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Homeowner's Glossary of Building Terms |
A | B | C | D | E |
F | G | H | I | J |
K | L | M | N | O |
P Q | R | S | T | U |
V | W | X | Y | Z |
This publication defines some terms used in home construction, repair and maintenance. It is not a comprehensive list but will provide a quick reference for homeowners who are unfamiliar with building terminology. |
A |
Acoustical Tile |
Special tile for walls and ceilings made of mineral, wood, vegetable fibers, cork, or metal. Its purpose is to control sound volume, while providing cover. |
Air Duct |
Pipes that carry warm air and cold air to rooms and back to furnace or air conditioning system. |
Ampere |
The rate of flow of electricity through electric wires. |
Apron |
A paved area, such as the juncture of a driveway with the street or with a garage entrance. |
B |
Backfill |
The gravel or earth replaced in the space around a building wall after foundations are in place. |
Balusters |
Upright supports of a balustrade rail. |
Balustrade |
A row of balusters topped by a rail, edging a balcony or a staircase. |
Baseboard |
A board along the floor against walls and partitions to hid gaps. |
Batt |
Insulation in the form of a blanket, rather than loose filling. |
Batten |
Small thin strips covering joints between wider boards on exterior building surfaces. |
Beam |
One of the principal horizontal wood or steel members of a building. |
Bearing Wall |
A wall that supports a floor or roof of a building. |
Bib or Bibcock |
A water faucet to which a hose may be attached, also called a hose bib or sill cock. |
Bleeding |
Seeping of resin or gum from lumber. This term is also used in referring to the process of drawing air from water pipes. |
Brace |
A piece of wood or other material used to form a triangle and stiffen some part of a structure. |
Braced Framing |
Construction technique using posts and cross-bracing for greater rigidity. |
Brick Veneer |
Brick used as the outer surface of a framed wall. |
Bridging |
Small wood or metal pieces placed diagonally between floor joists. |
Building Paper |
Heavy paper used in walls or roofs to dampproof. |
Built-Up Roof |
A roofing material applied in sealed, waterproof layers, where there is only a slight slope to the roof. |
Butt Joint |
Joining point of two pieces of wood or molding. |
Bx Cable |
Electricity cable wrapped in rubber with a flexible steel outer covering. |
C |
Cantilever |
A projecting beam or joist, not supported at one end, used to support an extension of a structure. |
Carriage |
The member which supports the steps or treads of a stair. |
Casement |
A window sash that opens on hinges at the vertical edge. |
Casing |
Door and window framing. |
Cavity Wall |
A hollow wall formed by firmly linked masonry walls, providing an insulating air space between. |
Chimney Cap |
Concrete capping around the top of chimney bricks and around the floors to protect the masonry from the elements. |
Chair Rail |
Wooden molding on a wall around a room at the level of a chair back. |
Chamfered Edge |
Molding with pared-off corners. |
Chase |
A groove in a masonry wall or through a floor to accommodate pipes or ducts. |
Chimney Breast |
The horizontal projection-usually inside a building-of a chimney from the wall in which it is built. |
Circuit Breaker |
A safety device which opens (breaks) an electric circuit automatically when it becomes overloaded. |
Cistern |
A tank to catch and store rain water. |
Clapboard |
A long thin board, thicker on one edge, overlapped and nailed on for exterior siding. |
Collar Beam |
A horizontal beam fastened above the lower ends of rafters to add rigidity. |
Coping |
Tile or brick used to cap or cover the top of a masonry wall. |
Corbel |
A horizontal projection from a wall, forming a ledge or supporting a structure above it. |
Corner Bead |
A strip of wood or metal for protecting the external corners of plastered walls. |
Cornice |
Horizontal projection at the top of a wall or under the overhanging part of the roof. |
Course |
A horizontal row of bricks, cinder blocks or other masonry materials. |
Cove Lighting |
Concealed light sources behind a cornice or horizontal recess which direct the light upon a reflecting ceiling. |
Crawl Space |
A shallow, unfinished space beneath the first floor of a house which has no basement, used for visual inspection and access to pipes and ducts. Also, a shallow space in the attic, immediately under the roof. |
Cripples |
Cut-off framing members above and below windows. |
D |
Door Buck |
The rough frame of a door. |
Dormer |
The projecting frame of a recess in a sloping roof. |
Double Glazing |
An insulating window pane formed of two thicknesses of glass with a sealed air space between them. |
Double Hung Windows |
Windows with an upperand lower sash, each supported by cords and weights. |
Downspout Leader |
Downspout A spout or pipe to carry rain water down from a roof or gutters. |
Cripples |
A pipe for conducting rainwater from the roof to a cistern or to the ground by way of a downspout. |
Downspout Strap |
A piece of metal which secures the downspout to the eaves or wall of a building. |
Drip |
The projecting part of a cornice which sheds rain water. |
Dry Wall |
A wall surface of plasterboard or material other than plaster. |
E |
Eaves |
The extension of roof beyond house walls. |
Efflorescence |
White powder that forms on the surface of brick. |
Effluent |
Treated sewage from a septic tank or sewage treatment plant. |
F |
Fascia |
A flat horizontal member of a cornice placed in a vertical position. |
Fill-Type Insulation |
Loose insulating material which is applied by hand or blown into wall spaces mechanically. |
Flashing |
Noncorrosive metal used around angles or junctions in roofs and exterior walls to prevent leaks. |
Floor Joists |
Framing pieces which rest on outer foundation walls and interior beams or girders. |
Flue |
A passageway in a chimney for conveying smoke, gases or fumes to the outside air. |
Footing |
Concrete base on which a foundation sits. |
Foundation |
Lower parts of walls on which the structure is built. Foundation walls of masonry or concrete are mainly below ground level. |
Framing |
The rough lumber of a house-joists, studs, rafters, and beams. |
Furring |
Thin wood, or metal applied to a wall to level the surface for lathing, boarding, or plastering, to create an insulating air space, and to damp proof the wall. |
Fuse |
A short plug in an electric panel box which opens (breaks) an electrical circuit when it becomes overloaded. |
G |
Gable |
The triangular part of a wall under the inverted "v" of the roof line. |
Gambrel Roof |
A roof with two pitches, designed to provide more space on upper floors. The roof is steeper on its lower slope and flatter toward the ridge. |
Girder |
A main member in a framed floor supporting the joists which carry the flooring boards. It carries the weight of a floor or partition. |
Glazing |
Fitting glass into windows or doors. |
Grade Line |
The point at which the ground rests against the foundation wall. |
Green Lumber |
Lumber which has been inadequately dried and which tends to warp or "bleed" resin. |
Grounds |
Pieces of wood embedded in plaster of walls to which skirtings are attached. Also wood pieces used to stop the plaster work around doors and windows. |
Gusset |
A brace or bracket used to strengthen a structure. |
Gutter |
A channel at the eaves for conveying away rain water. |
H |
Hardwood |
The close-grained wood from broad-leaved trees such as oak or maple. |
Headers |
Double wood pieces supporting joists in a floor or double wood members placed on edge over windows and doors to transfer the roof and floor weight to the studs. |
Heel |
The end of a rafter that rests on the wall plate. |
Hip Roof |
A roof that slants upward on three or four sides. |
Hip |
The external angle formed by the juncture of two slopes of a roof. |
J |
Jalousies |
Windows with movable, horizontal glass slats angled to admit-ventilation and keep out rain. This term is also used for outside shutters of wood constructed in this way. |
Jamb |
An upright surface that lines an opening for a door or window. |
Joist |
A small rectangular sectional member arranged parallel from wall to wall in a building, or resting on beams or girders. They support a floor or the laths or furring strips of a ceiling. |
K |
Kiln-Dried |
Artificial drying of lumber, superior to most lumber that is air dried. |
King-Post |
The middle post of a truss. Large, heavy screws, used where great strength is required, as in heavy framing or when attaching ironwork to wood. |
L |
Lag-Screws or Coach-Screws |
Large, heavy screws, used where great strength is required, as in heavy framing or when attaching ironwork to wood. |
Lally Column |
A steel tube sometimes filled with concrete, used to support girders or other floor beams. |
Lath |
One of a number of thin narrow strips of wood nailed to rafters, ceiling joists, wall studs, etc. to make a groundwork or key for slates, tiles, or plastering. |
Leaching Bed |
Tiles in the trenches carrying treated wastes from septic tanks. |
Ledger |
A piece of wood which is attached to a beam to support joists. |
Lintel |
The top piece over a door or window which supports walls above the opening. |
Load-Bearing Wall |
A strong wall capable of supporting weight. |
Louver |
An opening with horizontal slats to permit passage of air, but excluding rain, sunlight and view. |
M |
Masonry |
Walls built by a mason, using brick, stone, tile or similar materials. |
Molding |
A strip of decorative material having a plane or curved narrow surface prepared for ornamental application. These strips are often used to hide gaps at wall junctures. |
Moisture Barrier |
Treated paper or metal that retards or bars water vapor, used to keep moisture from passing into walls or floors. |
Mullion |
Slender framing which divides the lights or panes of windows. |
N |
Newel |
The upright post or the upright formed by the inner or smaller ends of steps about which steps of a circular staircase wind. In a straight flight staircase, the principal post at the foot or the secondary post at a landing. |
Nosing |
The rounded edge of a stair tread. |
P |
Parging |
A rough coat of mortar applied over a masonry wall as protection or finish; may also serve as a base for an asphaltic waterproofing compound below grade. |
Pilaster |
A projection or the foundation wall used to support a floor girder or stiffen the wall. |
Pitch |
The angle of slope of a roof. |
Plasterboard (See Dry Wall) |
Gypsum board, used instead of plaster. |
Plates |
Pieces of wood placed on wall surfaces as fastening devices. The bottom member of the wall is the sole plate and the top member is the rafter plate. |
Plenum |
A chamber which can serve as a distribution area for heating or cooling systems, generally between a false ceiling and the actual ceiling. |
Pointing |
Treatment of joints in masonry by filling with mortar to improve appearance or protect against weather. |
Post-And-Beam Construction |
Wall construction in which beams are supported by heavy posts rather than many smaller studs. |
Prefabrication |
Construction of components such as walls, trusses, or doors, before delivery to the building site. |
R |
Rabbet |
A groove cut in a board to receive another board. |
Radiant Heat |
Coils of electricity, hot water or steam pipes embedded in floors, ceilings, or walls to heat rooms. |
Rafter |
One of a series of structural roof members spanning from an exterior wall to a center ridge beam or ridge board. |
Reinforced Concrete |
Concrete strengthened with wire or metal bars. |
Ridge Pole |
A thick longitudinal plank to which the ridge rafters of a roof are attached. |
Riser |
The upright piece of a stair step, from tread to tread. |
Roof Sheathing |
Sheets, usually of plywood, which are nailed to the top edges of trusses or rafters to tie the roof together and support the roofing material. |
S |
Sandwich Panel |
A panel with plastic, paper, or other material enclosed between two layers of a different material. |
Sash |
The movable part of a window-the frame in which panes of glass are set in a window or door. |
Scotia |
A concave molding. |
Scuttle Hole |
A small opening either to the attic, to the crawl space or to the plumbing pipes. |
Seepage Pit |
A sewage disposal system composed of a septic tank and a connected cesspool. |
Septic Tank |
A sewage settling tank in which part of the sewage is converted into gas and sludge before the remaining waste is discharged by gravity into a leaching bed underground. |
Shakes |
Handcut wood shingles. |
Sheathing (See Wall Sheathing) |
The first covering of boards or material on the outside wall or roof prior to installing the finished siding or roof covering. |
Shim |
Thin tapered piece of wood used for leveling or tightening a stair or other building element. |
Shingles |
Pieces of wood, asbestos or other material used as an overlapping outer covering on walls or roofs. |
Shiplap |
Boards with rabbeted edges overlapping. |
Shiplap |
Siding Boards of special design nailed horizontally to vertical studs with or without intervening sheathing to form the exposed surface of outside walls of frame buildings. |
Sill Plate |
The lowest member of the house framing resting on top of the foundation wall. Also called the mud sill. |
Skirtings |
Narrow boards around the margin of a floor; baseboards. |
Slab |
Concrete floor placed directly on earth or a gravel base and usually about four inches thick. |
Sleeper |
Strip of wood laid over concrete floor to which the finished wood floor is nailed or glued. |
Soffit |
The visible underwide of structural members such as staircases, cornices, beams, a roof overhang or eave. |
Softwood |
Easily worked wood or wood from a conebearing tree. |
Soil Stack |
Vertical plumbing pipe for waste water. |
Stringer |
A long, horizontal member which connects uprights in a frame or supports a floor or the like. One of the enclosed sides of a stair supporting the treads and risers. |
Studs |
In wall framing, the vertical members to which horizontal pieces are nailed. Studs are spaced either 16 inches or 24 inches apart. |
Subfloor |
Usually, plywood sheets that are nailed directly to the floor joists and that receive the finish flooring. |
Sump |
A pit in the basement in which water collects to be pumped out with a sump pump. |
Swale |
A wide shallow depression in the ground to form a channel for storm water drainage. |
T |
Tie |
A wood member which binds a pair of principal rafters at the bottom. |
Tile Field |
Open-joint drain tiles laid to distribute septic tank effluent over an absorption area or to provide subsoil drainage in wet areas. |
Toenail |
Driving nails at an angle into corners or other joints. |
Tongue-And-Groove |
Carpentry joint in which the jutting edge of one board fits into the grooved end of a similar board. |
Trap |
A bend in a water pipe to hold water so gases will not escape from the plumbing system into the house. |
Tread |
The horizontal part of a stair step. |
Truss |
A combination of structural members usually arranged in triangular units to form a rigid framework for spanning between load-bearing walls. |
V |
Valley |
The depression at the meeting point of two roof slopes. |
Vapor Barrier |
Material such as paper, metal or paint which is used to prevent vapor from passing from rooms into the outside walls. |
Venetian Window |
A window with one large fixed central pane and smaller panes at each side. |
Vent Pipe |
A pipe which allows gas to escape from plumbing systems. |
Verge |
The edge of tiles, slates or shingles, projecting over the gable of a roof. |
W |
Wainscoting |
The lower three or four feet of an interior wall when lined with paneling, tile or other material different from the rest of the wall. |
Wall Sheathing |
Sheets of plywood, gypsum board, or other material nailed to the outside face of studs as a base for exterior siding. |
Weather Stripping |
Metal, wood, plastic or other material installed around door and window openings to prevent air infiltration. |
Weep Hole |
A small hole in a wall which permits water to drain off. |
U.S. Department
of Housing and Urban Development |
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