A Guide to Burial at Arlington National Cemetery Eligibility for Interment of Cremated Remains in Unmarked Area Any veteran who is eligible for interment (ground burial) and their dependent(s) may have their cremated remains placed in a designated unmarked area of the cemetery. Family members must be placed in this area once one member has had their remains placed here. The ashes must be in a biodegradable container or placed without container directly into the ground. Application for an Exception to the Interment/Inurnment PolicyA letter requesting an exception to policy should be submitted to the Superintendent, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA 22211. A request for an exception to policy will not be considered until the death of the individual. Letters may be faxed to the Superintendent on telephone number (703) 607-8583. The letter should contain the following information:
Decisions generally provided within 24 to 48 hours after receipt of the request. Burden of Proof in Establishing Eligibility The estate of the deceased (or next-of-kin/personal representative) is responsible for providing the appropriate documentation to verify the veteran's eligibility for interment or for inurnment. The cemetery staff may offer assistance in verifying the veteran's eligibility. However, the veteran or their spouse must be deceased prior to the cemetery staff assisting with the verification. Verification by the cemetery staff may take up to three workdays. Veterans who desire copies of their military records should write to: National Personnel Records Center, Attention: Military Personnel Records, 1 Reserve Way, St Louis, Missouri 63132. Please allow six to eight months for a response from the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC). Some example documents for establishing eligibility are: DD Form 214 (all branches starting in the 1950's); WD AGO Form 53, 53-55, or 53-98 for Army; NAVPERS Form 553 for Navy; and NAVMC Form 553 for the Marines during the 1940's (Both front and back of the forms are needed). A Record of Service provided by the NPRC is also acceptable. The preceding represents a partial listing of forms used during the 1940's. Some of the preceding documents do not describe the character of service. A copy of the discharge certificate which describes the character of service as "honorable" or "under honorable conditions" will meet this requirement. Any member of the Uniformed Services who dies while on active duty (other than for training) will generally have their affairs processed by a casualty assistance officer from their respective branch of service. An active duty statement from the commanding officer will be required for verification of eligibility. Contacting the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) For burial eligibility or information, you may contact
your local VA Office, the nearest VA National Cemetery, or you may write
to the VA at the US Department of Veterans Affairs, National Cemetery
System (402B), 810 Vermont Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20420. |
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