notified, in writing, of the decision. Should a claim be denied, the notice will include the reasons for the denial and inform the registrant whether he has the right to appeal the decision. If the registrant has no right of appeal, or has the right but does not appeal, he will be issued an Order to Report for Induction when his RSN is reached.
6. Physical and Mental Disqualifying Conditions
A registrant who is unable to report to the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) because he has a disabling physical or mental condition, or whose obviously disqualifying condition has been verified by a physician, must provide the Area Office with a physician=s statement describing the disabling condition.
Upon receipt of a physician=s statement verifying a registrant's physical or mental condition, the Area Office will forward the statement to the MEPS for evaluation. All determinations of acceptability for military service must be made by a MEPS. If the MEPS determines that the registrant is not qualified for military service based upon the written statement, the registrant will be reclassified into Class 4-F and notified in writing of the reclassification. Should the MEPS not be able to make a determination without the registrant appearing in person, the registrant will be rescheduled to report to a MEPS.
7. Personal Appearances Before the Local Board
Every registrant who files a claim for conscientious objector status (Classes 1-A-O, or 1-O) must appear before a Local Board. If the registrant fails to appear, the board cannot consider his conscientious objector claim and his claim will be considered abandoned. A registrant who has been separated from the military service as a conscientious objector (Class 1-O-S) does not have to appear before the board.
A registrant who files a claim for Class 2-D, 3-A, or 4-D may ask to appear before the board to discuss his claim. The request must be made in writing, signed, and dated. There is space on the Claim Documentation Form to request a personal appearance. A registrant may also ask to appear before his Local Board if he has requested the Local Board to review a claim for student postponement or reclassification that was denied by the Area Office.
When a personal appearance has been scheduled, the registrant is expected to appear and present proof of his claim. Should he have an emergency that prevents him from appearing at the scheduled time, his appearance may be rescheduled if he reports the emergency to the Area Office within five days after he failed to appear. No other person may appear in the registrant's place or present his case for him.
At his personal appearance, the registrant may present up to three witnesses, use an interpreter, at his own expense, if one is required, and submit any additional written or oral information to support his claim. A registrant may not be represented at his personal appearance by anyone acting as an attorney or legal counsel. He may, however, bring any person he would like to advise him. The advisor will not be permitted to participate in the hearing and may be asked to leave if his presence becomes disruptive. Only the registrant and his witnesses may talk to the Local Board.
Except for claims for Classes 1-A-O and 1-O, when a registrant fails to appear for his requested appearance, the Local Board will decide the claim based on information already furnished.
A registrant must submit documents and statements to support a claim. The type of documentation needed for each type of claim is discussed in Section B of this booklet. Upon receipt of a registrant's claim, the Area Office will provide the registrant with the specific Claim Documentation Form that pertains to each of his claims. The registrant should complete the form, attach the requested information, and return it to the Area Office by the date shown on the form. If the registrant must appear, or if he asks to appear before the Local Board, he will be given the opportunity to explain why he should be reclassified. When he appears, he may furnish additional written information and present witnesses to support his claim.
SECTION B: Requirements for Postponement and Reclassification
College Student Postponements
A registrant's induction date may be postponed if he is enrolled as a full-time college student and his academic performance is satisfactory. The postponement of a registrant who is not in his senior year will last only until the end of the semester or term in which he is enrolled at the time his induction order is issued. If he is in his senior year, his postponement will last until the end of the academic year or until he graduates, whichever occurs sooner. When the postponement ends, he will receive a new induction reporting date.
To verify his student status, a registrant must furnish a Student Certificate (SSS Form 109) or a statement signed by a school official who is authorized to issue such a statement. It must state that the registrant is enrolled as a full-time student and include his year of study, the beginning and ending date of the term/semester or academic year, his graduation date if this is his senior year, and certify that he is doing satisfactory work. The document should not be sent to the Area Office until Selective Service requests it.
High School (or Other Secondary School) Student Postponements
A registrant's induction may be postponed so long as he is doing satisfactory work as a full-time student in a high school, or other secondary school, and he is not 20 years old. If he is 20 years old at the time the Order to Report for Induction is issued, he must be in his last academic year to obtain a postponement.
To verify his student status, the registrant must furnish a Student Certificate (SSS Form 109) or a statement signed by a school official who is authorized to issue the statement. It must state that he is enrolled as a full-time student and include his year of study, his expected graduation date, and certify that he is doing satisfactory work. The document should not be sent to the Area Office until Selective Service requests it.
A registrant may be granted an emergency postponement of his induction date of up to 60 days if a member of his immediate family dies or is involved in an extreme emergency and the registrant's presence is required during the emergency, or if the registrant incurs a temporary disabling injury or illness, or is involved in an emergency beyond his control. To qualify for an emergency postponement, the registrant must furnish the following documents to support his claim:
A physician=s statement, if illness or injury is the reason for the claim; or,
A physician=s statement, a death certificate, or a written statement of the licensed funeral director who is handling the arrangements, if death of an immediate family member is the reason for the claim; or,
The registrant's signed statement describing the emergency and explaining why his presence is required during the emergency, if his claim is based on an emergency beyond his control. The registrant must also furnish a statement from another reliable person that verifies the emergency condition.
The documentation should not be sent to the Area Office until Selective Service requests it.
A registrant's reporting date may be postponed if he has been ordered to be examined or inducted on a religious holiday historically observed by his church, religious sect, or organization. The registrant must contact the Selective Service Area Office shown on his order, prior to the holiday, for further instructions.
A registrants induction may be postponed for any of the following reasons if he furnishes appropriate documents to support the type of postponement requested. The documentation required is identified with each type of postponement, but should not be sent to the Area Office until Selective Service requests it.
When a registrant is scheduled for a state or national examination in a profession or occupation that requires licensing or certification before he can practice that profession or occupation, he must furnish a written statement of verification signed by an authorized official of the agency responsible for administering the examination and furnish the date it will take place.
When a registrant has been accepted to enter the next beginning class as a cadet or midshipman at one of the U.S. military academics, he must submit a written statement signed by an authorized commissioned officer of the academy, verifying the registrant's acceptance at the academy and stating the date the registrant is to report.
When a registrant is an ROTC applicant designated to participate in the next following ROTC field training program prior to enrollment in the ROTC, he must furnish a written statement signed by an authorized commissioned officer of the ROTC staff of the college or university where he is to be enrolled. The statement must verify the registrant's designation for participation in the next beginning field training program and include the dates the program begins and ends.
Acceptance for Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) Program
When a registrant has been accepted as a scholarship student in the next beginning ROTC program at a college or university, he must furnish a written statement signed by an authorized commissioned officer of the ROTC staff of the college or university where he is to be enrolled. The statement must verify that an ROTC scholarship has been granted to the registrant effective at the beginning of the next academic term and include the date the term will begin.
If a registrant believes he is eligible for reclassification under any of the conditions listed below, he should check every box on the Registrant Claim Form (SSS Form 9) that applies to him before sending the SSS Form 9 to his Area Office. The Claim Documentation Form(s) he subsequently receives from his Area Office will assist him in documenting his claim.
1. Members of the Armed Forces of the United States, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration or the Public Health Service (Class 1-C)
To qualify for Class 1-C, a registrant must be:
Serving on active duty as a commissioned officer, a warrant officer or an enlisted man in the Regular Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Marine Corps, the Coast Guard, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or the Public Health Service; or,
Serving as a cadet, United States Military Academy, a midshipman, United States Naval Academy, a cadet, United States Air Force Academy, or a cadet, United States Coast Guard Academy; or,
Inducted into the Army of the United States, the United States Navy, the United States Marines Corps, the Air Force of the United States, or the United States Coast Guard; or,
Serving on active duty, exclusive of periods of training only, as a member of a reserve component of the Armed Forces; or,
Serving on active duty, exclusive of periods of training only, as a member of the reserve of the Public Health Service and assigned to any of the following:
- The various offices and bureaus of the Public Health Service, including the National Institutes of Health.
- The Coast Guard, the Bureau of Prisons of the Department of Justice, the Environmental Protection Agency, or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
- Assisting Indian tribes, groups, bands, or communities pursuant to PL 568, 83rd Congress, as amended.
Documentation Required
To support a claim for Class 1-C, a registrant must present the following documents or other official verification from his branch of service:
A copy of his Enlistment/Reenlistment Document - Armed Forces of the United States (DD Form 4); or,
Notification of Entry on Active Duty or Statement of Service - Verification of Status of Commissioned Officers of the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS Form 1867); or,
Any other document requested by Selective Service to verify his Armed Forces, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or Public Health Service status.
2. Deferment of certain members of a reserve component or students taking military training (Class 1-D-D)
In order to qualify for Class 1-D-D, a registrant must be:
An enlisted man, a warrant officer or a commissioned officer in a Reserve component of the Armed Forces, the Army National Guard, or the Air National Guard, who has not previously served on a period of extended active duty (other than active duty for training) in the Armed Forces; or,
Selected for enrollment or continuance in an officer procurement program, such as college Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC), the Marine Platoon Leader=s Class, or the officer procurement programs of the Coast Guard, and has signed an agreement to serve upon receipt of a commission at the completion of the program; or,
Serving satisfactorily as a member of the standby reserve or the retired reserve.
Documentation Required
To support a claim for Class 1-D-D, a registrant must present the following documents:
A copy of his Enlistment/Reenlistment Document - Armed Forces of the United States (DD Form 4) or other official verification from his branch of service; or,
Verification from the appropriate Professor of Military Science; or,
Any other document requested by Selective Service to verify his reserve status.
3. Exemption of certain members of a reserve component or student taking military training (Class 1-D-E)
In order to qualify for Class 1-D-E, a registrant must:
Have enlisted in the Delayed Entry Program (DEP) prior to the issuance of his Order to Report for Induction; or,
Have transferred to a reserve component of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps or Coast Guard after a period of extended active duty which was not for training only; or,
Be a student enrolled in an officer procurement program at one of the following schools:
- The Citadel (Charleston, SC)
- Norwich University (Northfield, VT)
- Virginia Military Institute (Lexington, VA)
- North Georgia College (Dahlonega, GA)
Documentation Required
To support a claim for Class 1-D-E, a registrant must present the following documents:
A registrant who claims to be enlisted in the DEP must submit a copy of his Enlistment/Reenlistment Document - Armed Forces of the United States (DD Form 4) or other official documentation from his branch of service.
A registrant who claims to have been transferred to a reserve component must submit a copy of his Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty (DD Form 214) or other official documentation from his branch of service which certifies he is a member and performing satisfactorily.
A registrant who claims to be a student taking military training must submit official documentation from his branch of service which certifies he is enrolled and performing satisfactorily.
4. Conscientious Objectors available for noncombatant military service only (Class 1-A-O)
To qualify for Class 1-A-O:
A registrant must establish, to the satisfaction of the Board, that his request for exemption from combatant military training and service in the Armed Forces is based upon his moral, ethical or religious beliefs, or a combination of such beliefs, which play a significant role in his life; that he is sincere in his claimed beliefs, and that his objection to participation in war is not confined to a particular war.
Required Service
If the claim for Class 1-A-O is granted, the registrant will be exempt from combatant military training and service only. This means that he will be inducted into military service and assigned noncombatant duties.
Documentation Required
A registrant claiming Class 1-A-O must establish to the satisfaction of the board that his request for exemption from combatant military training and service in the Armed Forces is based upon his conscientious objection to participation in war in any form, and that he is sincere in his claimed beliefs.
He must establish that by reason of moral, ethical or religious beliefs, he is conscientiously opposed to his participation in combatant training and service. Such beliefs do not include views that are essentially political, sociological or philosophical in nature, or those which rest solely on his on self-interest or well-being.
If a registrant believes he can qualify for Class 1-A-O, he should complete the Claim documentation Form - Conscientious Objector (SSS Form 22) provided by his Area Office and return the form to the Area Office with documents and written statements to support his claim. In addition to providing the written information, the registrant must appear before his Local Board. At his personal appearance, the registrant may present additional documents and written statements.
The board will consider relevant written information submitted by the registrant, information submitted by third parties in support of his claim, and oral testimony of the registrant (and witnesses, where applicable) at his personal appearance. He must explain fully to the board how his conscience reacts to training in the use of guns and other weapons designed for combatant military use. He may present witnesses who are aware of his conscientious and sincere opposition to participation in war. If his opposition is based on religious training, he must explain fully the nature of the religious teachings. He may want to bring as a witness his minister or some other church official who is knowledgeable of the teachings of his church or present written statements from these persons.
If his opposition is based on ethical or moral beliefs, he must be ready to discuss these beliefs, where and how he obtained them and what effect they have had on him. He may want to bring witnesses who know of these beliefs and of the effect they have had on him, or present written statements from these persons.
He may present witnesses or written statements from persons who can attest to his sincerity.
5. Conscientious Objectors opposed to all military service (Class 1-O)
In order to qualify as a conscientious objector opposed to all military training and service:
A registrant must establish to the satisfaction of the board that his request for exemption from combatant and noncombatant military training and service in the Armed Forces is based upon his moral, ethical or religious beliefs, or a combination of such beliefs, which play a significant role in his life; that he is sincere in his claimed beliefs, and that his objection to participation in war is not confined to a particular war.
Required Service
If the claim for Class 1-O is granted, the registrant will be exempt from all military training and service, he will be assigned to alternative service and will serve his obligation in a civilian job that is in the national health, safety, or interest, as defined by the Director of Selective Service.
Documentation Required
To support a claim for Class 1-O, a registrant must establish to the satisfaction of the board that his request for exemption from both combatant and noncombatant military training and service in the Armed Forces is based upon his conscientious objection to participation in war in any form, and that he is sincere in his claimed beliefs.
He must establish that by reason of moral, ethical or religious beliefs, he is conscientiously opposed to his participation in both combatant and noncombatant training and service. Such beliefs do not include views that are essentially political, sociological or philosophical in nature, or those which rest solely on his own self-interest or well-being.
If a registrant believes he can qualify for Class 1-O, he should complete the Claim Documentation Form - Conscientious Objector (SSS Form 22) provided by his Area Office and return the form to the Area Office with documents and written statements to support his claim. In addition to providing the written information, the registrant must appear before his Local Board. At his personal appearance, the registrant may present additional documents and written statements.
The board will consider relevant written information submitted by the registrant, information submitted by third parties in support of his claim, and oral testimony of the registrant (and his witnesses, where applicable) at his personal appearance. He must explain fully to the board how his conscience reacts to training in the use of guns and other weapons designed for combatant military use. He may present witnesses who are aware of his conscientious and sincere opposition to participation in war. If his opposition is based on religious training, he must explain fully the nature of the religious training and its effect on him. He may want to present a copy of these religious teachings. He may want to bring as a witness, his minister or some other church official who is knowledgeable of the teachings of his church or present written statements from these persons.
If his opposition is based on ethical or moral beliefs, he must be ready to discuss these beliefs, where and how he obtained them and what effect they have had on him. He may want to bring witnesses who know of these beliefs and of the effect they have had on him, or present written statements from these persons.
He may present witnesses or written statements from persons who can attest to his sincerity.
6. Conscientious Objectors to all military service (separated from military service) (Class 1-O-S)
To qualify for Class 1-O-S, a registrant must have been separated from the Armed Forces (including their reserve components) because of his conscientious objection to participation in both combatant and noncombatant training and service, and his period of military service is not sufficient to qualify him for Class 4-A (Completed Service).
Required Service
A Class 1-O-S registrant will be assigned to alternative service to fulfill the remainder of his obligation under the Military Selective Service Act (MSSA). He will be retained in Class 1-O-S until he has been ordered to perform alternative service, at which time he will be automatically reclassified 1-W.
Documentation Required
When a registrant's claim is based on his separation from military service because of his conscientious objection, he is not required to appear before the Local Board or furnish the information described under Class 1-O or 1-A-O. He is, however, required to furnish a copy of his Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty (DD Form 214) or other written document from his branch of military service or reserve component showing that he was separated because of his conscientious objection.
7. Registrant deferred because of study preparing for the ministry (Class 2-D)
To qualify for Class 2-D as a ministerial student, a registrant must be a satisfactory full-time student who is preparing for entry into service as a regular or duly ordained minister of religion under the direction of a recognized church or religious organization in one of the following ways:
A student pursuing a full-time course of instruction that is required for entrance into a recognized theological or divinity school in which he has been pre-enrolled; or,
A student pursuing a full-time course of instruction at a recognized theological or divinity school; or,
A student enrolled in a full-time graduate program or a full-time intern whose graduate studies or internships are related to his entrance into service as a regular or duly ordained minister of religion.
Documentation Required
The Claim Documentation Form - Divinity Student (SSS Form 23), which the Area Office will furnish, provides a part to be completed by the appropriate official of the registrant's college and/or theological or divinity school. Also, the registrant will need to furnish a signed statement from an official of his church or religious organization, certifying that the church or religious organization is recognized and the registrant is preparing for the ministry under its direction.
8. Registrant deferred because of hardship to dependents (Class 3-A)
To qualify for Class 3-A, a registrant must demonstrate to the satisfaction of his Local Board that his induction will result in a hardship to his dependent(s). His support may be financial aid, personal care and companionship, or a combination of these.
The registrant must show that:
- His induction will result in extreme hardship to his wife when she is his only dependent; or,
- His deferment is advisable because his child(ren), wife and child(ren), parent(s), grandparent(s), brother(s) or sister(s) are dependent upon him for support.
The registrant must also show that:
- The hardship to his dependents is based solely on financial conditions that cannot be alleviated by payments and allowances payable by the United States Government to dependents of persons who are serving in the Armed Forces; and,
- He did not assume the obligation to his dependents for the purpose of avoiding military training and service; and,
- He did not incur financial obligations for the purpose of establishing his dependency claim; and,
- There are no other persons willing and able to support his dependents; or,
- His dependent(s) would be without reasonable support, personal care or companionship, and would suffer more than normal stress of separation from him if he were inducted.
Documentation Required
The Claim Documentation Form - Divinity Student (SSS Form 23), which the Area Office will furnish must be completed and the registrant must furnish written statements and documents that fully and clearly demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Local Board that he is eligible for this class. The documentation must establish:
His marital status and the names of his dependents and their relationship to him;
The nature of the dependency;
The registrant's financial status and that of his dependents; and
The condition of any dependent who is physically or mentally disabled, verified by a physician=s statement.
9. Registrant deferred because of hardship to dependents (separated from military service) (Class 3-A-S)
Class 3-A-S applies to a registrant who has been separated from active military service for reason of dependency or hardship to dependents and whose period of military service does not qualify him for Class 4-A (completed service). A registrant can be classified 3-A-S for no longer than six months, after which he may file a claim for Class 3-A, if the hardship continues to exist.
Documentation Required
In support of a claim for class 3-A-S, a registrant will be required to furnish a copy of his Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty (DD Form 214) or other written document from his branch of military service or reserve component showing that he was separated because of hardship to his dependents.
10. Registrant who has completed military service (Class 4-A)
A registrant may qualify for Class 4-A if he has served honorably on active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States, as a commissioned Officer of the Public Health Service or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or in a reserve component of the United States Armed Forces.
To be eligible for Class 4-A, a registrant must:
Have been separated from the U.S. Armed Forces for the convenience of the government, after serving honorably for 6 months or more on active duty (not active duty for training) in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard; or,
Have been separated from active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces, after serving honorably for 1 year or more in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard; or,
Have served on active duty for 24 months or more as a commissioned officer in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration or the Public Health Service; or,
Have enlisted before June 1, 1984, and served satisfactorily for 6 years or more in a reserve component of the U.S. Armed Forces; or,
Have enlisted on or after June 1, 1984, and served satisfactorily for 8 years or more in a reserve component of the U.S. Armed Forces.
Documentation Required
To be eligible for Class 4-A, a registrant must present a copy of his Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty (DD Form 214); or a copy of his Statement of Service - Verification of Status of Commissioned Officer of the United States Public Health Service (PHS Form 1867) or Report of Transfer or Discharge (NOAA Form 5616).
NOTE: A registrant who qualifies for this classification may be inducted into the Armed Forces during a period of war or national emergency declared by Congress.
11. Registrant who has performed military service for a foreign nation (Class 4-A-A)
To qualify for Class 4-A-A, a registrant must, while an alien, have served on active duty for 12 months or more in the Armed Forces of one of the following countries:
Argentina Greece Panama
Australia Guatemala Paraguay
Belgium Haiti Peru
Bolivia Honduras Philippines
Brazil Iceland Portugal
Canada Italy Taiwan
Chile Japan (service prior to 1/1/80)
Colombia Rep. Of South Korea
Costa Rica Luxembourg Thailand
Denmark Mexico Trinidad
Dominican Rep Netherlands Tobago
Ecuador New Zealand Turkey
El Salvador Nicaragua United Kingdom
France Norway Uruguay
Of Germany
Documentation Required
The registrant who claims Class 4-A-A must furnish a statement or certificate, written in English, from the diplomatic agency of the country in whose Armed Force he served for twelve or more months. The statement or certificate must verify the length of his service in that Armed Force and his citizenship at that time.
12. Official deferred by law (Class 4-B)
In order to qualify for Class 4-B, a registrant must be:
The Vice President of the United States, a Governor of a State, Territory or Possession, or the Mayor of the District of Columbia, or any other official chosen by voters of the entire State, Territory or Possession, or the District of Columbia; or,
A member of a legislative body of the United States, or of a State, Territory or Possession, or of the District of Columbia; or,
A judge of a court of record of the United States or of a State, Territory or Possession, or of the District of Columbia, as prescribed by law in that jurisdiction.
Documentation Required
To document his status as an elected official or judge, the registrant must submit a copy of the election or appointment certificate.
13. Alien or dual national (Class 4-C)
Dual National Eligibility Requirements and the Documentation Required:
To qualify for Class 4-C as a dual national, a registrant must be a national of the United States and a national of one of the following countries:
Australia Guyana Pakistan
Austria India Papua New Guinea
Bahamas Indonesia Saint Lucia
Barbados Jamaica Seychelles
Belgium Kenya Sierra Leon
Botswana Kiribati Singapore
Brazil Lesotho Solomon Islands
Burma Malawi South Africa
Colombia Malaysia Sri Lanka
Cuba Malta Surinam
Curacao Mauritania Swaziland
Cyprus Mauritius Sweden
El Salvador Nauru Switzerland
Fiji Netherlands Tonga
Finland Niger Trinidad & Tobago
Gambia Nigeria Tuvalu
Ghana Norfolk Islands United Kingdom
Grenada Norway Zambia
To document his status as a dual national, the registrant must provide the information requested by the Selective Service Area Office and furnish a Consular certificate, written in English, verifying his nationality in one of the countries listed above.
Alien Eligibility Requirements and Documentation Required
To qualify for Class 4-C as an alien, a registrant must be one of the following:
- A person who is not a citizen of the United States, who left the United States before his Order to Report for Induction was issued and whose order has not been canceled. He may be classified in Class 4-C only for the period he resides outside of the United States. Upon his return to the United States, he must report the date of return and his current address to the Selective Service Area Office.
- A person who is not a citizen of the United States, who registered at a time required by Selective Service law and thereafter acquired status within one of the groups of persons exempt from registration, such as a World Bank or United Nations employee. He will be eligible for this class only during the period of his exempt status. To support this claim, the registrant must submit documentation from the diplomatic agency of the country of which he is a subject, written in English, verifying his exempt status.
- A person who is not a citizen of the United States, lawfully admitted for permanent residence, who by reason of occupational status, such as a World Bank or United Nations employee, is subject to nonimmigrant status. In this case, the person must also have executed a waiver of all rights, privileges, exemptions, and immunities which would otherwise accrue to him as a result of his occupational status. To support this claim, the registrant must submit documentation from the diplomatic agency of the country of which he is a subject, written in English, verifying his occupational status.
- A person who is not a citizen of the United States, who has resided in the United States for less than one year. When two or more periods of U.S. residency are involved which total one year or more, the registrant will be deemed to have resided in the United States for one year and will be ineligible for this classification. In computing the length of such periods, any portion of one day shall be counted as a day. He will be eligible for this class only until he has resided in the United States for one year. To support this claim he must submit his Immigration and Naturalization Service Form 1-151 (Alien Registration Receipt Card), commonly referred to as a AGreen Card,@ showing his date of entry into the United States. If he has resided in the United States for two or more periods, he must furnish documentation for each period of residence. A registrant who receives this classification will be exempt from military training and service during his first year=s residence in this country, but will become liable for service following his one year residence.
14. Treaty alien (Class 4-T)
To qualify for Class 4-T, a registrant must be an alien who is a national of one of the following countries:
Argentina Ireland Paraguay
Austria Italy Spain
Costa Rica Latvia Switzerland
Estonia Liberia Taiwan
Honduras Norway Yugoslavia
He must make application for relief from military training and service in the Armed Forces of the United States. If this claim is granted, the registrant will be exempt from military training and service in the Armed Forces of the United States. However, he will be henceforth barred from United States citizenship after being classified as a treaty alien.
Documentation Required
To support a claim for Class 4-T, the registrant must submit a certificate from the diplomatic agency of the country of which he is a national, written in English, verifying his status, and furnish a completed Request for Relief from Training and Service in the Armed Forces of the United States (SSS Form 130). The SSS Form 130 will be mailed to the registrant by the Selective Service Area Office when the claim is received.
15. Minister of religion (Class 4-D)
In order for a registrant to be granted a ministerial exemption, Class 4-D, he must establish to the satisfaction of the board that the following conditions exist:
He is recognized by his church, religious sect or organization as a minister of religion, either through ordination or some other form, depending upon the requirement of the church, sect or organization of which he is a member; and,
His church, sect or organization is established on the basis of a community of faith and belief, doctrines, and practices of a religious nature; and,
He is presently serving as a minister as his primary occupation.
Documentation Required
The Claim Documentation Form - Minister of Religion (SSS Form 25), which the Area Office will furnish a registrant claiming Class 4-D, must be completed together with documents and written statements from appropriate church officials. He may also furnish oral information and present witnesses at his personal appearance, if he appears before the board.
His documentation must establish to the satisfaction of the Local Board that:
He preaches and teaches, as his primary and customary vocation, the principles of religion of a recognized church, religious sect or organization of which he is a member; and,
He is recognized by such church, religious sect, or organization as a minister; and,
He is presently serving as a minister as his primary occupation.
A registrant who claims to be a duly ordained minister of religion must also submit a Certificate of Ordination or other document to prove his ordination was in accordance with the ceremonial ritual of his church, sect, or religious organization.
16. Registrant exempted from service because of the death of his parent or sibling while serving in the Armed Forces or whose parent or sibling is in a captured or missing in action status (Class 4-G)
To be eligible for Class 4-G, a registrant must be:
A registrant whose father, mother, brother or sister of the whole blood, was killed in action or died in line of duty while serving in the Armed Forces of the United States after December 31, 1959, or died after that date from injuries received or disease incurred during such service; or,
A registrant who is the sole surviving son of a family in which the father or one or more brothers or sisters were killed in action before January 1, 1960, while serving in the Armed Forces of the United States, or died after that date from injuries received or disease incurred during such service; or,
A registrant whose father, mother, brother or sister of the whole blood, is in a captured or missing in action status as a result of service in the Armed Forces.
NOTE: This classification is not available during periods of war or a National Emergency.
Documentation Required
To show he is qualified for Class 4-G, a registrant must furnish a DD Form 1300 (Report or Casualty) or certification from the Veterans Administration, which establishes that the claimed relative is deceased, captured, or missing in action. The DD Form 1300 may be obtained from the next of kin or the Casualty Reporting Office of the relative=s branch of service. Kinship may be documented by providing a copy of the registrant's birth certificate, a written statement from a member of the clergy or a responsible local official who has personal knowledge of the family relationship.
17. Registrant not acceptable for military service (Class 4-F)
To be eligible for Class 4-F, a registrant must have been found not qualified for service in the Armed Forces by a Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) under the established physical, mental, or moral standards.
When the MEPS determines that a registrant is not qualified, the MEPS will report this decision to the Selective Service System. Selective Service will reclassify the registrant into Class 4-F and notify the registrant of the reclassification.
A MEPS may find a registrant not qualified for military service after:
The registrant is examined at the MEPS when he reports for examination or induction, as ordered; or,
The review of a physician=s statement which verifies that the registrant has a disabling physical or mental condition which prohibited his reporting to the MEPS.
Documentation Required
Selective Service will receive notification from the MEPS when the registrant is found not qualified, either as a result of an Armed Forces examination or a "papers only" review.
If a registrant has a disabling physical or mental condition which prohibits him from reporting to the MEPS, or has an obvious disqualifying condition, he should furnish the Area Office a physician=s statement verifying that fact for a "papers only" review by the MEPS.
After a registrant's claim is decided by Area Office personnel or a board, the registrant will be notified in writing of the decision. Should a claim for student postponement or reclassification be denied, the notice will give the reason for denial and inform the registrant if he has the right to appeal the decision. The notice will include specific instructions for filing an appeal. The registrant should contact his Area Office for any additional information to assist in filing an appeal.
If the registrant has no right of appeal, or he has the right but does not appeal, he will be issued an Order to Report for Induction when his Random Sequence Number is reached. A registrant will not be scheduled for induction during any period afforded him to file an appeal or during any period his appeal is being processed.
This Section provides a brief outline summarizing the procedures contained in the text as a guide to persons who are required by law to be registered, and to registrants who have been ordered for examination or induction. (See next page for the guide).
1. Register for Selective Service on the Internet, or at any Post Office, American Embassy, or U.S. Consulate.
2. Keep the registration acknowledgment you receive from Selective Service.
3. Report any changes in registration information as they occur (i.e., legal name, or current mailing address).
4. If you have any questions regarding your registration record, you may call the Registrant Information Office at 1-847-688-6888, or 1-888-655-1825 Toll Free, or contact us on the Web at www.sss.gov.
1. Report for an Armed Forces Examination as ordered.
2. If you are found qualified for military service and believe you qualify for one of the postponements, exemptions or deferments described in this booklet, file a claim for reclassification or postponement of induction with your Area Office within ten days from the date your Notice of Acceptability is mailed to you. (A claim will not be accepted by Selective Service before your acceptability is determined. NOTE: If you are a Conscientious Objector claiming Class 1-O and no other classification, you may request a waiver of your Armed Forces Examination until your claim is heard.) To file claims, follow the steps below.
- Complete a Registrant Claim Form (SSS Form 9). Check on this form every classification or postponement for which you feel you are entitled. Send the completed form to your Area Office. SEND NO OTHER DOCUMENTATION AT THIS TIME.
- Begin gathering the documentation needed to demonstrate to Selective Service that you are entitled to the classification or postponement you have claimed. SEND NO OTHER DOCUMENTATION AT THIS TIME.
- After your Area Office receives your claim(s), you will receive the appropriate Claim Documentation Form(s), and any other Selective Service forms necessary to help you document your case. Complete and return the form(s) with all of the documents you have been gathering to the Area Office by the date specified. Check the box for requesting a personal appearance if you want to appear before the local board when they hear your claim.
- Follow the instructions of your Area Office. If an examination or personal appearance is scheduled, report as ordered or contact your Area Office for instructions.
- You will be notified of any decision regarding your claim(s) and will be informed of your appeal rights should your claim be denied.
- Contact your Area Office if you have questions concerning the Selective Service System.
National Headquarters
Selective Service System
Arlington, VA 22209February 2000
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