What is sold GSA's Federal Supply Service (FSS) sells a wide variety of personal property no longer needed by the Federal Government. Items sold include cars, trucks, boats, cameras and projectors, communications equipment, copiers, food preparation and serving equipment, hardware, jewelry and collectibles, medical and laboratory equipment, office machines, office and household furniture, recreational and athletic equipment, tools, and many other items. How items are sold GSA conducts sealed bid, fixed price, auction, spot bid, negotiated, or online Internet sales. It is GSA policy to sell personal property at fair market value, and not to sell items if the bid price is below what is reasonable. No preference is given to individuals or groups, including veterans and religious organizations. Payment is restricted to the following instruments: U.S. currency; bank cashier's check; cashier's check issued by a Federal or State chartered credit union; U.S. Postal Service or commercial money order; traveler's checks; properly endorsed Federal, State, or local government checks; Visa, MasterCard, Discover (Novus), and American Express. Certified checks and bank drafts are not acceptable. A personal or company check will be accepted only when accompanied by a bank letter guaranteeing payment. This letter must be on bank letterhead and must state (1) that payment is guaranteed, (2) that the guarantee is v alid for 30 days after the bid opening date, and (3) that the guarantee covers the purchase of U.S. Government personal property only. The letter must include the date, the bidder's name, the amount the guarantee is for, date of sale, and signature of the bank official authorized to guarantee payment. The Government does not provide any form of financing. GSA Auctions online auction sales offer electronic bidding, bids by proxy, online credit card payment, and instant feedback on a wide array of Federal assets and personal property. Visit www.gsaauctions.gov to see what is offered to the public. Information needed to purchase preowned GSA fleet vehicles at government auctions is available at www.autoauctions.gsa.gov. Visitors to the site can view the vehicle auction sales schedule, search for an upcoming auction by location, look for specific vehicle models, and more. NOTE: GSA employees or spouses or minor children of GSA employees, or their agents, may not bid on Federal personal property. Employees of another agency may bid if not prohibited from doing so by the employing agency's rules or regulations. How sales are advertised Sales information is advertised through mailing lists for frequent purchasers; radio, television, or newspaper announcements; trade journals and periodicals; and notices in town halls, post offices, and Federal Government buildings. Information is also available via GSA's website at www.gsa.gov. Sales of national interest are published online at the Federal Business Opportunities'(FedBizOpps) website, www.fedbizopps.gov. Special restrictions/conditions Bidders are cautioned to inspect all items before bidding. GSA informs bidders of any known deficiencies prior to the sale, but GSA does not guarantee the condition of sale items and is not responsible for any problems identified after the sale. For details about other restrictions and conditions, please contact the personal property sales office in your area. For more information To request information on FSS sales, write to Personal Property Sales, U.S. General Services Administration at the local addresses listed here for the states where you wish to buy property or call the listed telephone numbers. Washington, DC Metropolitan area: 6808 Loisdale Rd. (3FP-W) Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont: 10 Causeway St. New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands: Room 20-112, Box 10 (2FBP) Delaware, Maryland, Virginia (except Washington, DC Metropolitan area), Pennsylvania, and West Virginia: The Strawbridges Building (3FPD) Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee: Peachtree Summit Building Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, and Wisconsin (for Utilization and Donation Support): 230 South Dearborn St. (5FBP) Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, and Wisconsin (for Miscellaneous Surplus Sales): 1500 East Bannister Rd. (6FBDP) Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas: 819 Taylor St. (7FMP) Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming: P.O. Box 25506Denver Federal Center Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, American Samoa, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and Guam: 450 Golden Gate Ave. Alaska, Idaho, Or egon, and Washington: 400 - 15th St., SW (10FZP-0) Office of Property Disposal Public Buildings Service What is sold As the program responsible for selling a significant amount of the Federal Government's real estate to the public, the Office of Property Disposal sells real property in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and U. S. Territories in the Pacific. The properties vary widely in type and value and may include office buildings, warehouses, industrial facilities, developed and undeveloped land, as well as residential and commercial properties that have been seized, forfeited, or foreclosed for nonpayment of Federal taxes or loans, or for law enforcement purposes. How real property is sold Sealed bid, public auction, online auction, or auction by mail. How sales are advertised Sales information is advertised in national and local newspapers, as well as online at propertydisposal.gsa.gov/Property. Special restrictions/conditions Information and details (zoning or environmental conditions) for each specific property are listed in the Invitation for Bids, available upon request. Cashier's checks or money orders are generally required. Under special circumstances financing is available. GSA employees are not eligible to participate in sales. For more information Write to the Office of Property Disposal, U.S. General Services Administration at the local addresses listed here for the states where you wish to buy property or call the listed telephone numbers. Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Vermont, Wisconsin, and the Virgin Islands are covered by: 10 Causeway St., Room 925 Alabama, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland*, Mississippi, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia*, and West Virginia are covered by: (*except for the Washington, DC Metropolitan area) Peachtree Summit Bldg. Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Montana, Missouri, North Dakota, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming are covered by: 819 Taylor St., Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington are covered by: 450 Golden Gate Ave. The Washington, DC Me tropolitan area, including Washington, DC, and portions of Maryland and Virginia, is covered by: 301 7th St., SW, The Office of Property Disposal also compiles a bimonthly U.S. Real Property Sales List, which lists current sales of property available by state, city, or county. You'll find it by accessing GSA's website at propertydisposal.gsa.gov/Property. To obtain a free copy of the Sales List write or call: Federal Citizen Information Center |
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