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Tips For Finding the Right Job [Graphic Omitted] U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration Washington, D.C. 20210 [Graphic Omitted] 1996 U.S. Department of Labor Robert B. Reich, Secretary Employment and Training Administration Timothy Barnacle, Assistant Secretary of Labor Contents Introduction Planning Your Time Determining Your Job Skills Where to Get Job Information Cover Letters and Letters of Application Preparing Your Resume Interviewing Testing After The Interview Books That Can Give You More Tips for Finding the Right Job Introduction YOU NEED A JOB. Somewhere, an employer has the job you want. How do you get that job? By marketing your job talents. By showing employers you have the skills they need. Do you have job talents? YES! Homemakers, disabled individuals, veterans, students just out of school, people already working--all have skills and experience for many good jobs. What you need to know is how to market your talents effectively to find the right job. This pamphlet will help you to: * Evaluate your interests and skills. * Find job information. * Write resumes and application letters. * Prepare for job interviews. * Plan your time. * Take tests. Planning Your Time NOW is the best time to start looking for a job. You're as qualified as other applicants, so start now before someone else gets "your" job. You've already made a good start by reading this pamphlet! What's the most important thing to know about your job search? [Graphic Omitted] FINDING WORK IS A FULL TIME JOB! That means: In a full time job, you: To find a job, you must: Have responsibilities (work Set your own responsibilities duties and procedures) (things you must do everyday to get a job) "Punch a clock" or be at work Wake up early at a set time "on time" to start looking for work Work hard all day, 40 hours Look hard for a job, all day, week 40 hours a week Report to a boss, who makes Be your own boss (or appoint sure you carry-out your a friend to be your "boss") responsibilities to make sure you carry-out your job search responsibilities Tips for Planning an Effective Job Search: * Make a "To Do List" every day. Outline daily activities to look for a job. * Apply for jobs early in the day. This will make a good impression and give you time to complete applications, have interviews, take tests, etc. * Call employers to find out the best times to apply. Some companies take applications only on certain days and times during the week. * Write down all employers you contact, the date of your contacts, people you talk to, and special notes about your contacts. * Apply at several companies in the same area when possible. This saves time and money. * Be prepared. Have a "master application" and resumes, pens, maps and job information with you all the time. Who knows when a "hot lead" will come your way. * Follow up leads immediately. If you find out about a job late in the day, call right then! Don't wait until the next day. * Network. Tell everyone you know that you are looking for job. Stay in touch with friends and contacts. Follow up new leads immediately. * Read pamphlets and books on how to get a job (see the list of books at the back of this brochure). The time you spend reading these materials will save you a lot of time in your job search. * Make automated connections through systems on the Internet, such as America's Job Bank and the Talent Bank Determining Your Job Skills Another tip for finding the right job: Make a list of your background and experience. If you think you don't have any experience -- THINK AGAIN! You may not have specific job experience, but you do have work experience. You have "worked" as a homemaker, a student, a volunteer, in a hobby or some other personal activity. The skills you use for these "jobs" can be applied to other jobs. A background and experience list may help you to: -- fill out job applications -- provide information for job interviews -- prepare resumes (if you're applying for professional or office jobs). Tips for Making a Background and Experience List: Interests and Aptitudes * List your hobbies, clubs you belong to, sports you're involved in, church and school activities, and things that interest you. List things you are good at or have special ability for. [Graphic Omitted] Your list may look like it has nothing to do with job skills or experience. That's O.K. -- the purpose of this list is to make you think about your interests and things you do in everyday life. * Look at the first item on your list. Think about the skills or talents it takes to do that item. Really think about it! All hobbies, activities, etc. take a lot of skills, knowledge and abilities. Write them all down. Here are some examples: Hobbies, Sports, School Skills, Knowledge, Abilities, Activities Things l Do Well: and Talents It Takes To Do These Things: Playing Basketball -- Ability to interact with others ("be a team player") -- Ability to use basic arithmetic (keep track of score) -- Ability to reach, lift, jump, stoop, and run -- Skills in directing others (calling plays, coaching) Homemaking -- Ability to manage budgets -- Ability to handle multiple tasks -- Knowledge of human development -- Skills in teaching/training others -- Cooking, cleaning, laundry Fixing Cars -- Ability to diagnose mechanical problems -- Skill in using a variety of tools -- Ability to see differences in shapes and sizes of objects -- Knowledge of electronics Work History If you've worked before, list your jobs. Include volunteer, part-time, summer, and self-employment. Next, write down work duties for the jobs you listed. Now, think about the skills or talents it took to do each work duty. Write them down. Here's an example: Work Duties Skills or Talents Pick vegetables and fruits on Inspect fruits for a farm damage/ripeness Use hoes, shovels and shears Ability to work quickly and to plant, cultivate, and prune skillfully with hands fruit trees Skill in using tools Ability to work outside for long periods of time Physical endurance Bending, stooping Education * List the schools you attended, dates, major studies or courses completed. Include military and vocational education and on-the-job training. * List degrees, certificates, awards and honors. * Ask yourself what classes or training you liked. Why did you like them? Physical Condition * Do you have any disabilities limiting the kind of work you can do? Companies will often make special accommodations to employ disabled persons (in fact, some accommodations are legally required). If you have strong or special physical capabilities, list these too. Career Goals * What kind of work do you want to be doing 5 or 10 years from now? What kind of job could you get now to help you reach this goal? Matching Your Background And Experience To Jobs Look at the abilities (talents) identified on your background and experience list. You have talents that you use everyday. Now find out what JOBS can use your talents. Start at your local State Employment Service Office ("Job Service"). This office has free information about many jobs. You may be given an appointment with a career counselor who can help you decide what kind of work is best suited to your abilities and interests. While you're at Job Service, ask to see the Guide for Occupational Exploration and the Occupational Outlook Handbook (you can also get these books at most public libraries). These easy to read books, published by the Department of Labor, describe: -- work duties for many different occupations -- skills and abilities needed for different types of jobs -- how to enter occupations -- where jobs are located -- training and qualifications needed -- earnings, working conditions, and future opportunities. Match the skills and abilities in your list to the skills and abilities of different jobs. Don't limit yourself. The important thing is not the job title, but the skills and abilities of the job. You may find that your skills and abilities match with an occupation that you have never thought about. Where To Get Job Information If you know what job skills you have, you are ready to look for a job. You can look for job openings at these sources: [Graphic Omitted] * Networking. Tell everyone you know you're looking for a job. Ask about openings where your friends work. * Private employers. Contact employers directly to market your job talents. Talk to the person who would supervise you even if there are no jobs currently open. * State Employment Service Offices provide help on finding jobs and other services, such as career counseling. See the back of this brochure for the Employment Service Office in your state. * America's Job Bank. A nation-wide pool of job opportunities which will extend your search to other states and can be viewed in your local Employment Service offices or directly through the Internet' HTTP:\\WWW.AJB.DNI.US * Federal, state and local government personnel offices list a wide range of job opportunities. Check the Government listings in your phone book. * Local public libraries have books on occupations and often post local job announcements. Many state libraries are also providing free access to Internet through PCs. * Newspaper ads list various job openings. * Local phone book. Look for career counseling centers in your area (some may require fees). * Private employment and temporary centers offer placement (employer or job hunter may pay a fee). * Community colleges and trade schools usually offer counseling and job information to students and the general public. * Proprietary schools. Private training centers offer instruction in specific trades (tuition is usually required). Check with your office of state education for credible schools. * Community organizations such as clubs, associations, women and minority centers, and youth organizations. * Churches frequently operate employment services or provide job search help. * Veterans' placement centers operate through state employment offices. Veterans' social and help organizations often have job listings for members. * Unions and apprenticeship programs provide job opportunities and information. Contact your state apprenticeship council or relevant labor union directly. * Government sponsored training programs offer direct placement or short-term training and placement for applicants who qualify. Check the yellow pages under Job Training Programs or Government Services. * Journals and newsletters for professionals or trade associations often advertise job openings in their field. Ask for these at the local library. Under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, all of the sources listed above serve persons of any race, color, religion, sex or national origin. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 forbids agencies to discriminate against older workers. Both laws forbid employers to discriminate in hiring. Most Commonly Used Job-search Methods Percent of Total Jobseekers Using the Effectiveness Method Method Rate* 66.0% Applied directly to employer ............... 47.7% 50.8 Asked friends about jobs where they work ... 22.1 41.8 Asked friends about jobs elsewhere ......... 11.9 28.4 Asked relatives about jobs where they work . 19.3 27.3 Asked relatives about jobs elsewhere ....... 7.4 45.9 Answered local newspaper ads ............... 23.9 21.0 Private employment agency .................. 24.2 12.5 School placement office .................... 21.4 15.3 Civil Service test ......................... 12.5 10.4 Asked teacher or professor ................. 12.1 1.6 Placed ad in local newspaper ............... 12.9 6.0 Union hiring hall .......................... 22.2 * A percentage obtained by dividing the number of jobseekers who actually found work using the method, by the total number of jobseekers who tried to use that method, whether successfully or not. Cover Letters & Letters of Application [Graphic Omitted] Letter of Application A letter of application is used when inquiring about a job or submitting an application form. Cover Letter If you're applying for a job that requires a resume, you should write a cover letter to accompany your resume. The purpose of these letters is to: -- tell how your job talents will benefit the company -- show why the employer should read your resume or application form -- ask for a job interview. Tips for writing cover letters include: * Write a separate letter for each job application. * Type letters on quality 8 V~" x 11" paper. * Use proper sentence structure and correct spelling and punctuation. * Convey personal warmth and enthusiasm. * Keep your letter short and to the point. Sample Letter of Application John Kile Ace Auto Service 1369 Oak Street Megapolis, IN 01234 Dear Mr. Kile: I've been checking into auto repair shops in the area to find a garage that has a good reputation and offers an entry mechanic training program. Several sources recommended Ace Auto Service as a reliable garage that uses the latest diagnostic equipment. I've worked on cars with my uncle, who is a member of the "Tin Lizzies" auto club. I'm doing tune-ups through word of mouth referrals and I recently helped overhaul a Nissan 3002X. I've worked with computers in school, so I feel I could learn how to operate computerized diagnostic equipment with minimal training. With my background and interest in car repair, I think I could contribute to the continued success of Ace Auto Service. I will call you on Monday, December 13 to talk to you about possible job opportunities. Sincerely, Joe Clark 6913 Willow Street Megapolis, IN 01234 (321) 345-6789 Show that you've done some homework on the company (you know what they do, their interests and problems). Try to identify something about you that is unique or of interest to the employer. Request an interview. If possible, suggest a specific date and time. Include your address and your telephone number. Cover Letter Mr. Clarence Brown, Supervisor Norton Electronics 6543 Sunrise Ave. Anytown, US 04538 Dear Mr. Brown: I am interested in the position of electronic assembler which you advertised recently in the Anytown Oracle. The enclosed resume outlines my experience and skills in electronics and printed circuit board assembly. I am familiar with Norton Electronics and the quality products you produce. I would like to meet with you to discuss how my skills would benefit Norton Electronics. I may be reached at 778-4321. Sincerely, Rhonda Ramirez 304 Park Street Anytown, US 04536 Address each letter to the specific person you want to talk to (the person who would actually supervise you). Highlight your job qualifications. State the position you are seeking and the source of the job opening (newspaper ad, friend, etc.). Preparing Your Resume You want to apply for a job. Do you need a resume? That depends on the kind of job you're applying for: RESUME Professional, technical, administrative and REQUIRED managerial jobs. Sales positions Secretarial, clerical, and other office jobs RESUME SOMETIMES Skilled jobs (Examples: Baker, Hotel Clerk, REQUIRED Electrician, Drafter, Welder) RESUME Unskilled, quick turnover jobs (Examples: Fast Food NOT REQUIRED Server, Laborers, Machine Loader, Cannery Worker, etc.) Tips for Good Resumes You need two types of information to prepare your resume: 1. Self information. You need to know your job talents, work history, education and career goals. Did you complete your background and experience list on page four? If you did, you have the self information required to prepare your resume. 2. Job information. Gather specific information on the job you're applying for. Here's what you need: * Job duties (to match your skills to the skills needed for the job). Get your job duties from the job announcement. If the announcement or ad is vague, call the employer and ask for a description of job duties. * Education and experience required (again, so you can match your education and experience with that required for the job). * Hours and shifts usually worked. * Pay range (make their top offer the minimum acceptable!). With the information on yourself and the job you're applying for, you're ready to write your resume. Two Types of Resumes: Reverse chronological resumes list jobs you've had. Your most recent job is listed first, your job before that is listed second, and so on. Each job has employment dates and job duties. Functional resumes describe your skills, abilities and accomplishments that relate to the job you're applying for. Employment history is less detailed than chronological resumes. What kind of resume should you use? Answer the following questions: * Have you progressed up a clearly defined career ladder, and you're looking for job advancement? * Do you have recent job experience at one or more companies? If your answer is yes, use a REVERSE CHRONOLOGICAL resume. * Are you a displaced homemaker? * Are you a veteran and you want to relate your military training to civilian jobs? * Do you have little or no job experience? * Do you have gaps in your work history? * Is the job you're applying for different from your present or recent job? * Do you want to emphasize your work skills and accomplishments instead of describing your job duties? If your answer to any of these questions is yes, use a FUNCTIONAL resume. The following pages have examples of both types of resumes and suggestions on how to prepare them. Tips for Preparing a Functional Resume: * Study the duties for the job you're applying for. Identify 2 or 3 general skills that are important to the job. * Review your background and experience list. Find talents and accomplishments that demonstrate your ability to perform the job skills. * List your talents and accomplishments under the job skills they relate to. * Use simple, short, active sentences. This applicant is still in high school. He wants to work part time until he graduates. ROBERT YEE 139 River Lane Ceder, OH 01234 (513) 98745543 OBJECTIVE: Part time entry level position in Bookkeeping QUALIFICATIONS: * Earned Exceptional Accomplishment raise at McDonald's. * Excellent at thinking through problem situations. * 1 year successful experience in Bookkeeping & Cashier at McDonalds. * Finished business classes with high grades. EXPERIENCE Bookkeeping * Accurately completed bookkeeping assignments at McDonald's in half the usual time required. * Recorded daily sales -- computed total items sold and tallied total daily revenues -- assembled monthly reports showing cashiering errors and audited employee register records * Verified accuracy of vendor invoices and helped compute employee hours on time cards. * Balanced family checkbook and helped pay bills. Administrative Support * Assisted store manager in training and assigning employees -- prepared new employee personnel folders -- called substitutes to cover during illness or rush hours. * Filed and retrieved personnel records. * Posted and filed official documents. * Word processed letters; answered telephone; scheduled interviews; made reservations. WORK HISTORY 1990 Full-time student Ceder High School May 89-Present Cashier McDonald's Dec. 88-May 89 Bookkeeper McDonald's summer 1988 Clerk Ceder Recreation Center EDUCATION & TRAINING Senior -- Ceder High School Business courses: Accounting, Word Processing, Journalism President of school Business Club Focus attention on strong points. Most resumes do NOT include references. This applicant is a high school dropout. She has some paid experience, so her resume focuses on related experience and her hobby. JENNIFER A. LONG 215 Amber Lane Tuvax, CA 94321 512-5432 JOB OBJECTIVE: position as a Paralegal QUALIFICATIONS & EXPERIENCE * Strong interest in the law; I spend much of my spare time: -- reading transcripts of old law cases (from law books at the library) -- watching legal/educational programs on TV * Experience as a Legal Secretary: -- updated and maintained the filing system -- processed documents on the word processor -- processed and delivered the mail -- answered the phone and made appointments with clients * Skills -- word processing -- can take dictation -- have an investigative and curious nature * Academic -- Studied business law and legal principles in high school and community college. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY 1987-Present Legal Secretary-- Kramer & Kramer, Truly, CA 1985-87 Receptionist -- Walter Smyte, MD, Swiss, CA 1983-85 Food Server -- Burger King, Swiss, CA EDUCATION Moohey College -- Secretarial courses -- two semesters 1984 Lonemont Community College -- Business courses -- three semesters 1985 Lonemont Adult School -- Equivalency certificate 1983 Personal information that is not related to the job (age, height, weight, and marital status) is NOT included. Describe specific skills and accomplishments, using short sentences. List special skills such as wordprocessing or ability to operate special equipment. Make wide. Leave space between parts of the resume. Tips for Preparing a Reverse Chronological Resume: * List your jobs starting with your present or most recent job. Give exact dates for each job. * Briefly describe the main duties you performed in each job. * Emphasize duties that are important for the job you're applying for. * Use simple, short, active sentences. This applicant has steady employment. Each new job has increased responsibility. LOUISE JOHNSON 543 River Court Nashville, Tennessee 37219 (516) 984-1000 EXPERIENCE Since 1990 Personal Secretary, Cotton Gin Inc., Nashville, Tennessee. Secretary to Personnel Director. Duties Included taking dictation, word processing and scheduling meetings. 1984-90 Secretary, Cotton Gin Inc., Nashville, Tennessee. One of 13 word processors in legal department Duties included entering correspondence and forms on the word processor, proof reading legal documents, and processing the mail. 1979-84 Clerk-Typist, Raymond Sewing Factory, Memphis, Tennessee. Duties included typing forms, processing mail, establishing and maintaining filing system. 1976-79 Receptionist, D.W. Meringue, D.D.S., Memphis, Tennessee. Duties included answering telephone, scheduling appointments, greeting patients and processing billings. SKILLS Can take dictation Wordprocessing Typing Good organizational skills EDUCATION Underwood High School, Nashville, Tennessee. High school diploma with emphasis in business education, 1975. Member, National Honor Society Avoid precise dates--just give years if possible Include scholarships and honors and major school subjects if related to your job goal. 10 Tips for the Effective Resume The following rules apply to all resumes: 1. If possible, use a computer to prepare your resume. There are computer programs that make it easy to produce a professional looking resume. Your local school, library, Employment Service local office or "quick print" shop can help. 2. Do not include irrelevant personal information (age, weight, height, marital status, etc.). 3. Do not include salary and wages. 4. Center or justify all headings. Don't use abbreviations. 5. Be positive. Identify accomplishments. 6. Use action verbs (see the list below). 7. Be specific. Use concise sentences. Keep it short (one page is best). 8. Make sure your resume "looks good" (neat and readable). 9. Proofread the master copy carefully. Have someone else proofread the master copy carefully. 10. Inspect photocopies for clarity, smudges and marks. Action Verbs Action verbs give your resume power and direction. Try to begin all skills statements with an action verb. Here is a sample of action verbs for different types of skills: Management skills administered analyzed coordinated developed directed evaluated improved supervised Technical skills assembled built calculated designed operated overhauled remodeled repaired Clerical skills arranged catalogued complied generated organized processed systematized Creative skills conceptualized created designed established fashioned illustrated invented performed Financial skills administered analyzed balanced budgeted forecast marketed planned projected Helping skills assessed coached counseled diagnosed facilitated represented Research Skills clarified evaluated identified inspected organized summarized Communications skills arranged addressed authored drafted formulated persuaded The Talent Bank Once a resume is completed, it can be fed into the Talent Bank, now available in many local Job Service offices. The "Bank" is an electronically searchable database of resumes or other statements of qualifications from job hunters seeking employment. Those searching for jobs or new opportunities can post their resumes/qualifications to the bank. Employers search the banks to select a group of resumes for further screening. Interviewing Most hiring decisions are made at the first interview. How you come across in that interview could be as important as your experience and job talents. Here are some interviewing tips that will help you get the job you want. Before The Interview: * Learn as much as you can about the company salary and benefits. Friends, neighbors and relatives who work for the company are good sources of information. Libraries, local chambers of commerce, etc. are also helpful. * Learn everything you can about the job and how your previous experience and training qualify you for the job. * Write down the things you will need to complete applications: your background and experience list (contains names of former employers, schools, training, etc.) a resume or summary of your work experience samples of your work (if practical). Also include any work-related or community service awards that you have received. * Be sure to bring your social security card, driver's license, union card, military records, etc. The Interview: * Dress for the interview and the job. Don't overdress or look too informal. * Always go to the interview alone. Arrange for baby sitters, transportation, and other pitfalls ahead of time so that you can be on time and relaxed in the interview. * Find common ground with the employer. Pictures, books, plants, etc., in the employer's office can be conversation. * Express your interest in the job and the company using information you gathered to prepare for the interview. * Let the interviewer direct the conversation. * Answer questions in a clear and positive manner. Show how your experience and training will make you productive in the shortest time with minimal supervision. Note: * Speak positively of former employers and co-workers no matter why you left even if you were fired from your last job. * Let the employer lead into conversations about benefits. Your focus on these items can be a "ram off." But, don't be afraid to ask questions about things that you really need to know. * When discussing salary, be flexible--avoid naming a specific salary. If you're too high, you risk not getting the job. If you're too low, you undersell yourself. Answer questions on salary requirements with responses such as, "I'm interested in the job as a career opportunity so I'm negotiable on the starting salary". Negotiate, but don't sell yourself short. "Closing" the Interview: * If the employer does not offer you a job or say when you will hear about it, ask when you may call to find out about the decision. * If the employer asks you to call or return for another interview, make a written note of the time, date and place. * Thank the employer for the interview and reaffirm your interest and qualifications for the job. Testing For some jobs, you may need to take a test. Usually, the job announcement or ad will say if a test is required. [Graphic Omitted] There are several types of selection and job fitness tests: * Aptitude tests predict your ability to learn and perform job tasks. * Job knowledge and proficiency tests measure what you know and what you can do in a job (for example, word processing speed for a secretary job, knowledge of street names and routes for a fire fighter job, etc.). * Literacy tests measure reading and arithmetic levels. * Personality tests help identify your personal style in dealing with tasks and other people. Certain personalities can be well suited for some jobs and not-so well suited for other jobs. For example, an outgoing person may be well suited for a sales job. * Honesty and Integrity tests evaluate the likelihood of stealing and trustworthiness of applicants. * Physical ability tests measure strength, flexibility, stamina and speed for jobs that require physical performance. * Medical tests determine physical fitness to do a job. * Drug tests show the presence of illegal drugs that could impair job performance and threaten the safety of others. How to prepare for tests: You can't study directly for aptitude tests. But you can get ready to do your best by taking other tests. Look for tests or quizzes in magazines and school books. Set time limits. By taking tests, you learn about the testing process. This helps you feel more comfortable when you are tested. Brush up on job skills. For example, if you're taking a typing test, practice typing. If you're taking a construction test, review books and blueprints. Get ready for physical tests by doing activities similar to those required for the job. For literacy tests, review and do exercises in reading and math books or enroll in remedial classes. It's natural to be nervous about tests (some anxiety may even help you). Here are some tips that will help you take most tests: 1. Make a list of what you need for the test (pencil, eye glasses, I.D., etc.). Check it before leaving. 2. Get a good night's sleep. 3. If you're sick, call and reschedule the test. 4. Leave for the test site early. 5. If you have any physical difficulties, tell the test administrator. 6. If you don't understand the test instructions, ASK FOR HELP before the test begins. 7. If there are strict time limits, budget your time. Don't linger over difficult questions. 8. Find out if guessing is penalized. If it's not, guess on questions you're not sure about. 9. If you have time, review your answers. Check to make sure you did not misread a question or make careless mistakes. 10. You may be able to re-take the test. Ask about the retesting policy. 11. Get a proper interpretation of your scores. The scores may indicate other career opportunities that should be pursued. After the Interview Make each interview a learning experience. After it is over, ask yourself these questions: * What points did I make that seemed to interest the employer? * Did I present my qualifications well? Did I overlook qualifications that were important for the job? * Did I learn all I needed to know about the job? * Did I ask questions I had about the job? * Did I talk too much? Too little? * Was I too tense? Too relaxed? * Was I too aggressive? Not aggressive enough? * Was I dressed appropriately? * Did I effectively close the interview? Make a list of specific ways you can improve your next interview. Remember, "practice makes perfect"-- the more you interview the better you will get at it. [Graphic Omitted] If you plan carefully and stay motivated, you can "market your job talents". You will get a job that uses your skills and pays you well. JOB SEARCH CHECKLIST Complete items 1-3 on this checklist before starting your job search Complete items 4-5 everyday of your job search Complete items 6-9 when you have interviews 1. IDENTIFY -- Make a background and experience list. OCCUPATIONS -- Review information on jobs. (Page 4-8) -- Identify jobs that use your talents. 2. IDENTIFY -- Ask relatives, etc. to help you look for EMPLOYERS job openings. (Page 7-8) -- Go to your State Employment Service Office for assistance. -- Contact employers to get company and job information. -- Utilize other sources (page 7&8) to get job leads. -- Obtain job announcements and descriptions. 3. PREPARE -- Write resumes (if needed). Use job MATERIALS announcements to "fit" your skills with (Page 9-17) job requirements. -- Write cover letters or letters of application. -- Assemble a job search kit: pens, writing tablet, maps, public transportation guides, clean copies of resumes & applications, background and experience list, Social Security Card, and picture ID. -- Use the Talent Bank. 4. PLAN YOUR -- Wake up early to start looking for work. TIME -- Make a "to do" list of everything you'll (Page 2-3) do to look for a job. -- Work hard all day to find a job. -- Reward yourself (do a hobby or sport, visit friends, etc.)! 5. CONTACT -- Call employers directly (even if they're EMPLOYERS not advertising openings). Talk to the (Page 3) person who would supervise you if you were hired. -- Go to companies to fill out applications. -- Contact your friends and relatives to see if they know about any openings. -- Use America's Job Bank on the Internet. 6. PREPARE FOR -- Learn about the company you're interviewing INTERVIEWS with. (Page 18-19) -- Review job announcements to determine how your skills will help you do the job. -- Assemble resumes, application forms, etc. (make sure everything is neat). 7. GO TO -- Dress right for the interview. INTERVIEWS -- Go alone. (Page 18-19) -- Be clean, concise, and positive. -- Thank the interviewer. 8. EVALUATE -- Send a hand written thank you note to the INTERVIEWS interviewer within 24 hours of the interview. (Page 22-23) -- Think about how you could improve the interview. 9. TAKE TESTS -- Find out about the test(s) you're taking. (Page 20-21) -- Brush up on job skills. -- Relax and be confident. 10. ACCEPT -- Understand job duties & expectations, work THE JOB! hours, salary, benefits, etc. -- Be flexible when discussing salary (but don't sell yourself short). -- CONGRATULATIONS! Books That Can Give You More Tips for Finding the Right Job Everything You Need For Your Job Search Bolles, Richard N., What Color Is Your Parachute? Ten Speed Press, Box 7123, Berkeley, CA 94707. Updated annually. Figler, Howard E., The Complete Job Search Handbook: Presenting the Skills You Need to Get Any Job, And Have A Good Time Doing It. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 383 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10017. 1979. Collard, Betsy A., The High-Tech Career Book. Finding Your Place in Today's Job Market. William Kaufmann, Inc., 95 1st St., Los Altos, CA 94022. 1986. Durkin, Jon, "Mid-Life Career Changes." Johnson O'Connor Research Foundation, Human Engineering Laboratory, 701 Sutter St., San Francisco, CA 94109. Wegmann, Robert, and Chapman, Robert, and Johnson, Miriam, Work in the New Economy: Careers and Job Seeking into the 21st Century. JIST Works, 720 North Park Ave., Indianapolis, Indiana 46202. 1989. Resume Writing: Parker, Yana, The Damn Good Resume Guide. Ten Speed Press, Box 7123, Berkeley, CA 94707. 1986. Interview Skills: Hellman, Paul, Ready, Aim, You're Hired!: How to Job-Interview Successfully Anytime, Anywhere with Anyone, AMACOM, 135 W. 50th St., New York, NY 10020. 1986. Medley, H. Anthony, Sweaty Palms -- The Neglected Art of Being Interviewed. Ten Speed Press, Box 7123, Berkeley, CA 94707. 1984. Young Job Seekers: Haldane, Bernard, and Jean, and Martin, Lowell, Job Power: The Young People's Job Finding Guide. Acropolis Books Ltd., 2400 17th St. NW, Washington, DC 20009. 1980. Durkin, Jon, "Mid-Life Career Changes." Johnson O'Connor Research Foundation, Human Engineering Laboratory, 701 Sutter St., San Francisco, CA 94109. Women Job Seekers: Educational Testing Service, Publication Order Services, CN 6736, Princeton, NJ 08541-6736. I CAN Lists. (Classifies homemaker skills under various job titles in business) Disabled Workers: Klein, Karen with Hope, Carla Derrick, Bouncing Back From Injury: How to Take Charge of Your Recuperation. Prima Publishing & Communications, P.O. Box 1260BB, Rocklin, CA 95677. 1988. Minority Group Applicants: Johnson, Willis L., Ed., Directory of Special Programs for Minority Group Members: Career Information Services, Employment Skills Banks, Financial Aid Sources, 4th ed. Garrett Park Press, P.O. Box 190, Garrett Park, MD 20896. 1986. Job Skill Requirements: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Supt. of Documents, U.S. Govt. Printing Off., Washington, DC 20402. (Describes hundreds of occupations and thirty-five major industries) Guide for Occupational Exploration. Supt. of Documents, U.S. Govt. Printing Off., Washington, DC 20402. Training: National Association of Trade and Technical Schools, 2251 Wisconsin Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20009 (202) 333-1021. (A list of accredited technical schools). Federal Job Opportunities U.S. Office of Personnel Management, Career America, Supt. of Documents, U.S. Govt. Printing Off., Washington, DC 20402. State Employment Service Offices ALABAMA Employment Service, Dept. of Industrial Relations 469 Monroe Street Montgomery, AL 36130 (334) 242-8990 ALASKA Alaska Employment Service Department of Labor P.O. Box 25509 Juneau, AK 99802-5509 (907) 465-2712 ARIZONA Department of Economic Security P.O. Box 6123-010A Phoenix, AZ 85005 (602) 542-5678 ARKANSAS Employment Security Division P.O. Box 2981 Little Rock, AR 72203 (501) 682-2121 CALIFORNIA Job Service Division P.O. Box 826880-MIC 37 Sacramento, CA 94280-0001 (916) 654-9047 COLORADO Department of Labor & Employment Tower 2, Suite 400 1515 Arapahoe St. Denver, CO 80202-2117 (303) 620-4700 CONNECTICUT CT Labor Department 200 Folly Brook Blvd. Wethersfield, CT 06109 (203) 566-4384 DELAWARE DE Department of Labor 820 North French St., 6th Flr. Wilmington, DE 19714-9499 (302) 577-2713 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA DC Department of Employment Services 500 C Street, NW, Rm. 600 Washington, D.C. 20001 (202) 724-7107 FLORIDA Dept. of Labor & Employment Security 2012 Capitol Circle, SE Suite 303, Hartman Bldg. Tallahassee, FL 32399-2152 (904) 922-7021 GEORGIA GE Department of Labor 148 International Blvd, NE Suite 400 Atlanta, GA 30303 (404) 656-3011 HAWAII Department of Labor & Industrial Relations 830 Punchbowl St., Room 320 Honolulu, HI 96813 (808) 586-8844 IDAHO Department of Employment 317 Main Street Boise, ID 83735 (208) 334-6110 ILLINOIS Department of Employment Security 401 South State St., Suite 624 Chicago, IL 60605 (312) 793-9279 INDIANA Department of Workforce Development 10 North Senate Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46204-2277 (317) 233-5661 IOWA Department of Employment Services 1000 East Grand Avenue Des Moines, IA 50309 (515) 281-5365 KANSAS Department of Human Resources 401 Topeka Blvd. Topeka, KS 66603 (913) 296-7474 KENTUCKY Department for Employment Services 275 E. Main Street Frankfort, KY 40621 (502) 564-5331 LOUISIANA Office of Employment Security P.O. Box 94094 Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9094 (504) 342-3013 MAINE Department of Labor P.O. Box 309 Augusta, ME 04330-0309 (207) 287-3788 MARYLAND Department of Economic & Employment Development 1100 North Eutaw St., Rm. 600 Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 767-2400 MASSACHUSETTS Department of Employment & Training 19 Stanford St., 3rd Floor Boston, MA 02114 (617) 626-6600 MICHIGAN Employment Security Commission 7310 Woodward Avenue Detroit, MI 48202 (313) 876-5901 MINNESOTA Department of Economic Security 390 North Robert St. St. Paul, MN 55101 (612) 296-3711 MISSISSIPPI Employment Security Commission P.O. Box 1699 Jackson, MS 39215-1699 (601) 961-7400 MISSOURI Department of Labor and Industrial Relations P.O. Box 504 Jefferson City, MO 65102-0504 (314) 751-4091 MONTANA Department of Labor & Industry State Capitol Helena, MT 59624 (406) 444-3555 NEBRASKA Department of Labor 550 South 16th St. Lincoln, NE 68509 (402) 471-3405 NEVADA Department of Employment Training and Rehabilitation 1830 East Sahara Las Vegas, NV 89104 (702) 486-7923 NEW HAMPSHIRE Department of Employment Security 32 South Main Street Concord, NH 03301-4857 (603) 228-4000 NEW JERSEY Department of Labor CN 110 Trenton, NJ 08625-0110 (6O9) 292-2323 NEW MEXICO Department of Labor P.O. Box 1928 Albuquerque, NM 87103 (305) 841-8409 NEW YORK Department of Labor State Campus Building 12 Albany, NY 12240 (518) 457-2741 NORTH CAROLINA Employment Security Commission P.O. Box 25903 Raleigh, NC 27611 (919) 733-7546 NORTH DAKOTA Job Service ND P.O. Box 5507 Bismarck, ND 58506-5507 (701) 328-2836 OHIO Bureau of Employment Services 145 S. Front Street Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-2100 OKLAHOMA Employment Security Commission 215 Will Rogers Memorial Office Bldg. 2401 N. Lincoln Oklahoma City, OK 73105 (405) 557-7201 OREGON Employment Department 875 Union Street, N.E. Salem, OR 97311 (503) 378-3208 PENNSYLVANIA Department of Labor and Industry Labor & Industry Building, Room 1700 Harrisburg, PA 17121 (717) 787-3756 PUERTO RICO Bureau of Employment Security 505 Munoz Rivera Avenue Hato Rey, PR 00918 (809) 754-5376 RHODE ISLAND Department of Employment and Training 101 Friendship Street Providence, RI 02903-3740 (401) 277-3732 SOUTH CAROLINA Employment Security Commission P.O. Box 995 Columbia, SC 29202 (803) 737-2617 SOUTH DAKOTA Department of Labor 700 Governor's Drive Pierre, SD 57402-4730 605-773-3101 TENNESSEE Department of Employment Security 500 James Robertson Parkway, 12th Floor-Volunteer Plaza Nashville, TN 37245-0001 (615) 741-2131 TEXAS Texas Workforce Commission 101 E. 15th Street Austin, TX 78778 (512) 463-2213 UTAH Department of Workforce Services 140 East 300 South P.O. Box 143001 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-3001 (801) 531-3780 VERMONT Department of Employment and Training P.O. Box 488 Montpelier, VT 05601-0488 (802) 828-4300 VIRGIN ISLANDS Department of Labor 2131 Hospital Street Christianstead, St. Croix USVI 00802 (809) 773-1994 VIRGINIA VA Employment Commission 703 East Main Street Richmond, VA 23219 (804) 786-3001 WASHINGTON Employment Security Department P.O. Box 9046 Olympia, WA 98507-9046 (360) 902-9301 WEST VIRGINIA Bureau Employment Security 112 California Avenue Charleston, WV 25305-0112 (304) 558-2630 WISCONSIN Department of Industry, Labor & Human Relations P.O. Box 7946 Madison, WI 53707 (608) 266-7552 WYOMING Department of Employment 122 West 25th Street Herschler Bldg., 2nd Floor Cheyenne, WY 82002 (307) 777-6402 National Office United States Employment Service 200 Constitution Ave. NW Room N-4470 Washington, DC 20210 (202) 219-5257