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Savvy Consumer Information Center - Scams and Frauds

Savvy Consumer Information Center - Scams and Frauds

Scams and Frauds
Here are some of the latest Scams, Frauds, and Consumer Abuse items in the news.

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FTC Creates a Consumer Hotline to Assist Victims of Alleged Epixtar Web Cramming Scam - The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced the creation of a hotline for consumers who believe they were victims of an alleged Web "cramming" scam operated by National Online Services, Inc., Liberty Online Services, Inc., B2B Advantage formerly known as SBA Online, Inc., and Ameripages, Inc. a/k/a Amerilinc, Inc. The FTC�s hotline, which will open shortly at 202-326-2998, will advise consumers on what steps to take if they receive a notice from the defendants, and what they should do to obtain a refund. Read more...

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