What is sold Each year more than $400 million in National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) surplus and exchange/sale personal property is sold to the public. Types of property available include primarily computer equipment, printers, electronics, test equipment, office furniture, laboratory equipment, video equipment, computer tape, heavy vehicles, hardware, aircraft parts, communication equipment, recyclable materials such as metal, copper wire, waste office paper, wood pallets, aluminum cans, and much more. How items are sold Much of NASA's personal property is sold directly from 13 NASA locations on a fairly regular basis. However, small quantities of surplus contractor inventory may be sold from any location nationwide. Most NASA surplus and exchange/sale personal property is sold by the U.S. General Services Administration. However, NASA does conduct its own sales at s everal locations. NASA personal property is sold primarily by sealed bid and auction. At several NASA locations, working computers, printers, and office furniture are sold by fixed price sale. Recyclable property, such as waste office paper and metals, is frequently sold for a term of one year via sealed bid. How sales are advertised Sales information is advertised online at the NASA surplus sale website, www.sale.hq.nasa.gov. Sales are also advertised in local newspapers. When the combined acquisition cost of the property is $250,000 or more, sales are advertised online at the Federal Business Opportunities (FedBizOpps) web-site, www.fedbizopps.gov. NASA does not maintain a mailing list of potential buyers or their needs. Special restrictions/conditions Terms and conditions of each sale are posted and available from the Government sales contracting officer for each sale. Purchasers must be 18 years of age or older. Potential purchasers who are currently debarred or suspended by any Federal agency cannot make purchases. Generally, NASA employees and contractors are eligible to purchase, provided they do not have access to NASA property records and have not been involved in the administration or termination of contractor inventory, maintenance, use, inspection, or support of property before or during the disposal or sale process. Guaranteed payment such as cash or certified check is required. At many of the sales, credit cards may be accepted.The Federal Government does not provide any form of financing. It is the potential purchaser's responsibility to ascertain and comply with all applicable Federal, state, local, and multi-jurisdictional laws, ordinances, and regulations pertaining to the registration, export, processing, manufacture, resale, use, or disposal of the property they will purchase from the Federal Government. The purchaser must pay for and remove purchases within the time prescribed for each sale and cannot remove merchandise before payment. If the purchaser fails to pay for and remove the property by the deadline, the Federal Government will take action to collect damages totaling $25 or 20% of the purchase price, whichever is greater. For more information Visit the NASA surplus sale website at www.sale.hq.nasa.gov to obtain contact information for sales of NASA surplus and exchange/sale personal property. To report suspected fraud, waste, or abuse in the sale of NASA surplus and exchange/sale personal property, please contact the NASA Office of Inspector General toll free at 1(800)424-9183 or write to one of the specific offices listed on the NASA website at www.hq.nasa.gov/office/oig/hq/hotline.html. To learn more about personal property sales at NASA centers or installations in your geographic area, look under NASA in the "U.S. Government" listings in the phone directories of the major cities of your state. |
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