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Help Your Child Improve in Test-TakingAmerican children must be ready to learn from the first day of
school. And of course, preparing children for school is a historic
responsibility of parents.
Test. It's a loaded word. Important...something to care
about...something that can mean so much we get apprehensive
thinking about it.
Tests are important, especially to school children. A test may
measure a basic skill. It can affect a year's grade. Or, if it
measures the ability to learn, it can affect a child's placement
in school. So it's important to do well on tests.
Besides, the ability to do well on tests can help throughout life
in such things as getting a driver's license, trying out for
sports, or getting a job. Without this ability, a person can be
severely handicapped.
Your child can develop this ability. And you can help the child
do it. Just try the simple techniques developed through Office of
Educational Research and Improvement (OERI) research. This
leaflet tells you how.
Why Test?
Tests are yardsticks. Schools use them to measure, and then
improve education. Some tell schools that they need to strengthen
courses or change teaching techniques. Other tests compare
students by schools, school districts, or cities. All tests
determine how well "your child" is doing. And that's very
Most of the tests your child will take are "teacher-made."
That is, teachers design them. These tests are associated with
the grades on report cards. They help measure a student's
progress--telling the teacher and the student whether he or she
is keeping up with the class, needs extra help, or, perhaps, is
far ahead of other students.
Now and then your child will take "standardized" tests. These
use the same standards to measure student performance across the
country. Everyone takes the same test according to the same
rules. This makes it possible to measure each student's
performance against that of others. The group with whom a
student's performance is compared is a "norm group" and consists
of many students of the same age or grade who took the same test.
Ask the School
One other thing: some schools give students practice in taking
tests. This helps to make sure that they are familiar with
directions and test format. Find out whether your child's school
gives "test-taking practice" on a regular basis or will provide
such practice if your child needs it.
Avoid Test Anxiety
Students who suffer from test anxiety tend to worry about success
in school, especially doing well on tests. They worry about the
future, and are extremely self-critical. Instead of feeling
challenged by the prospect of success, they become afraid of
failure. This makes them anxious about tests and their own
abilities. Ultimately, they become so worked up that they feel
incompetent about the subject matter or the test.
It does not help to tell the child to relax, to think about
something else, or stop worrying. But there are ways to reduce
test anxiety. Encourage your child to do these things:
Do's and Don'ts
After the Test
Discuss the wrong answers with your children and find out why they
answered as they did. Sometimes a child misunderstands the way a
question is worded or misinterprets what was asked. The child may
have known the correct answer but failed to express it effectively.
It's important, too, for children to see how well they used their
time on the test and whether guessing was a good idea. This helps
them to change what they do on the next test, if necessary.
You and the child should read and discuss all comments written by
the teacher. If there are any comments that aren't clear, the
child should ask the teacher to explain.
This brochure is in the public domain. Feel free to photocopy or
reprint it. April 1993 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION
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