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Health and Human Services 404/331-2205 TTY |
Health and
Human Services ADAMHA Division of Personnel Management Rockville, MD 301/443-5437 V/TTY |
Health and
Human Services ADAMHA National Clearinghouse For Alcohol & Drug Information Rockville, MD 301/230-2867 TTY 800/487-4889 TTY |
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Human Services ADAMHA National Institute on Drug Abuse Office of Extramural Program Review Rockville, MD 301/443-0329 TTY |
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Human Services ADAMHA National Institute on Mental Health Intramural Research Program, EEO Office Bethesda, MD Erskine Davis 301/496-2946 TTY |
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Human Services ADAMHA National Institutes Mental Health Bethesda, MD David Huddleston 301/402-1339 TTY |
Health and
Human Services ADAMHA National Institute of Mental Health Personnel Bethesda, MD 301/496-5337 V/TTY |
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Human Services ADAMHA National Institutes Mental Health Information Resources & Inquiries Branch Rockville, MD Joan Brogan 301/443-2906 TTY |
Health and
Human Services Centers For Disease Control Atlanta, GA 404/639-3799 V/TTY 404/639-1693 V/TTY 404/639-3082 V/TTY |
Health and
Human Services Centers For Disease Control Mail Management Atlanta, GA 404/639-3891 TTY |
Health and
Human Services Centers For Disease Control Personnel Management Atlanta, GA 404/639-3268 TTY |
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Human Services Centers For Disease Control Public Health Practice Program Atlanta, GA 404/639-3268 TTY |
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Human Services Clinical Center EEO Office Building 10, Room 1C-292 Bethesda, MD 20892 Jerry Garmany 301/496-9100 TTY |
Health and
Human Services Disability Program Mgrs Admin for Children & Families Washington, DC Jean Clark 202/401-1465 V/TTY |
Health and
Human Services Disability Program Mgrs Health Care Financing Admin Baltimore, MD Bill Benz 410/966-0723 TTY |
Health and
Human Services Disability Program Mgrs Office of Secretary Washington, DC Ann Garrett 202/619-0557 TTY |
Health and
Human Services Disability Program Mgrs Public Health Service Centers For Disease Control Atlanta, GA B J Flowers 404/639-1629 TTY |
Health and
Human Services Disability Program Mgrs Public Health Service Food & Drug Admin Rockville, MD Joann Crowder 301/443-1818 TTY |
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Human Services Disability Program Mgrs Public Health Service National Insitute of Health Rockville, MD Joan Brogan 301/496-9755 TTY |
Health and
Human Services Disability Program Mgrs Public Health Service Health Resources & Service Admin Rockville, MD Marcia Moses 301/443-5636 V/TTY |
Health and
Human Services Disability Program Mgrs Public Health Service Substance Abuse/Mental Health Svc Admin Rockville, MD Ann Ambler 301/443-4449 TTY |
Health and
Human Services Disability Program Mgrs Region I Boston, MA Peter Coppersmith 617/565-1386 TTY |
Health and
Human Services Disability Program Mgrs Region II New York, NY Christine Palladino 212/264-3050 TTY |
Health and
Human Services Disability Program Mgrs Region III Philadelphia, PA Jane Lowenstein 215/596-6517 TTY |
Health and
Human Services Disability Program Mgrs Region IV Atlanta, GA Brendal Davis 404/311-2485 TTY |
Health and
Human Services Disability Program Mgrs Region V Chicago, IL Mary Brake 312/353-6803 TTY |
Health and
Human Services Disability Program Mgrs Region VI Dallas, TX Rowena Daniels 214/767-0368 TTY |
Health and
Human Services Disability Program Mgrs Region VII Kansas City, MO Carolyn Fischer 816/426-3806 TTY |
Health and
Human Services Disability Program Mgrs Region VIII Denver, CO Marsha Swink 303/844-3777 TTY |
Health and
Human Services Disability Program Mgrs Region IX San Francisco, CA Ramona Carrion 415/554-2791 TTY |
Health and
Human Services Disability Program Mgrs Region X Seattle, WA Kathy Hackett 206/553-6613 TTY |
Health and
Human Services Equal Employment Office Chicago, IL 312-886-2780 V/TTY |
Health and
Human Services Family Support Administration Washington, DC 202/401-4657 TTY |
Health and
Human Services Food and Drug Administration 900 Madison Avenue Baltimore, MD 21201 William Campanaro 410/944-8503 Home TTY 410/9623958 Work TTY |
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Human Services Food and Drug Administration 1521 W. Pico Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90015 Alondra Nicholson 213/251-7108 TTY |
Health and
Human Services Food and Drug Administration Building 29b, Room 2nn-16, 29 Lincoln Drive Hm 515 Bethesda, MD 20892-4550 Christina Fonseca 301/827-0680 V 301/496-7027 Fax |
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Human Services Food and Drug Administration Office of Commissioner Employment & Civil Rights Rockville, MD 301/443-1818 TTY |
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Human Services Handicapped Employment Program Washington, DC 202/619-0073 TTY |
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Human Services Health Care Financing Administration - Personnel Baltimore, MD 301/966-0723 TTY |
Health and
Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration Division of Personnel Rockville, MD 301/443-5460 TTY |
Health and
Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration Division of Student Assistance Parklawn Bldg, Rm 8-34 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, MD 20857 301/443-5868 TTY |
Health and Human Services Human Development Services Admin Office of Equal Opportunity & Civil Rights Washington, DC 202/619-1787 TTY | Health and Human Services National Institute of Health Bethesda, MD 301/496-3457 TTY | Health and Human Services National Institute of Health Bethesda, MD Mona Febus 301/496-8243 TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health Bldg 12a, Room 3039 Bethesda, MD 20892-5656 Charles Mokotoff 301/402-8615 TTY 301/496-1930 V 301/402-8616 Fax Email: Charles_Mokotoff@Nih.gov http://Download.Dcrt.Nih.gov |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health Clinical Center Bethesda, MD 20892 Kathy Porter 301/496-2376 TTY |
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Human Services National Institute of Health Clinical Center Division of Computer Research & Tech Training - Personnel Bethesda, MD 301/496-8294 TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health Clinical Center Nursing Data Entry Bethesda, MD 20892 Edward Kowalski 301/496-0873 TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health Clinical Center Nursing Svc (Allergy/Arthritis/Eye) Bethesda, MD Christina Fonseca 301/496-4623 V/TTY |
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Human Services National Institute of Health Office of Director Bethesda, MD 20892 Suzanne Huddleston 301/443-2213 TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health Clinical Center Patient Information / Admissions Bethesda, MD 301/496-3141 V/TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health Clinical Center Personnel Office Bethesda, MD 20892 301/496-6924 V/TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health Critical Nursing Office Bethesda, MD 20892 Teresa Davisson 301/402-0285 TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health Division of Computer Research PC Help Desk Bethesda, MD 301/402-0179 TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health Division of Computer Research and Technology Bldg 12a, Room 1017 12 South Drive Bethesda, MD 20892-5605 Steve Noe 301/496-8294 TTY 301/594-2423 V 301/402-7349 Fax Email: Stevenoe@Box-S.Nih.gov |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health Division of Safety - Police/Fire Department Bethesda, MD 301/496-0063 TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health Equal Opportunity Disability Employment Program Bethesda, MD Joan Brogan 301/496-2906 V/TTY |
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Human Services National Institute of Health Equal Opportunity - Judication Branch Complaints Management Bethesda, MD 301/496-1551 V/TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health Grants Office Bethesda, MD Sally MacDougall 301/496-5635 V/TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Institute of General Medical Sciences Building 45, 2an-52 45 Center Drive Bethesda, MD 20892-6200 Yoon-Sun Brennan 301/594-3051 TTY 301/594-5935 V 301/480-3423 Fax Email: Brennan@Gml.Nigms.Nih.gov |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Cancer Insitute Bldg 41, Rm D-503 Bethesda, MD 20892 Jesse Quintero 301/496-7769 TTY 301/496-1667 V 301/402-0055 Fax Email: Quinterj@Dce41.Nci.Nih.gov |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Cancer Institute Division of Cancer Biology Diagnosis and Centers-Biology Lab Bethesda, MD 301/480-0208 TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Cancer Insitute Executive Plaza South, Room 550 6120 Executive Boulevard Rockville, MD 20852 Christy Compton, 301/402-6750 TTY 301/496-6985 V 301/402-2188 Fax Email: Comptonc@Misb.Nci.Nih.gov |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Cancer Insitute Executive Plaza South 450W 6120 Executive Boulevard Rockville, MD 20852 Bonnie Ryan Email: Ryanb@Otd.Nci.Nih.gov |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Cancer Institute Building 10, 2A-33 10 Center Drive Bethesda, MD 20892 Susan Gantz 301/402-7688 TTY 301/402-0043 Fax Email: Gantz@Pop.Nci.Nih.gov |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Center for Human Genome Research Bldg. 49, 3A-B25 49 Convent Drive Bethesda, MD 20892-4470 Deborah Mosbrook 301/402-2530 V/TTY 301/402-4929 Fax Email: Deborahm@Ncghr.Nih.gov |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Solar Bldg, Rm 4c-02 6003 Executive Boulevard Bethesda, MD 20852-0900 Betty Dyess 301/496-7602 TTY 301/402-0989 Fax Email: Betty_Dyess@Exec.Niaid. v |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Lab of Viral Diseases Bethesda, MD 301/480-1497 V/TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Personnel Bethesda, MD 301/496-4634 V/TTY |
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Human Services National Institute of Health National Institute of Arthritis/Musculosketal/Skin Diseases - Personnel Bethesda, MD 301/496-0436 V/TTY |
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Human Services National Institute of Health National Institute of Arthritis/Musculosketal/Skin Diseases - Scientific Info. & Data Systems Branch Bethesda, MD Donald Hawkins 301/496-7842 TTY |
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Human Services National Institute of Health National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Personnel Management Bethesda, MD 301/402-2232 TTY 301/496-3365 V/TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Bldg 31, Room 1B-58 31 Center Drive Bethesda, MD 20892 Monica Koeppel 301/402-1466 V/TTY Email: Monicak@Dicbr.Niaaa.Nih.gov |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Institute on Deafness & Other Communication Disorders MSC 2320 Bldg. 31, Room 3C21 Bethesda, MD 20892-2320 Ward Pettis 301/402-1126 TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Institute on Deafness & Other Communication Disorders Bethesda, MD Cheryl Fells. Director 301/496-6596 TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Institute on Deafness & Other Communication Disorders Bldg 31, Room 3c-35 31 Center Drive, Bethesda, MD 20892-2320 Isabelle Renney 301/402-0252 TTY 301/496-7243 V 301/402-0018 Fax |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Institute on Deafness & Other Communication Disorders Audiology Clinic Clinical Center 10 Center Drive Bethesda, MD 20892 301/496-0771 TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Institute on Deafness & Other Communication Disorders Extramural Division Bethesda, MD 301/496-8687 TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Institute on Deafness & Other Communication Disorders Lab of Molecular Otology Bethesda, MD 301/480-2101 TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Institute on Deafness & Other Communications Disorders Personnel Bethesda, MD 301/402-0508 TTY 301/402-1134 V/TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Institute on Deafness & Other Communication Disorders Personnel Bethesda, MD Lori Ingram 301/402-1562 TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Institute on Deafness & Other Communication Disorders Program Planning Bethesda, MD 301/402-0252 TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Institute of Dental Research Bldg 45, Room 4AN-32D 45 Center Drive Bethesda, MD 20892-6402 Kalpana Ram 301/435-2235 TTY 301/480-8303 Fax Email: Ramk@De45.Nidr.Nih.gov |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Institute of Dental Research Bldg 45, Room 5AN-38 45 Center Drive Bethesda, MD 20892-6402 Sheryl Jackson Email: Sj96a@De45.Nidr.Nih.gov Or Jacksons@De45.Nidr.Nih.gov |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Institute of Dental Research Bldg 30, Rm 409 Bethesda, MD 20892 Eva Roque 301/496-5283 TTY 301/496-4069 V 301/402-0897 Fax Email: Eroque@Yoda.Nidr.Nih.gov |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Institute of Dental Research Biological Development Anomalies Bethesda, MD Frances Cannon 301/496-5283 TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Institute of Dental Research Biological Development Anomalies Bethesda, MD Eva Roque 301/496-5283 V/TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Institute of Dental Research Biological Development Anomalies Bethesda, MD Shannon Lally 301/496-5283 V/TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Institute of Dental Research Office of the Director Bldg 45, Room 5an- 38h 45 Center Drive Bethesda, MD 20892-6100 Mary Eileen Lukes 301/402-8764 TTY 301/594-1177 V 301/480-3648 F Email: Lunesm@De45.Nidr.Nih.gov |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Institute of Dental Research Personnel Office Bethesda, MD 301/496-8326 TTY v |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Institute of Diabetes Digestive & Kidney Diseases Building 8, Room 1A-15, 8 Center Drive Bethesda, MD 20892-0820, Mary Beth Grothe 301/435-2269 TTY 301/496-2771 V 301/402-0008 Fax Email: Marybethg@Bdg8.Niddk.Nih.gov |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Institute of Diabetes Digestive & Kidney Diseases Laboratory of Bioorganic Chemistry Bethesda, MD Mary Beth Grothe 301/496-4685 TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Institute of Environmental Health Science Equal Employment Opportunity Office Research Triangle, NC 919/541-2475 V/TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Box 12233, Drop 104-02 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Kelly Huddleston 919/541-3295 V 919/541-1583 Fax Email: Huddleston@Niehs.Nih.gov |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Institute of Mental Health Building 45, Room 3AN-32 45 Center Drive Bethesda, MD 20892-1364 Laurie Itteilag 301/435-4407 TTY 301/496-5337 V 301/402-0858 Fax Email: Itteilal@Irp.Nimh.Nh.gov |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Institute of Mental Health Laboratory on Cell Biology Building 36, Room 3A-1 36 Convent Drive Bethesda, MD 20892-4090 David Huddleston 301/402-1339 TTY 301/402-1748 Fax Email: Davidh@Codon.Nih.gov |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes Building 36, Room 2A-21 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, MD 20892 Virginia Tanner Crocker 301/496-0579 V/TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes Bldg 36, Rm 4A-19 36 Convent Drive Bethesda, MD 20892-4120 Arthur Jones 301/402-5807 TTY 301/402-0068 V 301/496-7886 Fax |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes Bldg 36, Rm 3b-24 36 Convent Drive Bethesda, MD 20892-4062 Virginia Tanner 301/496-0579 V/TTY 301/402-6875 Fax Email: Vt22g@Nih.gov |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes Bethesda, MD Kevin Johnson 301/496-7563 TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes Animal Health & Care Section Bethesda, MD Arthur Jones 301/402-0067 V/TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes EEO Office Bethesda, MD 301/496-2906 TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes Neurophys Lab Bethesda, MD Susan Smith 301/496-1853 TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes Personnel Office Bethesda, MD 301/496-0063 TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Library of Medicine Bethesda, MD Janet Noyes 301/496-5511 TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Library of Medicine Bethesda, MD John Murphy 301/496-5511 TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Library of Medicine Bethesda, MD Karen Guarin 301/496-9113 TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Library of Medicine Bethesda, MD Michael Ewing 301/496-5986 V/TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Library of Medicine Bethesda, MD Sally Favor 301/496-5511 V/TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Library of Medicine Bethesda, MD Tory Detweiler 301/496-5986 TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Library of Medicine Building 38, Room B1-E23 38 Library Drive Bethesda, MD 20894-6000 C. Diane Hairston 301/496-5512 TTY 301/495-5511 V 301/496-2809 Fax |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Library of Medicine Building 38, Room B1-W10 Msc#23, 38 Library Drive Bethesda, MD 20894-6000 Sally Mooney 301/496-1218 V/TTY 301/402-0422 Fax |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Library of Medicine Building 38, Room 1n-05 38 Library Drive Bethesda, MD 20894-6000 Barbara Shaw 301/496-5986 V/TTY 301/402-1523 Fax Email: Barbara_Shaw@Occshost.Nlm.Nih.gov |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Library of Medicine Personnel Bethesda, MD 301/496-4943 V/TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Library of Medicine Public Services Division Bethesda, MD Alexander Nobelman 301/496-5511 V/TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health National Library of Medicine TLC Training Facility Bethesda, MD 301/496-0807 V/TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health NIH Training Center Bethesda, MD 301/496-6371 TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health Occupational Medical Services (OMS) Bethesda, MD 301/496-4411 V/TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health Occupational Safety & Health Branch Bethesda, MD 301/496-3457 TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health Office of Financial Management Building 31, Room B1-B31 31 Center Drive Bethesda, MD 20892-2045 Martha Tuttle 301/480-1974 TTY 301/435-2927 V 301/402-1025 Fax Email: Tuttlem@Od31em1.Od.Nih.gov |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health Office of the Director Federal Building 7550 Wisconsin Ave., MSC 9121 Bethesda, MD 20892-9121 Matthew Lockhart 301/594-3180 TTY 301/402-0853 V 301/480-5481 Fax Email: Ml178y@Nih.gov Or Lockharm@Od31em1.Od.Nih.gov |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health Office of the Director Building 31, Room B1-B06 31 Center Drive Bethesda, MD 20892-2050 Sally Macdougall 301/435-3507 V/TTY, 301/402-1025 Or 480-7721 Fax Email: Sm27a@Nih.gov Or X2q@Cu.Nih.gov |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health Office of the Director Executive Plaza South, Room 761 6120 Executive Boulevard Rockville, MD 20892-7240 Robert Oakley 301/402-5957 TTY 301/496-6071 V 301/402-2145 Fax Email: Oakleyr@Nih.gov |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health Office of the Director Mailstop 2109 31 Center Drive, Room 2B-34 Bethesda, MD 20892-2109 Gary Morin 301/496-9755 TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health Office of the Director Building 31, Room B1-B31 31 Center Drive Bethesda, MD 20892-2045 Blaise Delahoussaye 301/402-3318 TTY 301/435-2927 V 301/402-1025 Fax Email: Delahoub@Od31em1.Od.Nih.gov |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health Office of the Director Office of Equal Opportunity Bldg 31, Rm 2b-34 31 Center Drive Bethesda, MD 20892-2106 Mark Langer 301/594-3180 TTY 301/594-3061 V 301/402-0994 Fax Email: Langerm@od31em1.Nih.gov |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health Office of the Director Materials Management 6006 Executive Blvd Bethesda, MD 20892-2109 Suzanne Huddleston 301/443-2213 TTY Email: Sh171m@Nih.gov |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health Personnel Management Recruitment & Benefit Bethesda, MD Terri Messick 301/496-7460 TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health Safety Operations Section Bethesda, MD Susan Bush 301/496-2346 V/TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health Technical Assistance Section Bethesda, MD 301/496-3353 V/TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health Travel, Fellows & Cashiers Section Building 31, Room B1-B31 31 Center Drive Bethesda, MD 20892-204 Blaise Delahoussaye 301/402-3318 TTY |
Health and
Human Services National Institute of Health Visitor Information Center Bethesda, MD 301/496-0033 V/TTY |
Health and
Human Services Office for Civil Rights Headquarters Washington, DC 202/863-0101 TTY |
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Human Services Office for Civil Rights Nationwide Inquiries 800/537-7697 V/TTY |
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Human Services Office for Civil Rights - Region 1 Boston, MA 617/565-1343 V/TTY |
Health and
Human Services Office for Civil Rights - Region 2 New York, NY 212/264-2355 V/TTY |
Health and
Human Services Office for Civil Rights - Region 3 Philadelphia, PA 215/596-5195 V/TTY |
Health and
Human Services Office for Civil Rights - Region 4 Atlanta, GA 404/331-2867 V/TTY |
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Human Services Office for Civil Rights - Region 5 Chicago, IL 313/353-5693 V/TTY |
Health and
Human Services Office for Civil Rights - Region 6 Dallas, TX 214/767-8940 V/TTY |
Health and
Human Services Office for Civil Rights - Region 8 Denver, CO 303/844-3439 V/TTY |
Health and
Human Services Office for Civil Rights - Region 9 San Francisco, CA 415/556-8586 V/TTY |
Health and
Human Services Office for Civil Rights - Region 10 Seattle, WA 206/553-7486 V/TTY |
Health and
Human Services Office of Assistant Secretary Rockville, MD 301/443-4229 TTY |
Health and
Human Services Office of Assistant Secretary Complaints Management & Adjudication Rockville, MD 301/443-7601 TTY |
Health and
Human Services Office of Assistant Secretary Handicap, Hispanic & Womens Program Rockville, MD 301/443-7601 TTY |
Health and
Human Services Office of Assistant Secretary Management & Budget Rockville, MD 202/690-7276 TTY |
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Human Services Office of Assistant Secretary OPM Selective Placement Program Rockville, MD 301/443-6610 V/TTY |
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Human Services Office of Assistant Secretary Parklawn Training Center Rockville, MD 301/443-6790 V/TTY |
Health and
Human Services Office of Assistant Secretary Personnel Admin Rockville, MD 202/690-8301 TTY |
Health and
Human Services Office of Assistant Secretary Planning & Evaluation Rockville, MD 202/690-7219 TTY |
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Human Services Office of Assistant Secretary Planning & Policy Rockville, MD 202/690-5479 TTY |
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Human Services Office of Assistant Secretary Office of EEO Affirmative Action Program Rockville, MD 301/443-7601 TTY |
Health and
Human Services Office of Equal Opportunity & Civil Rights Rockville, MD 301/443-5636 V/TTY |
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Human Services Office of the Secretary Personnel Washington, DC 202/619-3540 V/TTY |
Health and
Human Services SAMHSA 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, MD 20857 301/443-3735 TTY aambler@samhsa.gov |
Health and
Human Services Selective Placement Health Care Financing Admin Lu Distefano 410/966-7023 TTY |
Health and
Human Services Selective Placement Office of Secretary & Admin For Children & Families Charles Dietz 202/619-3540 TTY |
Health and
Human Services Selective Placement Public Health Service Jeff Walen 301/443-6610 V/TTY |
Health and
Human Services Selective Placement Public Health Service Centers For Disease Control Agency for Toxic Substances B J Flowers 404/639-1629 TTY |
Health and
Human Services Selective Placement Public Health Service Food and Drug Admin Kathy LANE 301/443-1970 V/TTY |
Health and
Human Services Selective Placement Public Health Service Health Resources & Services Admin John Ransdall 301/443-5460 V/TTY |
Health and
Human Services Selective Placement Public Health Service National Institutes of Health Terri Messick 301/496-7460 TTY |
Health and
Human Services Selective Placement Public Health Service Office of Assistant Secretary for Health Sharon Eades 301/443-3921 TTY |
Health and
Human Services Selective Placement Public Health Service Substance Abuse Mental Health Service Admin Terri Yancy 301/443-5437 TTY |
Health and
Human Services Selective Placement Social Security Admin Miriam Burns 410/965-4358 V/TTY |
Health and
Human Services Selective Placement Region I Boston, MA Peter Coppersmith 617/565-1386 TTY |
Health and
Human Services Selective Placement Region II New York, NY Christine Palladino 212/264-3050 TTY |
Health and
Human Services Selective Placement Region III Philadelphia, PA Peggy Petropoulos 215/596-6517 TTY |
Health and
Human Services Selective Placement Region IV Atlanta, GA Ann Roberts 404/311-2485 TTY |
Health and
Human Services Selective Placement Region V Chicago, IL Mary Brake 312/353-6803 TTY |
Health and
Human Services Selective Placement Region VI Dallas, TX Michael Kirk 214/767-0368 TTY |
Health and
Human Services Selective Placement Region VII Kansas City, MO Carolyn Fischer 816/426-3724 TTY |
Health and
Human Services Selective Placement Region VIII Denver, CO Marsha Swink 303/844-3777 TTY |
Health and
Human Services Selective Placement Region IX San Francisco, CA Ramona Carrion 415/554-2791 TTY |
Health and
Human Services Selective Placement Region X Seattle, WA Donna Hansen 206/553-6613 TTY |
Housing and Urban Development Baltimore, MD 410/962-0106 V/TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Birmingham Office Birmingham, AL 205/290-7624 V/TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Boston Regional Office Boston, MA 617/565-5453 V/TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Dallas Office Dallas, TX 214/767-4140 V/TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Fair Housing & Equal Opportunity Office of Public Affairs Washington, DC 202/708-0015 TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Federal Housing Commissioner Insurance Operator System Management Branch Washington, DC Evelina Kean 202/708-3247 TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Fort Worth Regional Office Fort Worth, TX 817/885-5447 V/TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Fresno Regional Office Fresno, CA 209/487-5033 V/TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Hartford Office Hartford, CT 203/240-4665 V/TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Headquarters Washington, DC Boniface OKorie 202/401-2011 TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Headquarters Washington, DC Cheryl Kent 202/708-1734 TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Headquarters Washington, DC Chuck Hom 202/708-3510 TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Headquarters Washington, DC Delma Beverly 202/708-1412 TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Headquarters Washington, DC Eva Mingo 202/708-2011 TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Headquarters Washington, DC Evelina Kean 202/708-3247 TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Headquarters Washington, DC Gail Smith 202/401-2092 TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Headquarters Washington, DC Horace Jones 202/708-0725 TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Headquarters Washington, DC Kimberly Sample 202/401-2190 TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Headquarters Washington, DC Jeff Salit 202/708-4401 TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Headquarters Washington, DC Melvin Quarles 202/708-2502 TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Headquarters Communications Management Branch Washington, DC David Pallaladino 202/619-8330 TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Headquarters Community Planning & Development Washington, DC 202/708-0564 V/TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Headquarters DIAL-A-JOB Washington, DC 202/708-2627 V/TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Headquarters Fair Housing Washington, DC 202/708-0113 V/TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Headquarters Fair Housing & Equal Opportunity Washington, DC 202/708-0836 V/TTY 800/927-9275 V/TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Headquarters Fair Housing General Counsel/Docket Clerk Washington, DC 202/708-3259 V/TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Headquarters General Information Locator Washington, DC 202/708-1455 TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Headquarters Government National Mortgage Assoc Washington, DC 202/708-3649 V/TTY |
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Urban Development Headquarters Health Unit Washington, DC 202/708-4265 V/TTY |
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Urban Development Headquarters Job Information Center Washington, DC 202/708-2823 V/TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Headquarters Training Learning Lab Washington, DC 202/708-0235 TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Housing Discrimination Hotline Washington, DC 800/927-9275 V/TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Kansas/Missouri State Office of Public Housing 400 State Avenue Kansas City, KS 66101-2406 Adele M. Vallario 913/551-5815 TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Las Vegas Regional Office Las Vegas, NV 702/388-6246 V/TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Los Angeles Regional Office Los Angeles, CA 213/251-7038 TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Lubbock Office Lubbock, TX 806/743-7265 V/TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Manchester Office Manchester, NH 603/666-7518 V/TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Oklahoma City Office Oklahoma City, OK 405/231-4981 TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Philadelphia Regional Office Philadelphia, PA 215/597-5564 V/TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Phoenix, Regional Office Phoenix, AZ 602/379-4461 V/TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Pittsburgh Office Pittsburgh, PA 412/644-5747 V/TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Providence Field Office Region I Providence, RI 401/528-5364 V/TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Providence Office Providence, RI 401/528-5364 V/TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Reno Regional Office Reno, NV 702/784-5971 V/TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Rural Housing Service P.O. Box 1044 Hodge, LA 71247 Carl Barr 318/259-4282 TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Sacramento Regional Office Sacramento, CA 916/551-1367 V/TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development San Antonio Office San Antonio, TX 512/229-6885 V/TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development San Diego Regional Office San Diego, CA 619/557-6301 V/TTY |
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Urban Development San Francisco Regional Office Orange, CA 714/836-2486 TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Shreveport Office Shreveport, LA 318/676-3399 TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development System Management Branch Washington, DC Beth Ballard 202/708-4346 TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development System Management Branch Washington, DC Boniface Okari 202/708-4346 TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Tucson Regional Office Tucson, AZ 602/670-5203 V/TTY |
Housing and
Urban Development Washington DC Office Washington, DC 202/275-0967 V/TTY |
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