Food and Kitchen Appliances For Sale.
Food and kitchen appliances, all makes and models. View pictures, descriptions and compare prices.
Can Your Kitchen Pass the
Food Safety Test?.
Take the 10-point quiz on food storage, handling, and cooking to protect your family from food-borne illnesses. 4 pp.
Cooking for Groups: A
Volunteer's Guide to Food Safety.
Whether it's a family reunion buffet or community cookout, learn how to cook and serve food safely and avoid food-
borne illness. 40 pp.
Diabetes Recipes
(graphic only).
Five tasty and easy-to-follow recipes for people with diabetes. Nutrition facts for each dish help you keep track of
what you are eating. 5 pp.
Eat Right to Help Lower Your High
Blood Pressure.
Lists menu ideas and recipes to help you control your weight and high blood pressure. 30 pp.
Fabulous Fruits...Versatile
You need 5 to 9 daily servings of fruits and vegetables. Get tips on new ways to serve them, the importance of
variety, and how to make eating fruits and vegetables fun and convenient. 6 pp.
Fight BAC�: Four Simple Steps to
Food Safety.
Advice on how to handle food safely so you, your family, and friends don't become ill. 5 pp.
Food Allergies: When Food
Becomes the Enemy.
Find out more about food allergies, what causes them, how to manage them, and more. 6 pp.
Get on the Grain Train.
Get the facts on the important role grains play in your diet--their benefits, different types, how many servings you
need, what counts as a serving, and more. 4 pp.
Growing Older, Eating
Discusses the causes of poor nutrition and how it can be improved. 5 pp.
How Much Are You
Use the helpful charts to determine how much you need each day from each of the five food groups and to compare
what you eat with what is recommended so that you don�t overeat. 6 pp.
Keep Your Food Safe.
Provides tips on the safe handling, cooking and storage of food in order to avoid food-borne illness. 20 pp.
La Diabetes - Recetas (This is
the Spanish language version of Diabetes - Recipe Card).
Preventing Food-Borne
Tips on handling food safely. Use the storage guidelines chart to know when to throw away leftovers. 8 pp.
Recipes and Tips for Healthy,
Thrifty Meals (graphic only).
How to create healthy and budget-friendly meals--with tips on planning meals, a sample 2-week menu, and 40 great
recipes. 76 pp.
Revealing Trans
Trans fat is used to increase food shelf life and stabilize its flavor. Get tips on reducing your trans fat intake to lower
your risk of heart disease and review a chart that lists the fat content of some common foods. 6 pp.
Snack Smart for Healthy
Tips on choosing the right snacks to prevent tooth decay and promote healthy eating, with a list of suggested items
from the five basic food groups. 4 pp.
Thermy�: Use a Food
Get the right thermometer and use this handy temperature chart for safe, delicious food. 4 pp.