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Learning Partners Get To School Safely! We all know that what children do in school is very important. But, getting to school is also important. Some children are lucky enough to live near the school, but others have to walk long distances, ride the school bus, or take public transportation. How can you help your child be safe on the way to school? Here are some things you can do.
Safety Activities Criss-Cross Help your child practice crossing the street. Teach your child to 1. Cross at the corner; 2. Look left, right, and left again before crossing; 3. Watch in particular for turning cars; 4. Stay in the crosswalks; 5. If there is a traffic light, cross only when the facing light is green or when the walk sign is on; and 6. Always follow the directions of the crossing guard or safety patrol. Role Playing Although it may be hard for you, talk frankly with your children and teach them some common tricks of child molesters. You might want to play out these situations with your child. What do you do if: 1. Someone asks for directions and wants you to get into a car? 2. Someone asks for help in looking for a lost pet and leads you into an isolated area? 3. Someone asks to take your picture for a TV ad and invites you into their house or apartment? Stay in Touch 1. Always call the school if your child will be absent. Make sure the school knows how to contact you if your child does not show up. Valuable time in looking for a lost child can be saved if there is quick contact between the school and a parent. 2. Tell your child how to contact you in a hurry. Give him your work phone number. Explain that she should leave detailed messages if there is an emergency. Teach your child how to call collect. Teach your child when and how to call 911. 3. Arrange for other parents to take your children in an emergency or if you are going to be late. Let's
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Resources: Information was based on "How to Keep your Child in One Piece, U.S. Department of Transportation, and Helping Your Child Be Healthy and Fit, U.S. Department of Education .
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