and Interests
Preteenagers begin to develop hobbies and
life-long interests and enjoy crafts, model kits, magic sets, advanced
construction sets, science kits and sophisticated jigsaw puzzles.
Active play finds its expression in team sports. Painting, sculpting,
ceramics and other art projects continue to be of interest. Toy
Sports equipment and protective gear
Bicycle and helmet
Ice or roller skates/in-line skates and protective gear
Advanced construction sets
Jigsaw puzzles, including three-dimensional puzzles
Puppets, marionettes and theaters
Remote control vehicles
Model kits
Science kits
Magic sets
Craft and handiwork kits
Art supplies
Playing cards
Board games
Chess, checkers, dominoes and other strategy games
Tabletop sports
Video games
Electronic games
Electric trains
Musical instruments
Books (biography, mystery, adventure, science fiction)