Based on child development research, the
following guide will help in your selection of toys for various age
groups. Some playthings are recommended for more than one age
category, as children of different ages often enjoy the same toy, each
playing with it at his or her own level. |
Abilities and
Experts agree that even babies benefit from
toys. Infants use their senses to learn about their world. For the
first few months of life, babies are unable to grasp objects with
their hands, but enjoy exploring with their ears and eyes. Therefore,
toys that make noise or feature high-contrast, black-and-white or
brightly colored images are especially appealing to newborns and young
infants. Once infants can reach for objects, they enjoy toys that are
textured and safe for mouthing. Remember, to avoid dangerous
entanglement, toys never should be hung or attached to a crib,
playpen, stroller, infant seat or around a child's neck with elastic,
string or ribbon. Toy
Crib gyms*
Floor gyms
Activity quilts
Safety mirrors
Teething toys
Large, interlocking rings or keys
Cloth toys
Soft dolls
Stuffed animals (with short pile fabric)
Musical and chime toys
*Remove when baby is five months old or is able to
push up on hands and knees. |