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What Is Diabetes?
The two types of diabetes, insulin-dependent and noninsulin-dependent,
are different disorders. While the causes, short-term effects, and
treatments for the two types differ, both can cause the same long-term
health problems. Both types also affect the body's ability to use
digested food for energy. Diabetes doesn't interfere with digestion,
but it does prevent the body from using an important product of
digestion, glucose (commonly known as sugar), for energy.
Points to Remember
- Diabetes interferes with the body's use of food for energy.
- While noninsulin-dependent diabetes are different disorders,
they can cause the same complications.
After a meal the digestive system breaks some food down into
glucose. The blood carries the glucose or sugar throughout the body,
causing blood glucose levels to rise. In response to this rise the
hormone insulin is released into the bloodstream to signal the body
tissues to metabolize or burn the glucose for fuel, causing blood
glucose levels to return to normal. A gland called the pancreas, found
just behind the stomach, makes insulin. Glucose the body doesn't use
right away goes to the liver, muscle or fat for storage.
In someone with diabetes, this process doesn't work correctly. In
people with insulin-dependent diabetes, the pancreas doesn't produce
insulin. This condition usually begins in childhood and is also known
as type I (formerly called juvenile-onset) diabetes. People with this
kind of diabetes must have daily insulin injections to survive.
In people with noninsulin-dependent diabetes the pancreas usually
produces some insulin, but the body's tissues don't respond very well
to the insulin signal and, therefore, don't metabolize the glucose
properly, a condition called insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is
an important factor in noninsulin-dependent diabetes.
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