Apprenticeable occupations
Officially recognized by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, with estimated term in years
Arts - Business and
administrative support
Construction and Mining
Installation, maintenance, and repair, including telecommunications
and power plant operation
Science, drafting, and computer
Service and related
Arts Actor 2 Audio operator 2 Bank-note designer 5 Camera operator 3 Cartoonist, motion pictures 3 Cloth designer 4 Commercial designer 4 Decorator 4 Director, television 2 Display designer 4 Displayer, merchandise 1 Electronic prepress system operator (desktop publisher) 5 Field engineer, radio and television 4 Film or videotape editor 4 Floral designer 1 Fur designer 4 Furniture designer 4 Graphic designer 1.5 Illustrator 4 Industrial designer 4 Interior designer 2 Light technician 4 Mailer 4 Painter 1 Painter, hand (any industry) 3 Photographer, lithographic 5 Photographer, photoengraving 6 Photographer, still 3 Program assistant 3 Radio station operator 4 Recording engineer 2 Script supervisor 1 Sound mixer 4 Stage technician 3 Stained glass artist 4 Taxidermist 3 Transportation clerk 1.5 Wardrobe supervisor 2 See also: printing |
and administrative support Alarm operator 1 Dispatcher, service 2 Funeral director 2 Hotel associate 2 Legal secretary 1 Manager, retail store 3 Material coordinator 2 Medical secretary 1 Office manager/administrative services 2 Paralegal 3 Photocomposing-perforating-machine operator 2 Post-office clerk 2 Purchasing agent 4 Salesperson, parts 2 Supercargo 2 Telecommunicator (police, fire, and ambulance dispatcher) 4 Telegraphic-typewriter operator 3 |
Installation, maintenance, and repair, including telecommunications and power plant operation (continued) Industrial machineryAutomated equipment engineer-technician 4 Automotive-maintenance-equipment servicer 4 Aviation support equipment repairer 4 Bakery-machine mechanic 3 Canal-equipment mechanic 2 Composing-room machinist 6 Conveyor-maintenance mechanic 2 Cooling tower technician 2 Electronic-production-line-maintenance 1 Forge-shop-machine repairer 3 Fuel-system-maintenance worker 2 Hydraulic repairer 4 Hydraulic-press servicer 2 Hydroelectric-machinery mechanic 3 Industrial engine technician 4 Industrial machine systems technician 2 Laundry-machine mechanic 3 Machine erector 4 Machine fixer (carpet and rug) 4 Machine fixer (textile) 3 Machine repairer, maintenance 4 Machinist, linotype 4 Maintenance mechanic, any industry 4 Maintenance mechanic, compressed gas 4 Maintenance mechanic, grain and feed 2 Maintenance repairer, building 2 Maintenance repairer, industrial 4 Marine-services technician 3 Millwright 4 Overhauler (textile) 2 Pinsetter adjuster, automated 3 Pinsetter mechanic, automatic 2 Pneumatic-tool repairer 4 Pneumatic-tube repairer 2 Powerhouse mechanic 4 Pump erector (construction) 2 Pump servicer 3 Repairer I, chemical industry 4 Repairer, welding equipment 2 Repairer, welding systems and equipment 3 Rubberizing mechanic 4 Scale mechanic 4 Sewing-machine repairer 3 Stoker erector and servicer 4 Treatment-plant mechanic 3 |
Line installers Precision equipment |
Installation, maintenance, and repair, including telecommunications and power plant operation (continued) VehiclesAircraft mechanic, plumbing and hydraulics 4 Airframe-and-power-plant mechanic 4 Automobile air-conditioning mechanic 1 Automobile body repairer 4 Automobile glass installer 2 Automobile mechanic 4 Automobile radiator mechanic 2 Automobile-repair-service estimator 4 Automobile spring repairer, hand 4 Automotive cooling-system diagnoser 2 Automotive repairer, heavy 2 Aviation safety equipment technician 4 Brake repairer 2 Car repairer, railroad 4 Carburetor mechanic 4 Construction-equipment mechanic 4 Diesel mechanic 4 Electrician, water transportation 4 Engine repairer, service 4 Front-end mechanic 4 Fuel-injection servicer 4 Gas-engine repairer 4 Logging-equipment mechanic 4 Machinist, marine engine 4 Mechanic, endless track vehicle 4 Mechanic, industrial truck 4 Mine-car repairer 2 Motorboat mechanic 3 Motorcycle repairer 3 Outboard-motor mechanic 2 Repairer, recreational vehicle 4 Rocket-engine-component mechanic 4 Rocket-motor mechanic 4 Service mechanic (automobile manufacturing) 2 Small-engine mechanic 2 Tractor mechanic 4 Transmission mechanic 2 Truck-body builder 4 Tune-up mechanic 2 Undercar specialist 2 |
Other Power-saw mechanic 3 Oil-field equipment mechanic 2 Air and hydronic balancing technician 3 Air-conditioning installer-servicer 3 Cash-register servicer 3 Coin-machine servicer and repairer 3 Dairy-equipment repairer 3 Dictating-transcribing-machine servicer 3 Door-closer mechanic 3 Facilities locator 2 Farm-equipment mechanic I 3 Farm-equipment mechanic II 4 Furnace installer 3 Furnace installer and repairer 4 Gas-appliance servicer 3 Gas-meter mechanic I 3 Gas-regulator repairer 3 Heating-and-air-conditioning installer and servicer 3 Locksmith 4 Maintenance mechanic, construction and petroleum 4 Mechanical-unit repairer 4 Meter repairer 3 Office-machine servicer 3 Oil-burner servicer and installer 2 Refrigeration mechanic 3 Refrigeration unit repairer 3 Rigger 3 Rigger (ship and boat building) 2 Safe-and-vault service mechanic 4 Service planner (light, heat) 4 Signal maintainer 4 |
Assembly *Skills-based apprenticeship. No term given. |
Health Inspection |
Production (continued) Jewelry Metal and plastic work |
and plastic work (continued) Lay-out technician 4 Lay-out worker I 4 Lead burner Machine operator I 4 Machine setter, any industry 4 Machine setter, clock 4 Machine setter, machine shop 3 Machine set-up operator 2 Machine try-out setter 4 Machinist 4 Machinist, automotive 4 Machinist, experimental 4 Machinist, outside (ship) 4 Maintenance machinist 4 Milling-machine set-up operator 2 Multi-operation form machine setter 4 Multi-operation-machine operator 3 Numerical control machine operator 4 Ornamental metal worker 4 Pantograph-machine set-up operator 2 Patternmaker, all around 5 Patternmaker, metal 5 Patternmaker, metal, bench 5 Patternmaker, metal products 4 Patternmaker, plastics 3 Plastic fixture builder 4 Plastic process technician 4 Plastic tool maker 4 Plater 3 Roll-threader operator 1 Sample maker, appliances 4 Saw filer 4 Saw maker, cutlery and tools 3 Screw-machine operator, multiple spindle 4 Screw-machine operator, single spinner 3 Screw-machine set-up operator 4 Screw-machine set-up operator, single spindle 3 Shipfitter 4 Spinner, hand 3 Spring coiling machine setter 4 Spring maker 4 Spring-manufacturing set-up technician 4 Stone polisher, machine 3 Tap-and-die-maker technician 4 Template maker 4 Template maker, extrusion die 4 Test technician (machining) 5 Tool builder 4 Tool grinder I 3 Tool maker 4 Tool maker, bench 4 Tool programmer, numerical control 3 Tool-and-die maker 4 Tool-grinder operator 4 Tool-machine set-up operator 3 Turret-lathe set-up operator 4 Welder, arc 4 Welder, combination 3 Welder-fitter 4 Welding-machine operator, arc 3 |
Production (continued) Molds and models, except jewelryCell maker 1 Engineering model maker 4 Mock-up builder 4 Model and mold maker (brick) 2 Model and mold maker, plaster 4 Model builder, furniture 2 Model maker pottery and porcelain 2 Model maker, aircraft 4 Model maker, auto manufacturing 4 Model maker, clock and watch 4 Model maker, firearms 4 Model maker, wood 4 Mold maker, die-casting and plastic 4 Mold maker, pottery and porcelin 3 Mold setter 1 Molder 4 Molder, pattern (foundry) 4 Patternmaker, plaster 3 Patternmaker, stonework 4 Patternmaker, wood 5 Plaster-pattern caster 5 Prototype model maker 4 |
Plant and system operation Boiler operator 4 Chemical operator, chief 3 Clarifying-plant operator, textile 1 Electronics utility worker 4 Gas utility worker 2 Hydroelectric-station operator 3 Plant operator 3 Plant operator, furnace 4 Power-plant operator 4 Refinery operator 3 Stationary engineer 4 Substation operator 4 Switchboard operator, utilities 3 Turbine operator 4 Waste-treatment operator 2 Wastewater-treatment-plant operator 2 Water-treatment-plant operator 3 |
Printing Assistant press operator 2 |
Printing (continued) Machine set-up operator, paper goods 4Monotype-keyboard operator 3 Offset-press operator I 4 Paste-up artist 3 Photoengraver 5 Photoengraving finisher 5 Photoengraving printer 5 Photoengraving proofer 5 Photograph retoucher 3 Photographic-plate maker 4 Plate finisher 6 Platen-press operator 4 Press operator, heavy duty 4 Printer, plastic 4 Printer-slotter operator 4 Projection printer 4 Proof-press operator 5 Proofsheet corrector 4 Recovery operator (paper) 1 Reproduction technician 1 Retoucher, photoengraving 5 Roller engraver, hand 2 Rotogravure-press operator 4 Scanner operator 2 Sign writer, hand 1 Sketch maker I 5 Sketch maker II 4 Steel-die printer 4 Stereotyper 6 Stripper 5 Stripper, lithographic II 4 Surface-plate finisher 2 Wallpaper printer I 4 Web-press operator 4 |
Production (continued) Textiles and apparel Woodwork |
Other Batch-and-furnace operator 4 Chemical operator III 3 Coating machine operator I 1 Cutter, machine 3 Decorator (glass manufacturing) 4 Electrostatic powder coating technician 4 Envelope-folding-machine adjuster 3 Fourdrinier-machine operator 3 Freezer operator 1 Gang sawyer, stone 2 Kiln firer 3 Kiln operator 3 Liner (pottery and porcelain) 3 Miller, wet process 3 Painter, sign 4 Painter, transportation equipment 3 Purification machine operator II 4 Sandblaster, stone 3 Screen printer 2 Siderographer 5 Stencil cutter 2 Stone carver 3 Stone-lathe operator 3 Tinter (paint and varnish) 2 Wire sawyer 2 |
Buildings and grounds Cooking |
Protective service Arson and bomb investigator 2 Correction officer 1 Fire apparatus engineer 3 Fire captain 3 Fire engineer 1 Fire inspector 4 Fire medic 3 Firefighter 3 Firefighter, crash and fire 1 Fish and game warden 2 Guard, security 1.5 Investigator, private 1 Police officer 2 Wildland firefighter specialist 1 |
Service and related (continued) HealthAmbulance attendant (EMT) 1 Dental assistant 1 Emergency medical technician 3 Health care sanitation technician 1 Licenced practical nurse 1 Medical laboratory technician 2 Nurse assistant 1 Optician, dispensing 2 Optician, goods 4 Optician, goods and retail 5 Orthodontic technician 2 Orthopedic-boot-and-shoe designer 5 Orthotics technician 1 Orthotist 4 Paramedic 2 Pharmacist assistant 1 Podiatric assistant 2 Prostethetist 4 Prosthetics technician 4 Tumor registrar 2 |
Other service Animal trainer 2 Barber 1 Childcare development specialist 2 Cosmetologist 1 Counselor 2 Customer service representative 3 Direct support specialist (social and human support) 1.5 Embalmer 2 Horse trainer 1 Horseshoer 2 Teacher aide I 2 Youth development practitioner 1.75 |
Beekeeper 2
Buttermaker 1.2
Conveyor-system operator 1
Dragline operator 1
Dredge operator 4
Farmer, general 1
Farmworker, general I 2
Fire-control mechanic 1
Fish hatchery worker 2
Inspector, motor vehicles 4
Locomotive engineer 2
Logger, all-round 3
Ordnance artificer (military) 1.5
Pilot, ship 3
Pumper-gauger 1
Truck driver, heavy 3
Truck-crane operator 3
This classification of occupations does not always match the Standard Occupational
Classification System (SOC). For SOC comparisons, contact the Bureau of Apprenticeship
and Training, (202) 693-2761.
*Skills-based apprenticeship. No term given.
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