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Who Develops Noninsulin-Dependent Diabetes?
sex, weight, physical activity, diet, lifestyle, and family health
history all affect someone's chances of developing diabetes. The chances
that someone will develop diabetes increase if the person's parents or
siblings have the disease. Experts now know that diabetes is more common
in African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans and Native Hawaiians
than whites. They believe this is the result of both heredity and
environmental factors, such as diet and lifestyle. The highest rate of
Points to Remember
The following factors increase someone's chances of developing
- obesity
- family history of diabetes
- advancing age
in the world is in an Arizona community of American Indians
called the Pimas. While the chances of developing diabetes increase with
age, gender isn't a risk factor, although African American women are
more likely to develop diabetes than African American men.
While people can't change family history, age, or race, it is
possible to control weight and physical fitness. A doctor can decide
if someone is at risk for developing diabetes and offer advice on
reducing that risk.
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