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ContentsWhat You Can Do To Stay Healthy Ask Your Doctor About Checkups, Tests, and Shots You Need |
All of the checkups, tests, and shots covered in this booklet have been proven effective in preventing disease, according to scientific evidence.
I keep track of when my pets need their checkups better than I keep track of when I need my checkups. I can't seem to remember when I need to visit the dentist or get my eyes checked next. So I started to ask my dentist and doctor when I needed my next appointment. I write it down in the personal prevention chart in Staying Healthy at 50+. Brian T. Teeth and Gums
Keep track of when you need your next dentist appointment. Use your personal prevention chart (PDF file for all charts, 26 KB). HearingHearing loss is one of the most common health problems. Because it doesn't cause pain and is not visible, many people refuse to admit that it exists. Hearing loss increases after the age of 50. How can you tell if you have a hearing problem? You may have to strain to hear a normal conversation. Or you may find yourself turning up the volume of the TV and radio so loud that others complain. Talk to your doctor or nurse about your hearing. They may suggest a hearing test. Hearing aids can often help you hear better. VisionPeople aged 45 and older are most affected by vision problems. By age 65, you should see an eye doctor for regular eye exams. Eyeglasses or contact lenses can improve your vision. Doctors also have other methods to improve your vision and prevent you from losing your sight. GlaucomaAfter age 45, glaucoma becomes more common than it is earlier in life. It is a disease that can lead to problems seeing and even to loss of vision. Early treatmentwith medicine, surgery, or bothcan prevent or delay the serious vision problems caused by glaucoma. You are more likely to get glaucoma, and you should see an eye doctor for a glaucoma test, if you:
Ask your doctor: How often do I need to have my eyes checked? Keep track of when you need your next eye doctor appointment. Use your personal prevention chart (PDF file for all charts, 26 KB).
Last year, my doctor told me I have a high cholesterol level. The doctor said to eat the right foods, lose weight, and exercise. I was worried about having a heart attack but I didn't know where to begin. So I went back to my doctor and talked with him about a plan for taking better care of myself. Bernice K. Blood PressureHigh blood pressure can lead to heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease. It is most common in African Americans and people over age 45. Scientific evidence has shown that eating healthy foods and being active are two ways you can keep your blood pressure under control. For more information, see the sections "Eating Right" and "Physical Activity." Some people need to take medicine to keep their blood pressure at healthy levels. If you take medicine, be sure to talk to your doctor about how to take it. Do not skip any doses of medicine. Ask your doctor:
Keep track of your blood pressure. Use your personal prevention chart (PDF file for all charts, 26 KB). CholesterolToo much cholesterol, which can clog your blood vessels, is a major cause of heart disease in men and women. Cholesterol levels start to increase in middle-aged men, in women just before menopause, and in people who have gained weight. The risk of heart disease starts to increase in middle-aged men and women. Research shows that you can lower your cholesterol level and keep a healthy level by eating the right foods, losing extra weight, and being physically active. See the sections "Eating Right" on page 8 and "Physical Activity" on page 10 for more information. Your doctor or other health care provider may suggest you take medicine to lower your cholesterol. Most experts recommend checking your cholesterol every 5 years. Your health care provider may suggest you have it checked more often, especially if your cholesterol is too high. Ask your health care provider:
If you have high cholesterol, talk with your doctor about a plan for lowering it. Keep track of your cholesterol level. Use your personal prevention chart (PDF file for all charts, 26 KB). Diabetes (High Blood Sugar)Diabetes can lead to problems with vision, kidneys, and how well your blood circulates, especially to the lower legs and feet. Most people who have diabetes have type 2 diabetes, the kind that tends to come in middle age. Finding and treating diabetes early can cut your risk for these problems. The chances of getting the most common type of diabetestype 2 diabetesincrease once you reach age 45. Almost 1 in 5 people aged 65-74 has diabetes. You may need a blood test for diabetes if you:
Tuberculosis (TB)TB is a growing problem in the United States, especially among older people. It is an infection that affects the lungs and eventually other parts of the body. This infection can be passed from one person to the next. It is treated more easily if caught early. You are at greater risk for TB and may need a TB test (called a PPD) if you have:
I knew some of my friends were getting tested for colon cancer. But I didn't think it was very important because no one in my family has had colon cancer. Then a good friend of mine was diagnosed with colon cancer and had no family history of it. So I decided to ask my doctor about colon cancer testing. She told me that all people over age 50 need to be tested and then continue to be tested every 5-10 years, depending upon their situation. Sam O. Breast CancerAs women get older, their chances of getting breast cancer increase. In fact, most breast cancers occur in women over the age of 50. Research shows that the best way to find breast cancer is to get a mammogram. This is an x-ray test that can find a breast cancer when it is so small that it cannot be felt. Most breast cancers are treated more easily when found early. All women aged 50 and older should have a mammogram every 1 to 2 years. This recommendation is based on scientific evidence. Ask your doctor how often you need a mammogram. Make sure to tell your doctor if your mother or a sister has had breast cancer. If so, you may need to have mammograms more often than other women. Your doctor may also examine your breasts. Ask your doctor:
Keep track of your mammograms. Use your cancer test chart (PDF file for all charts, 26 KB). Cancer of the CervixAll sexually active women are at risk for cancer of the cervix. Most deaths from cancer of the cervix can be prevented if the cancer is found and treated early. A Pap test can find cancer of the cervix earlywhile it's easier to cure. This simple test saves lives. Based on scientific evidence, women need to have a Pap test every 3 years, some more often. Set a date with your doctor to get a Pap test. Your doctor may suggest stopping Pap tests if:
Tell your doctor if you have had genital warts, a sexually transmitted disease (STD), multiple sex partners, or abnormal Pap tests. If so, you may need Pap tests more often than other women. Ask your doctor:
Keep track of your Pap tests. Use your cancer test chart (PDF file for all charts, 26 KB). Colon CancerColon cancer is the second leading cause of death from cancer. Older men and women are more likely to get colon cancer than those who are younger. But if caught early, colon cancer can be treated more easily. Effective tests are available to find colon cancer. However, many people do not take advantage of these tests. Starting at age 50, you should have tests to detect colon cancer. This advice is based on scientific research. The tests you may have are: Fecal Occult Blood TestTo test for small amounts of blood in your stool. This test should be done yearly. SigmoidoscopyTo look inside the rectum and colon using a small, lighted tube. Your doctor will do this in the office or clinic. This test should be done once every 5 to 10 years. Tell your doctor if you have had polyps or if you have family member(s) with cancer of the colon, intestine, breast, ovaries, or uterus. If so, you may need to be tested more often. Ask your doctor:
Keep track of your tests. Use your cancer test chart (PDF file for all charts, 26 KB). Oral CancerOral cancer includes cancers of the lip, tongue, pharynx, and mouth. Most oral cancers occur in people over age 40 who use tobacco or alcohol. People who are in the sun a lot also are at risk for cancer of the lip. If you chew or smoke tobacco and drink a lot of alcohol, you may want your dentist to examine your mouth for signs of oral cancer during your regular dental checkup. You may also need to see your dentist more often. Scientific evidence shows that you can help prevent oral cancer by not smoking and cutting back on the amount of alcohol you drink. If you are outdoors a lot, you should use a sunblock on your lips. Ask your health care provider:
Keep track of your dental visits. Use your personal prevention chart (PDF file for all charts, 26 KB). Prostate CancerProstate cancer is most common in men over age 50, in African Americans, and in men with a family history of prostate cancer. Tests such as a rectal exam and PSA (prostate-specific antigen) blood test can help detect prostate cancer. Based on research, it is not yet clear whether these tests save lives. Ask your doctor:
Skin CancerSkin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States. Most skin cancers can be cured, especially if they are found and treated early. You may need to have your doctor examine your skin if:
Ways to help prevent skin cancer:
I watched some of my relatives suffer through bouts of pneumonia and just hoped it would never happen to me. I finally realized I could do more than hope. I found out about the pneumonia shot. I got the shot last year and now encourage all my friends and relatives to do the same. Martha A. Adults need shots to prevent serious diseases. You should ask your doctor or other health care provider which shots are right for you. Influenza (flu) shotsEveryone over age 65 needs this every year. You may need flu shots before age 65 if you:
Keep track of the shots you receive. Use the shot charts (PDF file for all charts, 26 KB). Pneumococcal (pneumonia) shotEveryone needs this once at about age 65. If you have diseases of the lung, heart, or kidney; diabetes; HIV; or cancer, you may need this shot before age 65. Keep track of the shots you receive. Use the shot charts (PDF file for all charts, 26 KB). Tetanus-diphtheria shotEveryone needs this every 10 years. Keep track of the shots you receive. Use the shot charts (PDF file for all charts, 26 KB). Hepatitis B shotsDiscuss with your doctor whether you need hepatitis B shots. Generally, you should receive hepatitis B shots if you:
If you are traveling outside the United States, discuss with your doctor whether you need hepatitis B shots. |
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