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College Handbook

College Handbook
Page 1
A Note to Middle School and Junior High School Students from the U.S. Secretary of Education

Count yourself in. Think about going to college.

I am very glad to have this chance to encourage you to keep your education sights high as you go through your middle school or junior high school years. In this communications era, information comes to us from all sides. And you are in a time of your life when you are thinking about high school and about what you're going to do after high school.

It's a complicated time, but as I visit hundreds of schools and so many students across the country, I continue to be impressed with the way that young people are thinking it all out.

Sometimes you may worry and wonder, "How can I go to college?" I want to suggest a few things in particular. First of all, don't wait until your junior or senior year in high school to think about education after high school. The time to begin planning is now. And don't ever let the thought that you don't have the money to pay for college stand in your way. We have some laws now that allow for HOPE Scholarship tax credits, increases in Pell Grants, and student loans so that every child in America has a chance to pay for college for at least two years beyond high school.

Given the financial help you can get to go to college, never give up on the chance! Plan carefully and prepare by taking the courses necessary to get into college-prep and tech-prep courses in high school. Take algebra beginning in the eighth grade and bu ild from there. Keep your personal expectations and standards high. We are counting on you.

I feel very good about this generation of young people. You might dress a little differently, look a little differently, talk a little differently from my generation, but I'm very proud of you, and I have great confidence in your future.

Yours sincerely,

Richard W. Riley

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