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Preparing Your Child for College

FCIC: Preparing Your Child for College

Preparing Your Child for College
A Resource Book for Parents

U.S. Department of Education

Help Your Child Think about a Career


Step 1:

Using the form below, sit down with your child and make a list of jobs that sound interesting. It may help to first think about friends or people you've read about or have seen on television who have interesting jobs. List those jobs in the left-hand column. If your child cannot think of interesting jobs, have him or her list subject areas of interest. Then try to help your child identify jobs in those subject areas. Depending on the job, there may be courses in middle school or high school that will give your child a preview of the type of knowledge that is needed for the particular job. In the right-hand "Education" column, write down the level of education required for the job and any high school or college courses that may help your child prepare for such a career.

Step 2:

Take the form to your local library and, with the help of a reference librarian, locate books and search the Internet for information on some of the careers your child has selected. Libraries usually have directories that list career requirements. It is not a problem if your child does not know what career path he or she wants to follow; his or her focus during these years should be on doing well in school.


Help Your Child Think about a Career

Career of Job Education
1. High School:
2. High School:
3. High School:
4. High School:
5. High School:
6. High School:
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