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Weather Patterns Are Changing, and So Are Your Chances of Being Flooded. |
The more you know about floods, the sooner you'll want to protect yourself. Devestating storms and mud flows. Runoffs from early snow melts. Raging hurricanes and rising rivers. In the last few years, floods have hit homes and businesses in all 50 states. And two out of three Federally declared disasters were flood related. |
There are now more floods than any other natural disaster in this country. High ground isn't always safe ground. In recent years, almost 25% of all flood insurance claims came from areas no one considered high risk. But unless you've experienced a flood, it's easy to find excuses why it can't happen to you. Maybe you don't live near water or you live on a hill. Perhaps your street has drainage systems in place or your community has reinforced levees. But the forces of nature are stronger than good intentions. |
Rising water isn't the only cause of floods. For example, replacing natural areas withbuildings and pavement can increase runoff and ultimately the flood risk. Not all floods qualify for disaster assistance. Picture yourself walking into your newly decorated living room, now covered in a wall-to-wall carpet of mud and debris over 9 inches high. And yours is the only neighborhood in the flood's path, which means the flood won't be declared a disaster and, therefore, no disaster assistance will be available to you. But that's not the worst surprise. Suddenly you find out that your homeowner's insurance policy doesn't cover floods. You're left on your own to pick up the pieces. And starting from scratch without any assistance can set you back, personally and financially, for years to come. |
Only flood insurance covers floods. National Flood Insurance from FEMA's National Flood Insurance Program makes protection for you and your family easy to get. Just contact your insurance agent or insurance company. What's more, you can qualify for flood insurance regardless of the flood risks in your area. In fact, Federally regulated lenders must require flood insurance in high flood-risk areas. Whether it's to insure both your home or business and possessions or just the contents of your rented apartment, National Flood Insurance is the best way to recover from flood damage because you don't have to qualify for disaster relief, if it's available, or go into debt. |
Compared to disaster relief, the cost of flood insurance is a drop in the bucket. Even if a flood in your area does qualify for Federal assistance, it comes in the form of grants or loans. Many people don't qualify for grants, making the most common form of assistance a disaster home loan. These loans, with an average repayment term of 18.5 years, must be repaid with interest over and above your existing mortgage. |
Flood insurance claims are paid even if a Federal disaster isn't declared. And flood insurance is reasonably priced. The average annual premium for $100,000 of flood insurance coverage is about the same as the average monthly payment for a typical $50,000 disaster home loan. And, if you live in a low-risk area, your premium could be just a little more than $100 a year. That's not much to pay for protecting your home and family. It takes 30 days for flood insurance to go into effect. Act now. It's easy. just contact your insurance agent or the NFIP to find out how to obtain flood insurance. It takes just a moment to make the call that can protect you and your family from months or years of financial setback. Call now 1-888-CALL FLOOD ext. 804 |
Instead of picking up the pieces, it's time to put down new foundations. Protecting yourself and your home or business with flood insurance just makes sense. And now, communities across the country are starting to take greater steps to reduce damage from disasters like floods through an initiative called Project Impact. Project Impact was created to fight natural disasters with long-term solutions to resist damage. And it starts with neighbors, businesses and government all working together to put the future on safer ground. But the best thing you can do now is to get National Flood Insurance. |
Call today for free information:
Federal Emergency Management Agency, National
Flood Insurance Program We can't replace your memories, but we can help you build new ones. National Flood Insurance Program F-0327 August 1998 |
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